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Viewing comments for Chapter 14 "First Contact"
Jim and Lenny are hired to find a stalker

24 total reviews 
Comment from SiscoMolina
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Came in the middle here but I like the story even though I am a little lost. Great cliffhanger. Very well written but I did find this.

"Dr. Baker, it is my distinct pleasure to tell you I came here authorized to offer our unconditional assistance and an immediate check for fifty million dollars. It is a no-strings offering to be used where you feel it is most needed." glittering black eyes darted around the room as though the gauntlet had been laid down. Indeed, it had.
Capitalize "Glittering"?

 Comment Written 03-Aug-2008

reply by the author on 04-Aug-2008
    Hey Jelly.....what a cute name!

    I fixed that "G" and thanks for the eagle eye! Hope you'll stop by again soon!

Comment from Korton
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Excellent continuation chapter. Something is definitely amiss here. If this project is so secret, how did the kidnappers know about it? Do they have information from potential investors at the Washington meeting? The timing of the kidnapping seems to coincide perfetcly. There is a mole here somewhere. It would seem also that the police would be scouring the area around the cut in the fence for trace evidence. They didn't get her through that hole without leaving something behind. They should also be able to determine that Tom had a different point of entry. Many questions that I am sure will be revealed as we go along. Very well done.

 Comment Written 03-Aug-2008

reply by the author on 04-Aug-2008
    Hey Frank!

    Well, of course, we have a spy...a mole somewhere. Now just who the heck is it? Who has that kind of knowledge...hehe...the shadow knows!! LOL, remember that one? Oh yes, so stay tuned! Same bat time, same bat station!

    I love your reviews, my friend. They so often give me little tidbits to use later and I chuckle when you get soooo close!

Comment from dportwood
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

'First Contact' is refreshing and enjoyable it is so well written. The cliff hanger is a nice lead-in to the next chapter. I wonder how Dr. Baker liked the last half of his steak.
Good job.

 Comment Written 03-Aug-2008

reply by the author on 04-Aug-2008
    LOL! Duane,

    That was the first thing I thought of. Can you imagine being in a restaurant and getting news like that? Sheesh!

    Thanks so much for the R&R. Hope to see you again soon,

Comment from RenieReader
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It's hitting the fan now, just as the two men think they've got it made. It seems like the have-nots always want to take away by force, what others have worked so hard to acquire. Excellent chapter, Gayle. I love the way you show us how the dogs work. Super.


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 Comment Written 03-Aug-2008

reply by the author on 04-Aug-2008
    Hey Renie,

    This one has so many twisty turns it's a ball to write. Glad you like reading it! I'm finding myself starting to roll, which is another way of saying 'fast fingers' which is an excuse for spaggies. Can't seem to help it. I get to this stage...the one coming up, and man!

    Thanks for being there and keep an eagle eye out!
