Reviews from

Who Needs Windex?

Reflections on being the world's worst Housekeeper

85 total reviews 
Comment from Cooper Watt
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a superb little tale. Thoroughly enjoyable, thank you. My mom was the antithesis of you in that she did clean and cook like a fiend. I can't say I learned much from her, but I do like to keep my house clean, and I love to cook. I think of it as having picked up her traits more so than specific skills. The funny thing is, as soon as my brother and I moved out, she hired a maid. Funny. I think she's the happiest she's ever been, unencumbered with a need to clean or cook. My dad, I don't think he ever cared either way...

Your children are by far and away lucky to have had a mom that taught them adventure, and the world. Congratulations to you.


 Comment Written 24-Nov-2008

reply by the author on 24-Nov-2008
    Thanks so much for sharing your own memories with me and for this most kind and wonderful review, Brooke
Comment from raimie
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The traditional roles of a good wife and mother no longer apply. We are so much more than anyone could have imagined, we have taken over the workforce while still being nurturing mothers. I think, bravo to you for seeing that true success, is the happiness of your children. FOr my part as a working mom, I'd like to thank the fine makers of Tuna Helper and of course I live in Tx. So, Taco Bell! lol:)

 Comment Written 24-Nov-2008

reply by the author on 24-Nov-2008
    My daughter loved Hamburger Helper - that just didn't make the cut for the story. LOL Thanks, Brooke
Comment from Gramma Kathy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Bravo! I love this! You have done well both in writing and in mothering, and I admire your accomplishments.

Your children are lucky to have such a wise, loving mother. The fact that you enjoyed time with them rather than priding yourself on a dust-free house is wonderful.

I wish I had had your self-knowledge and confidence when my children were small. Bless you.

 Comment Written 24-Nov-2008

reply by the author on 24-Nov-2008
    What lovely things to say. Thank you, Brooke :-)
Comment from Brian S. Pratt
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

mother's scrubbing the kitchen floor and baking
--thought this was the beginning until I saw how the award pushed the first few words off to the side and made them all but invisible.

You get the picture. I don't iron. I don't cook. And that subscription to Ladies' Home Journal my other sister gave to(delte 'to') me the first Christmas after I was married ran out long ago. I actually saved the sterling silver monogrammed cake tester she gave me the next year, but that was for the sake of irony, not for the purpose of baking.

When my son got married to a lovely young woman who actually loves(loved) to iron and cook(you mean there are still some out there???? :)), I told her she was going to love me as a mother-in-law because Eric would never once tell her, "You don't do that like my momma did!" Tamara's bliss in preparing homemade meals and decorating her house fulfills her, and I stand in awe of her joy in doing these things. That is the key - it is her joy.

I don't feel like raising my children is that burdensome either. I figure it's all in how you approach it. I take them as they are, refuse to force them into molds of my own making, and everything works out fine.

Great read by the way.

 Comment Written 23-Nov-2008

reply by the author on 23-Nov-2008
    Brian, thanks so much for your kind review. And yes, Tamara loves to do that stuff, but lest you think she's too old-fashioned, she and my son live in a nudist community and had a nudie wedding! LOL I was fully clothed! And she continues to love to do those things, which is why the present tense loves.:-) Brooke
Comment from MJMuraco
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This was a wonderful essay. You wrote it with humor and sincerity. I too, don't have to have a perfect house. My husband is picky so I told him, if he wants clean, than clean. I chose to spend time with my children. We used to go to museums, the beach, sledding, swimming and whatever with my friends and their children. We had wonderful times and those are the things, they remember. I do love to cook, so they got gourmet dinners. To tell the truth, there were times that they preferred going to get a Happy Meal. They all know how to cook from watching their Dad and myself but I wouldn't say they are fussy housekeepers. LOL
Great read, Mary Jayne

 Comment Written 23-Nov-2008

reply by the author on 23-Nov-2008
    I am finding out from readers that not many poets and authors belong to the Good Housekeeping Club! LOL Thanks so much, Brooke
Comment from mamaboots
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello Brooke,
I am so glad you wrote this! I am also terrible about housekeeping, but so far my children are healthy and happy regardless of the dust that you could write your name in! I did not find any SPAG and this essay flows really well with no rough transitions. Your children sound like wonderful people and I'm sure that is a reflection of you. I really enjoyed this and wish you well in the contest. Have a wonderful day, mamaboots

