Reviews from

You're Your Words

In 78 words let people discover your status, personality

160 total reviews 
Comment from kiwijenny
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is well deserving of the recognition and All Time Best awards. Well done................You are your wisdom indeed. Oh no that means I must choose mine more carefully and never mean to wound or hurt. I love that I am thinking about this because you have imparted wisdom.....
God bless

 Comment Written 13-Jul-2013

Comment from judiverse
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You expressed so much about writing in this. Great sentence "You are your words." I like your G's of grace, gravity, grandeur or greatness. That's what we all hope to reveal. Right on! If you think you've got it, put it out there for all to see. Excellent thoughts in 51 words. Not easy to accomplish. judiverse

 Comment Written 13-Jul-2013

Comment from barbara.wilkey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

When we right we put ourselves out there for the entire world to see and the writing is part of who we are. I enjoyed reading your short essay.

 Comment Written 13-Jul-2013

Comment from scarhands
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I like your message, put yourself out there, place your mind on paper, canvas, instrument and let the world experience and certify your greatness. The only way to live is to risk yourself, your beliefs, your wisdom, your talent. Nice work.

 Comment Written 13-Jul-2013

Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

"...sparks..." or SPEAKS?
Overboard alliteration? For ex:
"Grace, gravity and grandeur or greatness...
"IF you ever think yourself (AS)correct, right or best in the world.(,) Let (the) people (reveal the truth.")

Tough row to hoe but it could have been better.


 Comment Written 13-Jul-2013

Comment from nancy_e_davis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

We learn a lot from the reviews we receive from fellow writers and poets. Anyone can self publish, that is easy but the answer lies in the fact the published works have to sell. Then you know your words are good. Well done Good luck. Nancy

 Comment Written 13-Jul-2013

Comment from Titan Black
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

That was hot! And definitely what
I needed to hear for the day. Luckily
for the wlrld, that its Sunday. Because
I'm re-fueled and ready to take the
world by storm. But it'll just have to wait
until tomorrow. What made you post
this short version of a thousand words?
Anyway, great job. Keep writing.

 Comment Written 13-Jul-2013

Comment from William Walz
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I've always believed in the old maxim about actions speaking louder than words. I'm not even sure about what your message is here, other than we are our words. To me the writing is unclear and the wording confusing and not really getting to the point of what you are trying to say. Sorry, this just didn't do anything for me.

 Comment Written 13-Jul-2013

Comment from dmt1967
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is so true and very well said you are only as good as your word if you speak from the heart you can't really go wrong in my opinion thank you for sharing

 Comment Written 13-Jul-2013

Comment from writing2inspire
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a very thought provocative piece. While your words reveal who you are, I believe we are much more than our words, and your article or poem does little to illuminate your assertions at the beginning or the end of your piece. Jesus said he was the truth. Whether we believe he or someone else or something else is the truth, the truth won't reveal a thing if our pride blinds us to the truth. Pride's ultimate conclusion will be that truth is relative and that there is not such thing as ultimate truth. If your purpose in writing this was to stimulate people to think, you succeeded. Good job.

 Comment Written 13-Jul-2013