Reviews from

A Powerful Learning Tool

Reviewers are a powerful learning tool.

27 total reviews 
Comment from Juliette Chamberlain
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A very good essay on the art (or not) of reviewing.
I like that you encourage the newcomers to review, as I feel everyone can learn a lot from the thoughts and gut reaction of many newcomers. After all, published authors sell their books to people who on the whole are not accomplished reviewers. To some extent, the newcomer's review, even if it is 'gut reaction' is invaluable.
By the same token, the spag identifiers, are essential for correct presentation of the finished product.

Like you, I have learned a great deal from reviews received. That does not stop me from having my own style, which some reviewers may not agree with.
Nonetheless, we continue to learn.

Thank you for posting this sensible essay on reviewing and reviewers.


 Comment Written 13-Mar-2010

reply by the author on 13-Mar-2010
    I like the way you have on the art (or not) of reviewing. When I first joined FS reviewing others' work was really daunting. You are so right, the newcomers's opinions are also invaluable. Warmest regards and thanks for the rating, Marijke
Comment from closetpoetjester
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A resounding 5 from this reviewer. Cheers for an interesting and informative read. I agree. I have only been on this site since late feb and already I have learnt so much about critiquing other peoples work and also improving my own writing.
Have also learnt that many of the styles I have written in over the last 20 years actually have names. So glad I joined FS - I really feel like I have found my writing community and some precious new friends.
Cheers for an enlightening and factual read.
Very helpful.

 Comment Written 13-Mar-2010

reply by the author on 13-Mar-2010
    Thank you closetpoetjester, for your kind and generous review on my essay about reviews. It is a good learning tool. Warmest regards, Marijke
Comment from adewpearl
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I like your advice to concentrate on the comments and any useful advice they might contain, and to disregard those people who rate on inappropriate things, like disagreeing with the author's opinion. It is good for newbies on site to hear from you that you have actually benefited from constructive criticism in order to improve your writing. Brooke :-)

 Comment Written 13-Mar-2010

reply by the author on 13-Mar-2010
    Hi Brooke, I have certainly benefited from constructive criticism. Sometimes I have taken it to heart, but then, have realised the reviewer was helpful, and learned. I have also learned a great deal from reading the works of those writers (like yourself) who are experts in their craft. By reading and reviewing, it gives ne an indication of the writing standard I hope to achieve. Thanks Brooke, and warmest regards, Marijke
Comment from hotstuff
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thank you for posting this article. I enjoyed reading what you had to say and really needed to hear this as I have just read a review of my last posting about organ donation and it rubbished my writing skills. I was taken aback when I read my review, I admit to feeling hurt, but I also acknowledge that there was a lot of value in the comments made. However, there was an assumption made at the beginning of the review (that I had posted the article with the intention of gaining ratings which was not the case), I was genuinely posting this particular article to bring awareness to organ donation as it is very important to the many people waiting for a donated organ. My writing skills (or lack of them in this case) was not an issue.
Your article has soothed my bruised ego and I now feel able to re read that review with more objectivity.

 Comment Written 13-Mar-2010

reply by the author on 13-Mar-2010
    In that case, I have achieved what I set out to do. We need to look at reviews objectively. Our egos are easily bruised, as you say. We put a lot of thought into what we post, and like to think it is good. And it usually is, but that doesn't mean we can't improve. Thanks for sharing your view and reviewing my essay. I appreciate it. Warmest regards, Marijke
Comment from CALLAHANMR
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi Mari:)
This is an excellent article with some wonderful advice for evaluating your reviews.

I recently saw a review for a science fiction story which said, "This is not the type of story that I like to read. By the time I reached the third paragraph, I knew it wasn't worth my time to read further, so I can only give you two stars." I can't think of a better reason to ignore a review. At least the reviewer was honest enough to admit that this was not his type of review.

Another type of useless review is one that concentrates totally on punctuation. Even experts disagree on comma placements, ellipses, dashes and em dashes. It varies from country to country, and there are profound generational differences. (This is not your grandmother's grammar!) Don't misunderstand me, bad grammar can ruin your writing. Things like the wrong word, the wrong tense and bad spelling (Does the writer know what a spell checker is?) all add up to bad writing.

