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Racist Stereotypes live on

A response to an awful image circulating today.

151 total reviews 
Comment from carolm5415
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The narrow mindedness of the Republican right in your country is appalling, but it is here in our Conservative right as well. I am appalled as well, but sadly, not surprised.

 Comment Written 18-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 18-Oct-2008
    I don't think it is all Republicans - it is just sad that this awful cartoon surfaced in a mainstream Republican newsletter and not in a KKK brochure. It shows the hateful thoughts are still among regular people, not just fringe lunatics. thank you for your supportive comments
Comment from Marjorie D.
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well said, Adewpearl! I haven't seen this internet item yet. How infuriating it is that people sink to this level. All through history, races and nationalities have been singled out for ridicule. In high school, I remember writing a paper on prejudice. I referenced a joke that went: The wheelbarrow is the greatest invention in the history of the world. Why? Because it taught ________ to walk on their hind legs. (There was a nationality in the blank space, of course.) How sad. Everyone is familiar with "Pollack" jokes. (And how many people realize that calling a Pole a Pollack is the equivalent of calling an African American a nigger?) Why in the world do people have to put others down to feel superior? No one is superior! If only people weren't so downright stupid! And that is MY rant for the day.

You did a wonderful job with this, Adewpearl! Well done.


 Comment Written 18-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 18-Oct-2008
    Thank you for sharing your rant - ranting is good for the soul, I've learned! :-) And thank you for your support.
Comment from rmdelta
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted


Uh-Oh. Please don't do this, Adewpearl. I don't want to be involved in discussing politics with you or anybody else on here. I appreciate your feelings on this subject and I respect you so much. You know that, don't you. Please, please don't get us involved in this. Go to the Huffington Post or Daily Kos to post this along with all the other hateful stuff on those sites. Plenty of folks there will be glad to agree with what you say.

I won't get into this subject with you here.



 Comment Written 18-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 18-Oct-2008
    I'm sorry you saw this as political or hateful.
Comment from Donovan
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

One thing about your writing, is you can feel the anger. That is good. Of course this is unacceptable and we need to express our outrage in all ways. I will take umbrage, with one line in your essay, just because I read it four times to see if there was something I could find. You say you are embarrassed for our race. I know what you mean, but do not in a more sophisticated way stereotype that all whites are responsible for these words. We challenge these uncivilized behaviors by point out the rotten apples in the barrel, which the editors certainly are. There is plenty of hate stuff out there, with rotten apples you smash those and make applesauce..or jack...the good ones, you chomp and savor. Breathe deeply, know that we support your position and applaud your wrath and vengenance...those critter lurking in your backyard had better watch out today, Ms Adew is on the rant. Your avid reader, Donovan

PS.... I think you are the richest person on Fan Story,, the Warren Buffet of us all.

PPS...thanks for the buck fourten

 Comment Written 18-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 18-Oct-2008
    Thank you, Donovan. I know not all white people are like that - you are not, I am not, Margaret Snowdon is not, God bless her soul, but I was just spitting mad when I wrote that and thought about it for a second a couple minutes later and decided to keep it in because that is what I honestly felt. I imagine someone will dock me a star or two for it before day's end, but I don't give a damn. You're welcome for the buck fourteen - reviewed all yesterday and more to earn it to post a poem, but the world can just wait for another animal alphabet entry. :-D you are most sweet. Peace, Brooke
reply by Donovan on 18-Oct-2008
    for the cause.
Comment from Writer191
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is so true and so sad. I am not a Republican, but though I fear that Barrack Obama is a Fascist, I can surely get my point across without even considering his skin color. It pains me that people are willing to stoop to this level, and nothing justifies this behavior. Thanks so much for pointing this out.

 Comment Written 18-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 18-Oct-2008
    thank you - that you feel this way despite not being a supporter of Obama means a great deal to me. Perhaps if I hear from enough people like you, I will get my eyes to stop welling up.
Comment from Zaphod
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Excellent write. Frankly, and unfortuately, I expected more of this stereo typical racism to emerge during this campain. I am actually shocked that it is coming this late, but then again, I am sure that the racists never thought that an African American could get this far. I whole heartedly agree that it is time to drop all this race bullshit and to start taking each other for what we really are, humans! When the world ends, it's not going to be the whites that get saved only, we're all going to be screwed, equally. Let's base our decision in this up coming election on the flaws that our current illlustrious President has left this country with and who best to fix them. For me there is only one real candidate.
Well done, and a great post.

 Comment Written 18-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 18-Oct-2008
    thank you so very much - I know there are lots of good people out there, and right now it is just what I need to hear from some of them as I am just very upset. :-) Brooke
Comment from Jnetgame
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Great essay. I was not aware of the cartoon you are referring to but I completely agree that it is racist and that we as a country should be evolved enough to say STOP. Good for you for standing up for what you believe.

 Comment Written 18-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 18-Oct-2008
    I just heard about it this morning - I'm sure you must be able to find it on the internet thank you for your support
Comment from Nicky B
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I think there is still a great racial divide in America. And the extremely right wing Republicans will stop at nothing to besmirch Obama's name. When MaCain was at a political rally in the South a woman called Obama an Arab. To MaCain's credit though he refuted what this ignorant woman said. What is the world coming to. I think it is great that you posted this.

Take care.


 Comment Written 18-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 18-Oct-2008
    Yes, I saw that clip and was very glad to hear McCain take the highroad, at which point he was booed by people in his own damned crowd! I thank you for your support - I finished writing ten minutes ago or more and I'm still shaking.
Comment from Margaret Snowdon
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It is time it stops - not just
in America, but all over the
We are all God's children and
should unite in all we do.


 Comment Written 18-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 18-Oct-2008
    thank you, Margaret. Were that all people as kind as you are.
Comment from Peter@Poole
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Bravo! I, an Englishman, stand with you, Brooke. This is so well written, so full of righteous indignation, and so worthy of a positive response. You are a brave, articulate woman, a lover of your brothers and sisters, whatever their colour, and, if you can't stop shaking, please let me hold you, spiritually, all these miles and an ocean away. I have given my sixes, and do not have a ten. Peter.

 Comment Written 18-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 18-Oct-2008
    I will accept the ten in spirit from across the sea - I am still welling up with tears - I am so ashamed of my countrymen and of our society where this sort of crap is still passed along, and with claims of innocence to add insult to injury. I hope I included enough - I wanted to keep the essay brief and simple so people would actually read - I've written published academic articles on this topic and my entire master's thesis, so I could have gone on for pages and pages. Thank you, Peter
reply by Peter@Poole on 18-Oct-2008
    And holding you?
reply by the author on 18-Oct-2008
    that would be most welcome
reply by Peter@Poole on 18-Oct-2008
    Save your feisty anger for occasions like this, my dear. Do not waste it on ignorant, unperceptive, pseudo-reviews from uncaring people who won't take the trouble to learn the rudiments of reviewing, a large part of which involves caring for other people's development.