 Comment Written 23-Nov-2008

reply by the author on 23-Nov-2008
    thanks ever so much - my kids not only survived but were unusually healthy - maybe they built up lots of immunities!!
    When my son needed a physical to get his drivers license the doctor had transferred his file to the inactive section. Brooke :-)
Comment from electroswiftword
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You sure have a gift of writing these thoughts with such ease they flow like a talking brook, not babbling. It's as though you are in the presence of each happening.
It is ones joy measured by the degree of their desire. In otherwords, yu amaze me with your wit, creativity, good humor and profound understanding of life. Love to you. Will.

 Comment Written 23-Nov-2008

reply by the author on 23-Nov-2008
    Will, thank you seems rather inadequate, but that's all I have! :-) Brooke
Comment from wierdgrace
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

this is such a great story about the children and how we interact and what can happen, and the picture is wonderful, no errors just great characters who speak for them self. great writing as you always do. Who wants to clean and cook, that is what microwaves are.

 Comment Written 23-Nov-2008

reply by the author on 23-Nov-2008
    I love my microwave - it is my best friend!!! LOL Thank you, Brooke
reply by wierdgrace on 23-Nov-2008
    I love mine too.
Comment from racingponies
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Nobody. And that makes it perfect. I, too, lack in the housekeeping department and on some level, feel guilt for that. But, my kids can always count on rides places, my presence at their events and my participation in their activities. Kids are usually welcome on short notice, but most grown-ups have to give me 3 days notice. LOL Nice job. I think you wrote your piece well.

 Comment Written 23-Nov-2008

reply by the author on 23-Nov-2008
    thank you!!! and thanks for sharing. Brooke
Comment from bookishfabler
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Number one- who said it was Mommy who had to be domestic, anyway. You go girl. Many times the daddy has the cool memeories from the kids becasue his time is pent playing while mom cleaned and cooked. I bonded with Pops (only girl, only child) But, when he was home fromwork, he was my playmate. He loved toys, he loved teaching me things, he made me a frigging doll house. Gorgeous BTW. He shoped with me in FAO Swartz, back when it was the coolest store in NY and everything was orgional, not commercial. He took me fishing. We laughed, we played, I miss the hell out of him. Where was mom? Mom, was busy, cleaning, ironing, polishing, cooking,. etc...
Don't get me wrong, she and I had some fun too. We went shopping, and she didn't drive so, I knew the subway inside out, and we went all over Manhatten. But, Dad was my playmate. He was a slb BTW, and I use to think of the two as Felix and Oscar. That extreme. MY, why am I telling you all this? You got me thinking about my childhood. Gosh. Fortuneatly, I have a hubby now who shares in the domestic duties. Plus, he also makes and fixes things. Cool beans.

Oh, before I forget. Fun read, very interesting artical on quality time with children, and only one little nit.

Just recently(,) I came upon the book Miranda wrote


 Comment Written 23-Nov-2008

reply by the author on 23-Nov-2008
    thanks so very much for sharing - I love it when readers share because it shows my writing triggered memories and thoughts, and that is precisely why I write!! My ex was also into the fun stuff - he came by whenever he wanted to fly kites or play touch football or cook out - I was the one who got them up in the morning and made sure homework was done. The worst was when he failed to pay child support around Christmas time so he could buy lavish presents, leaving me with even less money to pay the rent and bills when I needed present money. But, we muddled through! Raising my kids was and will always be the most important and the most fun thing I've ever done! Thank you, Brooke
reply by bookishfabler on 24-Nov-2008
    It was nice to meet you Brook, I'm Heidi
    Happy Thanksgiving
reply by the author on 24-Nov-2008
    Wendy, and a most happy Thanksgiving to you, too!!! Brooke
    I used to have Wendy and Ginny dolls as a child. Do you know the Wendy dolls?
reply by bookishfabler on 24-Nov-2008
    No, never heard of them. Dawn dolls, yes. And it's Heidi. Ops.
reply by the author on 24-Nov-2008
    sorry, Heidi - should not read and write early in the morning!!! LOL
reply by bookishfabler on 24-Nov-2008
    It Happens. Need lots of java