Most of all though, pay attention to complaints about poor flow, point of view, clarity and complexity. This is especially true if more than one reviewer notes the same thing.

I think FanStory should have a five star rating system for writers to rate their reviewers. Then you could see how other writers rate the reviewer.

Thank you for sharing your observations.


What value do you think the author received? There were no suggestions for improvement and the reviewer had the audacity to rate the story without reading it.

 Comment Written 13-Mar-2010

reply by the author on 13-Mar-2010
    Hi Roger, thank you for your feedback and also for the comments about the different reviews. I believe that if someone does not like something due to topic/subject, they should not review. I often skip works for that reason, or if I do not understand a work. Some works are so obscure, I can't work out what they are about. It could be me, so I skip. I think that is more honest to putting in a dishonest opinion to earn some cents or points. I agree with you, a rating for the writer to review the reviewer sounds like a good idea!
    Thanks again, Roger, and warmest regards,
Comment from Nanette Mary
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hullo Fionageorge ...

What you have written in this work is very sound advice, not only for the newcomers in our midst but for all of us. I have been here over four years and every day brings something new.
In what you have said here, there is nothing to suggest changing. It is well written - your thoughts are clearly expressed and your words are easy to read and understand.
Thank you for sharing this with us. I enjoyed it.
With love from .... Nanette Mary.

 Comment Written 13-Mar-2010

reply by the author on 13-Mar-2010
    Thank you Nanette, for the review on my piece on reviews. I appreciate your kind comments and I am pleased you also stil get something new every day.
    Warmest regards and hugs
Comment from melyuki
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Marijke, this is a gem.. what a delightful way to address all on this site and offer kind and helpful and suggestive comments which are said in such a positive way.. Nothing you have stated suggests negativity and this in my opinion is so so important .. we all are growing and learning as we communicate and participate here, and every criticsm, if given with good intent is a learning curve whether we actually heed the advice or perhaps only a wee portion.. Thanks for your really sincere words here Marijke, so very appealing to our sense of well being and growth. hugs always my friend, luv Melxxx

 Comment Written 13-Mar-2010

reply by the author on 13-Mar-2010
    Thank you Mel, for your comments and reading this in the manner in which it has been written. I felt today that I had grown so much as a person and a writer since joining FS. It is people like yourself who are such great mentors. Your poetry always inspires me to do better, your reviews always uplifting and positive. Thanks again, Mel, and warmest regards, Marijke
reply by melyuki on 13-Mar-2010
    and likewise Marijke.. my sentiments exactly. hugs and luv always, Melxxxxxx
Comment from Aislinge
This work has reached the exceptional level

Amen! Thank you so much for writing this! I feel the same way as you do--I've had some wonderful reviewers that have helped me 'see' the parts of my writing I need to work on. And yes, I think there's always the few who rate according to their own preferences (as in, I don't like to read *****), which is sad, but each to his own.

Wonderfully put, your essay. Thank you for a great read!!

 Comment Written 13-Mar-2010

reply by the author on 13-Mar-2010
    Thank you so much Aislinge, for your very warm generous review and rating. I appreciate your feedback on your agreement on this essay. I have gained so much on this site, but it is easy for a beginner to become disallusioned if someone is negative. Thus, this essay. Thanks again, and warmest regards, Marijke
Comment from DearlB
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is excellent advice. F/S reviews can also give you an ego massage, deserved or not that will help you to go back to writing. There may be many things wrong with this system, but it is a learning tool.
Best wishes,

 Comment Written 13-Mar-2010

reply by the author on 13-Mar-2010
    Thank you Dearl. Yes, FS has it short-comings, I am the first to admit. But take the good with the bad, and it is a powerful learning tool. Thanks for taking the time to review and your generous rating. Warmest regards, Marijke
Comment from Begin Again
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted


You've written a very good essay expressing your opinions on how fanstory should work and the good intentions of most. You have done a good service to many today and should be proud of your work as well as all others you so graciously post. WEll done.


 Comment Written 13-Mar-2010

reply by the author on 13-Mar-2010
    Thank you Carol, I appreciate those comments. I agree, most reviewers mean well. Warmest regards, Marijke