Reviews from

Hey Babe, Wanna Boogie?

thoughts on dating

55 total reviews 
Comment from WadUK
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

First I must declare an interest - I met my wife on a dating site. It was a short marriage as she died three years after the wedding.

I was lucky with the first one so after a respectful period I went back to the sites. Oh Boy. Where do they come from? Ladies who reduce their age and increase their bust size, married but declaring themselves either separated or conveniently single. And the emotional baggage that is never declared until the second date. As the British comedian Bill Bailey says "never, ever go to bed with anyone with more problems than you!"

I'll stick to tried and tested techniques from now on if only my sister would stop trying to fix me up with her friend Paula!

Seriously (or almost) I loved this - we obviously have similar problems with the dating agencies on this side of the Atlantic. And some of them are as unremovable as Athlete's Foot - once you are on their list the emails never stop.

Keep writing - Pat (WadUK)

PS Is unremovable a word???

 Comment Written 11-Jan-2012

reply by the author on 11-Jan-2012
    Hi, Pat. Unremovable works for me! You are very funny and I absolutely adored this review. This is probably TMI, but I've had Athlete's Foot and it sucks, so I really appreciated your image. Having heard from reviewers of some happy endings for those who used dating services, I'm willing to concede the possibility that it's a viable dating option. I really hope you'll consider doing a humerous essay. I'd definitely be interested in reading your thoughts on any subject, Pat. Thanks so much for your time and interest...Bev
reply by WadUK on 11-Jan-2012
    Hi Bev, Thanks for the reply. I already have quite a lot of pieces on Fan Story - most of them demonstrating my quirky sense of humour. Have a browse.

    Regards, Pat
reply by the author on 11-Jan-2012
    Well, I sure will! I'll let you know what I think, my friend.
Comment from closetpoetjester
This work has reached the exceptional level

Haha, I like totally like agree...FFS! No offence taken Bevtorious and this is the funniest thing I have read this week...I can't say I'm in for this computer dating crap (well, if I was single) everyone surely pumps up their image to portray someone they are not really.
Very few put the "real me" up there...thats for sure.
I'm who I am warts and all, take me or leave me and I don't believe dating sites can form lasting relationships perhaps until the respective members have met face to face...
Its one of the few places where you kind of get to make a second impression...Trouble is, if it don't match up relatively well with the first one, you've just cooked your goose. It pays to be up front.
Cheers on a great piece of work here...deserves a sixer in my book...Bevtastic.
Closet xoxo

 Comment Written 10-Jan-2012

reply by the author on 11-Jan-2012
    Hi, closet. I've got to write down these names you come up with! I really like Bevtorius, too. Makes me feel kinda cool. And I know that you are one of the most honest reviewers - and people - on this site. So, I'm over the moon with this awesome and generous review. I've heard from a few reviewers that tell me about success stories through online dating. But I'm sticking to my story, sister! Love ya, Bev
reply by closetpoetjester on 11-Jan-2012
    My bro just broke up with his missus that he met on a dating site. LOL
    The proof is IN our family my friend.
    But I apprecite some online relationships can be made a go of.
reply by the author on 11-Jan-2012
    Hey, I'm going to be e-mailing you in the next day or so, P. I'm curious about something and you may be able to provide an answer. Talk soon! Love ya, Bev
reply by closetpoetjester on 11-Jan-2012
    Sure HAVE my email?
    If not...lemme know I drop you a pm.
    Cheers closet xoxo
reply by the author on 11-Jan-2012
    Yeah, I have it, closet. Xxx Bev
Comment from Pen&Ink
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well done Bev! I think you really hit the nails on the head with this one. An entertaining read with no errors to nip pick. Besides, I agree with 99.99% of what you say.


 Comment Written 10-Jan-2012

reply by the author on 10-Jan-2012
    Hi, Ray. Thank you for your great review. Nice to know I'm not the only one that's still old-fashioned in my views on dating. In fact, I've heard from quite a few who share 'our' view of it. Take care, my friend. Bev
Comment from Betty517
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I am so tired of the word like too! I like this piece though! LOL! You are so right to meet someone on a computer seems strange to me too but like you I met my husband 33 years ago the old fashioned way and it was pretty awkward at first! Great read.


