Reviews from

Past Life or Imagination?

Past life journeys...

27 total reviews 
Comment from Eagle Eye Jerry
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hey alpacalady

Yeah, I'm definitely up for discussion about reincarnation ... although the world's growing population has seemed to have squashed that argument ... unless we also live simultaneous lives???

The best thing about your essay is the question about people's seemingly irrational fears. Mine is water. Can't explain, never could. Always wanted to swim, always saw how much fun people had in a pool, but still! Just can't do it! why not? I don't know.

Excellent discussion, and also an interesting theory you have. Good luck with the amusement rides in the future! lol

Good luck in the contest

Eagle Eye

 Comment Written 03-Aug-2008

reply by the author on 04-Aug-2008
    G'day Eagle Eye
    Firstly, thanks for this great review. I'm surprised this even got nominated, so if it gets even one vote, I'll be happy!

    You must have drowned in a past life. If something from your childhood (or even birth) can't explain this fear, then maybe that could be your problem. I've heard that sometimes babies can be drowning in amniotic fluid, which can explain irrational fears about swimming when they're older. If that's not the case, maybe you were floating around with me in the Atlantic freezing to death...?? Food for thought!!

    Again thanks for this review and your good luck wishes! xoxoxoxxoxo
Comment from Miss Laurie
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I guess if being open-minded and having an active imagination means your crazy...then I keep great company!

This was a really interesting story. I love the ones that make me pause to think. If any of these paranormal things are accurate why isn't it common knowledge? It's a shame really. Who know? It's great wonder but I'd love some concrete evidence myself!
Your writing made me think. Job well done!

 Comment Written 03-Aug-2008

reply by the author on 03-Aug-2008
    Thanks so much Miss Laurie! Yes, I'm with you here. I'm not a skeptic by any means, but I'd sure love to be given what I consider to be "hard evidence" that these happenings are past life echoes. Still, sometimes I guess one has to rely on faith. thanks again for a great review! xoxoxoxoxxo
Comment from wirenut
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted


having had recollections of previous lives i will not challenge any of this lest the universe stomps on me. in my previous life i came back as myself in a previous life. i was a bit confused at the time as everything looked familiar except that it was in a different language.... oh, and i was a lot taller and a bit portly.

in a life before that one i was in a different planet ,although i couldnt remember much about that life.... well, the medium didn't believe in extra terrestials so he called me a fraud and a debunker. he called me an unbeliever, which shattered my alter ego for a while, but i got over it right after i died and came back as myself in that other life. i think the world is going to end soon because they are running out of places to send us, we've gone full circle round the bend, i think.....

well enough on me your story was well written and spag free... it might have been the tiny text that caused me to miss punctuation, take it easy on an old man, will ya, enlarge the text for the next poor sucker...

congrats on the selection for SOM!

c ya


 Comment Written 03-Aug-2008

reply by the author on 03-Aug-2008
    G'day wirenut. Your review got me giggling to say the least! Yes, I think we have all gone round that bend, and then some. We've probably all been taken by aliens at some time or another and had our heads picked to pieces..maybe that'd explain why I get so forgetful these days....

    I'll take a look at the small print thing - I didn't even think of that when I posted it. Sorry if you had to squint; but I appreciate your review even more if you read the whole thing thru screwed up eyes. So thanks for a great review, and one that got me laughing! And for the som congrats - I ain't been nominated before! xoxoxoxoxo
Comment from jclark
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this! I too am a believer in past lives and I understand where your skepticism comes from. Your story was very clear, made absolute sense, and I could see it stemming from a past life and tied to the Titanic.

I have visited several psychics and actually got to see John Edwards when he was here in Denver so I am very open to those unexplained fears/traumas that plague people and for which there is no real explanation...except a past life. I would be interested to learn more if you ever find out anything that truly convinces you about your Titanic connection.

At any rate, your story made for excellent reading and was very thought provoking. Thanks for sharing!

 Comment Written 03-Aug-2008

reply by the author on 03-Aug-2008
    Thanks so much Judy! I often wonder how much more proof I need really about the Titanic connection. In this life, here I am married to Glen who is an ex-Sailor, with my daughter who was my mother in that past life...Still, as a child I got told my imagination was a bit too loose and airy-fairy, so maybe I have to deal with those embedded doubts to truly believe...

    AGain, thanks so much for your time and review! xoxoxoxoxo
Comment from penelope
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Congrats on being nominated, Alpaca Lady.

