Reviews from


Metaphoric Morphine for the Soul

15 total reviews 
Comment from ywedgwood
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi Marisa:
This is a wonderful piece of writing and one can see immediately that you have a very good English grammar background (are you a teacher?). Your sentiments about writing mirror mine exactly. What a buzz one gets when the right word to rhyme in a poem eventually comes into the head. As you say it is a great release - I think that writing can be compared with the adrenalin one gets from physical exercise, and as you point out a lot of pain goes along with the pleasure. (No pain no gain). I like the quotes you include and agree that the English language is beautiful in the hands of people like Churchill, Ghandi, Keats and Browning and of course many more too numerous to mention. I personally also admire the quotes of Oscar Wilde and Mark Twain - their wit was amazing.
May I ask who your favorite novelists are? I am ashamed to admit I have only just read Arundhati Roy's "The God of Small Things" (winner of the 1997 Booker Prize). Reading this you run the full gammit of emotions, humour, sadness, hopelessness, bitterness, corruption, and downright evil as portrayed by the characters - perfectly described by you in your paragraph about finding an author you love. This review is turning into a 'chapter' so better finish. This piece is perfect. The only query I have is the word 'necked'. Is this a typo for 'naked'. I have consulted the New Oxford American Dictionary and Thesaurus but can find no reference to this word meaning naked?? HAPPY NEW YEAR from Woody

 Comment Written 05-Jan-2013

reply by the author on 05-Jan-2013
    So sorry I sent you dashing for the dictionaries. It was definitely a typo ... thanks for the catch.

    I too love Oscar Wilde and Mark Twain ... their wit is timeless.

    One of my favorite Wilde quotes is ... "At the New York customs I have nothing to declare except my own genius." it is quintessential Oscar Wilde.

    I have a number of authors I read and my reading interests are varied. They range from Sun Tzu to Dante's Divine Comedy to a Swedish mystery writer. I love to read about political figures, especially historical ones.

    I am so taken with and greatly appreciate this lovely review. Thank you so much for the read.

reply by ywedgwood on 05-Jan-2013
    Hi Marisa: You are very welcome.
    I too love that famous quote and have always wanted to say that when asked by a customs officer "Do you have anything to declare?"
    I'd probably end up in jail though as customs people are not noted for their sense of humour!!!! My favorite Wilde quote is "to lose one parent is unfortunate but to lose two parents is downright careless". I'm quoting from memory so may not be word perfect?
Comment from Florrie
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This piece impressed me with its description of a writer and writing. I, too, think words are the most powerful magnet to swaying people to the right or left. I must hurry to put them down on paper. florrie

 Comment Written 05-Jan-2013

reply by the author on 05-Jan-2013
    Florrie, I am so very pleased that you enjoyed this piece. Thank you for your review and comments.
reply by Florrie on 06-Jan-2013
    You are welcome. Have a good word day. florrie
Comment from el twelve
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I agree with you thoroughly, you have done just that so congrats, I enjoy your writing to always want to read and read with enthusiasm because there is so much emotion. You are so well written I read with ease. Take care and keep it up.

 Comment Written 05-Jan-2013

reply by the author on 05-Jan-2013
    I really appreciate your kind words and am always happy to see that you enjoy what I write.
Comment from dejohnsrld (Debbie)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Writing and finding of other writers is definitely a joy to behold. I think this is why so many of us stay on Fanstory. WWriting is an addiction and it is sometimes hard to get enough. Good luck~Debbie

 Comment Written 05-Jan-2013

reply by the author on 05-Jan-2013
    Thank you Debbie and happy continued addiction to you, as well.
Comment from Gregory K Shipman
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow!... You Pied Piper in Pied Piper clothing... You bought me to tears (I'm lying but I came close to one tear). You're like a world class sprinter standing in front of a group of new sprinters and saying, 'I'm just so, so impressed with your ability to run kinda fast.'

I've been more and more inclined to wonder if you're a 'ringer'... you write with a magic pen... I'm always amazed at the group of stellar writers on this site and being from B-More, I'm suspicious when they downplay their skills... where I'm from that's the beginning of a great con... and everybody knows that's the prelude to a fool and his money is soon parted.'

But because I am so impressed with your pen, I'll make you this offer. You mentioned 'characters' floating in Hotel Cranium... I'd be more than happy to give you all of mine, BUT... you have to take my shrinks and dysfunctions with them (that's called a package deal, you possible hustler).

Lemme know... I usually hang out on the corner of Bond and Lafayette. I'm on one corner, church on another, a rib joint's on the third and a drug crew on the fourth. I'll be easy to spot; I'll be the mesmerized dude with a backwards Kangol cap.

Peace on you sister, and keep writing... Prolific is not a disease... at least, I don't think so.


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 Comment Written 05-Jan-2013

reply by the author on 05-Jan-2013
    Okay, did you possibly dip your beak in some cynical brew this afternoon, as I am not getting a very good vibe from your review?

    It appears that you feel I am pulling some sort of con or a possible hustle. I have to tell you the only hustle I ever participated in was a group dance back in the day.

    Itâ??s okay, you can keep your cast of characters and your dysfunctions â?¦ they have been with you for awhile and you know best how to handle them.

    Take care and thanks for the read â?¦.. I guess??
reply by Gregory K Shipman on 05-Jan-2013
    Dear Woman,

    I am giving you the highest compliment my East Baltimore Asset can give you... you downplay your considerable literary skills when I consider them magi-nificant!

    You write like eagles fly, mamasita

    My characters are heartbroken (damn turncoats that they are!) they wanted to hang with you... it's probably better this way... they're mostly unruly and hard to put to bed at night!
reply by the author on 05-Jan-2013
reply by Gregory K Shipman on 05-Jan-2013
    Well, young lady... that was an interesting comment... *smile*
reply by the author on 05-Jan-2013
    Oh, okay ... sorry, guess I'm a little slow on the uptake today.

    Just so we're on the same page and I am sure that you aren't reaching for your piece or getting a couple of guys to break my thumbs.

    See I'm used to the West Coast Sicilian crowd and if they even think for one minute you are pulling a con on them .... Well, let's just say you will most likely end up being reinforcement material for a new bridge and they build a lot of bridges out that way.

    Thanks for the clarification and I greatly appreciate the compliment.

reply by Gregory K Shipman on 05-Jan-2013
    Whoa!... glad we got that straightened out! *smile*... in my neighborhood of old, we don't build bridges... they make us nervous, we're a close-knit group... and we don't have to hide our watermelon-eating!
reply by the author on 06-Jan-2013
    You should come to Tejas .... No one here hides their watermelon eating, in fact we have contests to see who can consume the most melon in one sitting. Hell, we even have contests to see who can grow the 'biggest' melon .... This was started by the men as you can well imagine ... We all know how you guys love to 'measure' things!
reply by Gregory K Shipman on 06-Jan-2013
    Actually, a contest would take the pleasure out of eating watermelons... but then that's just me.

    I do know men love to measure things... I, however; have another belief. I believe pleasure is the measure... don't shoot me, I'm just my own messenger