 Comment Written 10-Jan-2012

reply by the author on 10-Jan-2012
    Hi, Betty. Yes, I agree that dating is awkward any way you do it. Thanks so much for your great review and support for the write. Warm regards, Bev
Comment from ScarletClearwater
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I loved your little date list. It was fun to read through. So true. Great job with the caveman crack. That was pretty funny. Great job!

 Comment Written 10-Jan-2012

reply by the author on 10-Jan-2012
    Thank you, Scarlet. I really appreciate your interest and support. Warm regards, Bev
Comment from JW
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is an interesting article. And, by the way, what's new in the stone age? :-)

There is no doubt that things have dramatically changed since the time the two of us were in the dating phase.

Thanks for sharing this. JW

 Comment Written 10-Jan-2012

reply by the author on 10-Jan-2012
    Thanks for your witty review, Jonathon. I really appreciate the support! Warm regards, Bev
Comment from Enrique28
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A very well narrated and amusing piece of writing! It is a clever depiction of using such dating services, and of the fact that they are in the business of having to attract punters. You seem to allude that there are pitfalls, but it's a thing of the future, and a chance worth taking. Great stuff!


 Comment Written 10-Jan-2012

reply by the author on 10-Jan-2012
    Thank you, Enrique. I very much appreciate your awesome review. Thank you for taking the time out to read and offer your personal insights. Good to hear what works in a piece. Warm regards, Bev
Comment from Permelia
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

After my brothers first wife died, - about seven years later- he joined a church dating system- and they e-mailed each other- the day, he signed his first name and told her he had been a school teacher in a town he taught in- she immediately asked him,"Are you ---?" He was stunned! It seems he taught her four children, who had adored him, and when they married, her son was a minister, and performed the wedding. Sometimes it works out okay- but personally, I wouldn't trust all men just because they went to church!

 Comment Written 10-Jan-2012

reply by the author on 10-Jan-2012
    Hi, Permelia. Thank you for your beautiful review and sharing the story of your brother. What a great ending and proves why these dating services remain popular. I've heard from quite a few folks who've told stories with good outcomes. But, most like me, are happy to keep to the 'old' ways. Warmest regards, Bev
Comment from Eleanor Buron
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a totally enjoyable read written in a very creative way. Direct writing with some colorful observations LOL. I like the cleverly funny comparisons, and laughed at "" - the references to Geico's caveman and Monk; I think you did a great job pulling the ideas together and giving your readers a fun experienc. Also liked the last three paragraphs which I can fully relate to because my life experience is similar. Didn't catch any typos.

 Comment Written 09-Jan-2012

reply by the author on 09-Jan-2012
    Hi, Eleanor. What a delightful review! Thank you so much for sharing your personal insights and what you found enjoyable about my essay. That's always so helpful. Warmest regards, Bev
reply by Eleanor Buron on 10-Jan-2012
    You're welcome. Regards, too. Elly
Comment from Cumbrianlass
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a superb write, Bev. You nailed this one, for sure! Brilliant rummage through your thoughts on dating agencies. A friend of mine went this route and wasted thousands of dollars. Eventually, she reunited with someone from work and they recently married. Some great lines in this.

'I was beginning to lose hope of ever finding the man/woman of my dreams and then I went to and now we're inseparable.' -This is just one of them. I'm still laughing at the name! I can't give you a six, so here's five stars and a virtual hug (rather than a handshake!) Av x

 Comment Written 09-Jan-2012

reply by the author on 09-Jan-2012
    Hello, Av. What a wonderful, uplifting review! I so appreciate your support for the essay and letting me know what worked. I'm so very appreciative of your faithful support, my friend. Always a pleasure to hear from you! And, thanks for the vitual hug and wish for another star. Truly, just hearing from you makes me smile. Hugs, Bev