Reviews from

Morning Glory Morning

Quatrains about the Countryside in Bloom

143 total reviews 
Comment from pixiemillie
This work has reached the exceptional level

This is just what I'm talking about- -what a mind- -what a 'beautiful' mind, heart, soul to come up with such a beautiful piece. Why shouldn't it be 'Poem of the Month'. Gosh!

 Comment Written 26-Apr-2009

reply by the author on 26-Apr-2009
    Well, gee whiz - thank you!!! You're going to swell my head with comments like that :-D You've sure made me smile. Brooke
Comment from Marjorie D.
This work has reached the exceptional level

This is absolutely lovely--perfect, Brooke. There's not a line I didn't love. It presents vivid imagery and a wonderful sense of peace and contentment. Beginning and ending with identical verses was brilliant! Congratulations on your well-deserved win. Kudos.



 Comment Written 26-Apr-2009

reply by the author on 26-Apr-2009
    Marjorie - thank you! How sweet of you to look this up, and how generous of you to give it this rating :-) I so appreciate this :-) Brooke
Comment from JMRoland
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi adewpearl,

Once again, you have delighted us here on FanStory with this lovely, enchanting piece of poesy. This poem has such a charming, (dare I say Disney?) quality to it; and a satisfying,almost musical cadence. It is sweetly suitable for all age groups. Well, done indeed!


 Comment Written 26-Apr-2009

reply by the author on 26-Apr-2009
    JMR - hey, if you can convince Disney to turn this into a Fantasia kind of cartoon, I'll pay you commission!!! LOL Thanks so much, Brooke :-)
Comment from mtngalofnc
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Brooke,
I don't know what happened, but I know I have read and reviewed your poem once before. It is a beautiful write, worthy of more than a six, but unfortunately I don't have a six. This poem has such a light and easy feel and glows with the air of country life. I loved the line about the seamstresses sewing Queen Anne's lace. Simply awesome! The art is beautiful and it is a pleasure to have read and reviewed! Good luck in the contest and thank you for sharing. God bless and best wishes!

 Comment Written 25-Apr-2009

reply by the author on 25-Apr-2009
    I have reviewed things before too only to discover the review never went through!! Who knows? Lost in cyberspace. Thank you so much for your wonderful comments and generous impulse. I truly appreciate your encouragement. Brooke
Comment from Crusty
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Ooh, simply wonderful. Majestic images flood my mind and heart as I read your work. Stunning. Your gift is simply astounding. I treasure your poems, every one of them. I'm honoured to review this one, as I am every time. it's just such a doggone privilege. Thank you for sharing it.

 Comment Written 23-Apr-2009

reply by the author on 23-Apr-2009
    Thank you so much - I loved writing this poem - so it is wonderful when someone like you enjoys reading it!!! I do appreciate your most gracious comments, Brad :-) Brooke
reply by Crusty on 23-Apr-2009
    You know! The reason I look forward to your poems, so much is, because of the grateful, gracious, encouraging replies you offer in gratitude; for my 'inadequate' clumsy reviews. I'm a very uneducated man, and unfortunately, it shows at the most inopportune times.

    However, I have many gifts that help me, and usually compensate very well, for my cumbersome writing skills. One of them is the way I can see to the heart of a person. So allow me to offer this. ( And, I hope you won't think me presumptuous. Not my intention :-) Whatever you may, or may not see, think or believe about yourself. I know, you my friend, have an amazingly generous heart. You are gifted beyond just your poetry, you genuinely care about people and deep down you have a craving for something spiritual. Whether you admit these things to yourself or not, I don't really know.
    But, this, is the reason I love your poems so much. This is what comes shining through, to me, in every one I've read so far :-)

    Anyway, look, I've taken up enough of you precious time with my rambling. I know how busy you must be, reading and writing replies. That's what make each one I receive, even more special. Thanks Brooke. Your generous replies don't go unnoticed. Not by me anyway.

    Ps :-)
Comment from Twomoon
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

adewpearl, this was just lovely. One could feel the softness of this one. The fragrance was so inviting and the colors danced like a rainbow in this beautiful poem. I enjoyed all the emotions of this. well done, and good luck, much love twomoon

 Comment Written 23-Apr-2009

reply by the author on 23-Apr-2009
    Twomoon, Thank you so much - I had so much fun writing this poem - I got caught up in the flower characters - I so appreciate your encouraging comments!!! Brooke
reply by Twomoon on 23-Apr-2009
    you are so welcome, it was my pleasure! have a nice night, Brooke, that is a lovely name, my daughter in laws name, too!! hugs twomoon
reply by Twomoon on 23-Apr-2009
    you are so welcome, it was my pleasure! have a nice night, Brooke, that is a lovely name, my daughter in laws name, too!! hugs twomoon
reply by Twomoon on 23-Apr-2009
    you are so welcome, it was my pleasure! have a nice night, Brooke, that is a lovely name, my daughter in laws name, too!! hugs twomoon
Comment from Rottie
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You just have the magic! A simple stroll through a garden and you describe it as a modern day Garden of Eden. So fresh and light! This was great!

 Comment Written 20-Apr-2009

reply by the author on 20-Apr-2009
    Thank you - I truly appreciate your enthusiastic response. Brooke :-)
Comment from Scarlettdreams
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is truly beautiful I must say. Awesome rhyme and meter and I loved the beginning and ending repetition. Very well done. Bravo

 Comment Written 19-Apr-2009

reply by the author on 19-Apr-2009
    Thank you! This is one of my favorite "children," so I'm so glad you enjoy it too. :-) Brooke
Comment from Poetic Friend
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Brooke, I don't know how I missed this gem, but I am glad it was nominated (and deservably so).

I must say, you took the reader to that beautiful countryside with you. Your words are stunningly picturesque!

I love the cleverness and creativeness of the "morning glory morning."

Reading this poem is a glorius way to begin any morning.

Good luck in the contest, my friend.

 Comment Written 19-Apr-2009

reply by the author on 19-Apr-2009
    This is one of my personal favorites, so I'm so glad you enjoyed it - thank you for your most warm and encouraging words :-) Brooke
Comment from Narvik
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a lilting poem you've concocted here. Makes me want to go frolic in the forest. You write GREAT metaphors. And this poem was perfect for repeating the first and last stanzas. That doesn't work so well for a lot of poems, but consummated this perfectly. Can't see the vote results until I finish these, but won't be surprised if this is on top.

~ Rhein

~ Rhein

 Comment Written 18-Apr-2009

reply by the author on 18-Apr-2009
    Rhein, thank you - I'm so glad you enjoyed this - sometimes I like to write something fanciful, and this one just worked out well :-) Brooke
reply by Narvik on 18-Apr-2009
    That's an understatement