I've read several compelling and convincing books about reincarnation. Like you, I have a healthy element of skepticism and want proof. There is no real proof in such matters so we have to find our own. Yes, the subject of your story was fascinating and it was well written. Personally I think it's quite normal to be terrified of roller coasters. Great job and good luck. I'm off to read the other entries. Penelope

 Comment Written 03-Aug-2008

reply by the author on 03-Aug-2008
    I agree about the roller coasters. That's why I had such a level of skepticism, and also considering my experience when I was a kid. Still, the effect the Titanic has had on me is one that I don't know is entirely the norm, which is why I started looking into it a bit more.

    Thank you so much Penelope for taking the time to stop by, read and review - it's much appreciated! xoxoxoxoxo
Comment from Goinup
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello alpacalady
You have written well here. It flows very well. The rhythm and pacing is excellent. I didn't find any nits. It was quite an easy read. I also experience terror on roller-coasters. I also believed in reincarnation at one time. I have read extensively on the subject and am now an 'unbeliever'. I will say though that even if I still held to the theory I would have a problem with your husband being your father in a former life and your daughter being your mother. It seems too much like back to back lottery wins. But then if you say it is fate or that somehow God planned it that way then that seems rather disturbing . But you did a great job. It was intriguing.
Have a great week and good luck.

 Comment Written 03-Aug-2008

reply by the author on 03-Aug-2008
    Thanks Ian. I always am interested to hear the views of non-believers as it does go towards keeping me grounded. This is also why I was aware of keeping a good balance with this, as maybe a person is simply overly emotional and some things set that off. Who knows? But still, I refuse to discount it entirely unless I receive proof one way or another.

    I'm glad you found this story interesting enough to read and review - at least you're not one of those skeptics that mock first, ignore, or shove your views down the throats of others.

    Your time spent reading and reviewing is much appreciated. So thank you very much and you have a great week too. And thanks for the good luck wishes! xoxoxoxoxo
Comment from starman
This work has reached the exceptional level

Yes,a a remarkable story, my friend. It would seem you have managed to confront the repressed trauma from your past life. This will hold you in good stead for the future because you have faced your fears. From what you write about your present life convinces me you are well on the path to greatness.


 Comment Written 13-Jul-2008

reply by the author on 14-Jul-2008
    Thank you so much Steve! I didn't expect a review for this, and considering you went to the trouble of doing so, I am very grateful indeed. I'm glad you enjoyed this story, and as said in pm, appreciate the 6 stars! oxoxoxoxoxoxo
Comment from ThyLordDracula
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I, for one, did not see any of the dreaded spags and nits that plague us from time to time - a very interesting commentary - I don't know if you were on board the Titanic or not - I'd say anything is possible - those fears come from somewhere - very well written - respectfully ^v^

 Comment Written 11-Jul-2008

reply by the author on 11-Jul-2008
    One never knows! I refuse to refute my discoveries, as said, but nor will I go overboard with stories of past lives unless I can uncover some concrete proof as such. I could be waiting a while though...

    Thanks my friend for a wonderful and thoughtful review! Out of interest, my mentor believes I should just rely on what I've uncovered thus far and stop being cynical! How's that to be said to an emotive Cancerian? xoxoxoxo
Comment from Johnny Carwash
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Not quite sure if I believe in this sort of thing, but you present your thoughts and feelings on the subject quite clearly and effectively. I don't see a thing in need of revision, Chris.

 Comment Written 11-Jul-2008

reply by the author on 11-Jul-2008
    Thanks Johnny. This topic doesn't make sense to a lot of people, but it pays to be broad-minded, as you've been here my friend. A topic of some controversy, eh? Arguments for and against abound always on this one.

    So thanks so much for your review - and more so, because as you said, you don't believe in it! xoxoxoxoxoxo
Comment from Korton
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I find this piece very interesting. I believe that most fears are a learned response. We are constantly warning our children about one danger or another. Whether a fear can transcend from one life to another is still in question, however, it could certainly explain why certain fears arrive at a very young age without any kind of warning from others. Very well done.

 Comment Written 10-Jul-2008

reply by the author on 10-Jul-2008
    Thanks Korton! It is a question that gets asked a lot, particularly as you say, when the young show fears that are apparently groundless. I appreciate your review and your very thoughtful comments. Have a great day! xoxoxoxoxoxo