Reviews from


A man with schizophrenia

22 total reviews 
Comment from chrissy8
This work has reached the exceptional level

This is just a fabulous poem!! People simply do not give mental health enough attention in this climate of divisiveness. Spectacular image. I do not personally know of anyone with schizophrenia but I feel after reading your poem, that I have just met someone that does. I am a nurse and have met people who have it, but this gave me a look into their minds. Thanks so much for sharing and being brave,

 Comment Written 02-Oct-2018

reply by the author on 02-Oct-2018
    Wow. Thank you chrissy8 so much for the extra star. Put a smile on my face. Thank you also for your awesome review
reply by chrissy8 on 02-Oct-2018
    You are so very welcome!
Comment from Sandra du Plessis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A very well-written poem about the mental illness Schizophrenia. When we do not know the person is sick we can easily put ourselves into deathly danger, because they believe the voices in their heads are real and they have to follow the instructions.

 Comment Written 02-Oct-2018

reply by the author on 02-Oct-2018
    Thank you Sandra for your wonderful review
Comment from Mary Hollingsworth
This work has reached the exceptional level

Very good AWARENESS Pam to prevent innocent bi-standers from becoming victims of circumstances or fatalities. My mother became schizophrenic after a few years of loosing her sight. Demons are real. She was blind and chased me all over the house with a knife. She didn't acknowledge me as her daughter. She had another voice. I had to lock the door and call the police. She was apprehended and diagnosed, then prescribed meds. They helped but she still heard voices. THANKS for sharing.

 Comment Written 02-Oct-2018

reply by the author on 02-Oct-2018
    Wow, Mary. I am so sorry you went through that. On top of what is happening with your son, you must be a strong woman. I think your faith keeps you afloat.
reply by Mary Hollingsworth on 04-Oct-2018
    yes it's by God's Grace and Mercy. thank you Pam your are such a blessing to me in many ways.
Comment from Dolly'sPoems
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is such a terrible condition to deal with both for the sufferer and victims, sympathy and understanding is needed but the priority is to keep everyone safe first, a frightening write Pam, I'm glad your sister is okay! My brother can also be violent but he does not have this excuse, love Dolly x

 Comment Written 02-Oct-2018

reply by the author on 02-Oct-2018
    Thank you Dolly for your lovely review. My brother is normally the sweetest most considerate man. Take care
Comment from Gloria ....
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Schizophrenia is a horrible brain disease and I have known a few people taken down by the illness. Still it's little understood, but medications certainly do help, but then once they're feeling better they go off it, and they're right back. It must be just horrid to live with, but thank goodness society has grown enough to realize it's a brain disease and not caused by faulty thinking, or like back in the dark ages cause by the devil. Yeesh.

Great job Pam and you are a most kind sister too.


 Comment Written 02-Oct-2018

reply by the author on 02-Oct-2018
    Thank you Gloria. I may be hard hearted, but if a schizophrenic knows he will be violent if he stops his meds, then if he stops taking them and commits a violent act, insanity should not be an allowable defense. Because he knew it might happen. This would be if he had already been violent before the meds
Comment from jenintorre
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A very interesting poem about schizophrenia also very shocking as it is based on truth. I have read the last line several times but don't understand it. You have chosen a terrific picture to go with your piece. Take care Jen. X

 Comment Written 02-Oct-2018

reply by the author on 02-Oct-2018
    The last line? A person with schizophrenia hears voices telling him to do things. This voice told him that he would be saving his sister?s soul if he killed her. If he did not kill her, she would stay in Satan?s grip. That is why he was glad. He had saved his sister?s soul. Thank you for your lovely review
Comment from ChibiElf
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow, that was so rough, I can't imagine going through what you and your sister did. Hopefully, this will help other people.

I really love your poem. I hardly ever give five stars, I believe it needs to be earned.

To get six, I believe it should be perfect, and hardly anything is perfect. Because the subject you are addressing is so dark and serious, I feel it is weakened by having it rhyme. That style is just too lighthearted for the subject matter, in my opinion. That's all, great job!

 Comment Written 02-Oct-2018

reply by the author on 02-Oct-2018
    Interesting ChibiElf. Somebody else said that about a serious subject where the poem rhymed. How do you think such a poem should be written?

    Free verse, maybe?

    Thank you very much for your observations and excellent review and rating.
reply by ChibiElf on 02-Oct-2018
    Yes, free verse.
Comment from Alexander Vasa
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello Pamusart, I am glad that it was a fictitious fact - your sister being deceased. It is very hard for people with this condition, and it is good that it can be treated quite effectively with meds, as long as they take them. Some are terrors for thinking they are okay and so they slip back without their medication. I work in mental health, so I get it, and the families often need help with dealing with their loved one.
Great poem for heightening awareness of this devastating illness and thanks for sharing it. The picture is so accurate for representing this in your poem. Cheers, and it's nice to see you today, Ana.

 Comment Written 01-Oct-2018

reply by the author on 02-Oct-2018
    Thank you Ana for your insightful review. What is your profession in mental health? Nice to see you too
reply by Alexander Vasa on 02-Oct-2018
    I have a degree in psychology. But I'm on maternity leave.
reply by Alexander Vasa on 02-Oct-2018
    I have to confess that I'm not missing it, though, lol.
Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

How scary for your sister and how mad she must have felt after all she did for him. I guess it would be good to get him help but people with that kind of severe mental illness are not usually willing to receive help. Hope he's okay now.

 Comment Written 01-Oct-2018

reply by the author on 02-Oct-2018
    He is okay now. He has taken his meds since that incident. Thank you for your sobering review
Comment from ciliverde
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh boy, this is so powerful, especially with that ending where the brother is smiling... it is chilling. I know the meds for this disease make people not feel good, which is why they are often not compliant with taking the medicine. I truly hope things work out for your brother. Your poem was very well done...and disturbing, which I know it was intended to be,

 Comment Written 01-Oct-2018

reply by the author on 02-Oct-2018
    Yes, Carol. It is frightening. My brother would never risk the safety of another person by stopped by his meds deliberately. Thank you for your awesome review