Reviews from

I'm So Bored

Sick at home with nothing to do

200 total reviews 
Comment from SaraSoda
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is pretty good. I like that you wrote about your misery today. Are there other words you could use in place of finally and antibiotics that would make those lines flow better? I do like the first part the best though, it gives no age except to hint at one. The rhyme is consistent.

 Comment Written 21-May-2012

reply by the author on 21-May-2012
    Thank You
Comment from amarherig14
This work has reached the exceptional level

Sorry you are sick,I wish you a speedy recovery.You poem is well written with good rhyme and flow. The picture used is lovely. For a person with your talent ,you took a risk writing a poem while been sick.This poem is a witness of the good writer you are.Congratulations!

 Comment Written 21-May-2012

reply by the author on 21-May-2012
    Hi Margie, It was not that easy. Never try to use a pen when laying on your back. LOL I had to get a pencil. LOL Thank you so very much for your kind words and for the wonderful six. You honor me. Linda hugs
reply by amarherig14 on 21-May-2012
    Linda,I do not know how you did it.You wrote a winner.Blessings
reply by the author on 21-May-2012
    Thank you!! Your so sweet. Blessings to you.
reply by amarherig14 on 21-May-2012
    You are welcome. Rest ,eat drink and get better.Blessings
Comment from Rdfrdmom2
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

poor Linda:

being sick is not fun
but what can you do
better bronchitis
than some nasty flu

hope you are feeling better now
thanks for sharing

 Comment Written 21-May-2012

reply by the author on 21-May-2012
    Hi Jan, I got the bronchitis from the flu. It has been five weeks. But I wouldn't rest with the flu. So this is my fault. now I am resting. Thank you for a great review and your kind words. Linda hugs
Comment from Bobbi22
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I hope you do feel better soon - although this poem did make me smile. It can be so boring when you have to rest - by order not choice. Very well written.

 Comment Written 20-May-2012

reply by the author on 21-May-2012
    Thank You so much. I hate being sick. I don't do it very well.LOL I'm glad you like the poem. Never try writing with a pen while laying on your back. I had to get a pencil.LOL Thank You for your kind words. Linda hugs
Comment from Fluffyhead
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Know how you feel. Had pnuemonia when I was laid off around new years and xmas. It was awful because I could not see my little nephew or go out like I wanted to get better soon great photo art peace

 Comment Written 20-May-2012

reply by the author on 21-May-2012
    Hi Fluffy,That is so sad. Hate to hear you were sick at the Holidays and din't get to see your little nephew. So sorry!!! I hate being sick. Thank you for your visit and for your kind review. Linda
Comment from HalfHoff
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

ahhh darlin ... I guess misery really does love company ... and you are certainly in the best of company here ... Double the meds & get to bed. Lea

 Comment Written 20-May-2012

reply by the author on 21-May-2012
    Hi Lea, Can't take the meds like that or they'll have to bury me. LOL Allergic to them. Thank you for your kind words and caring. Linda hugs
reply by HalfHoff on 21-May-2012
    well, hey, then --- share! Hee? GET WELL SOONEREST!
reply by the author on 21-May-2012
    Thank you!!
Comment from Elektra_Azalea
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

LoL!!!! I can definitely identify with the misery of boredom! It's exactly how I was feeling today! And I hope you get better from the Bronchitis soon! I definitely know how that feels :-/ Bronchitis is an evil b*tch.

 Comment Written 20-May-2012

reply by the author on 20-May-2012
    Elektra, First welcome to FanStory. If there is something you found wrong with my poem would you please tell me. When you give anything less then a five stars read you cost people their ratings. And there are laws and rules that you read on here that explain that to you . If you have a problem with a poem then you give it a four count and explain why you have that problem. Most will correct the problem and hope you would change it. It can make for bad feelings otherwise. I know I had to learn that. Thank You so much for your review. And you are so right. Bronchitis is a bitch. I hate the feeling of not being able to breathe. But it does feel better today. I hope you are feeling better too!! Thank you!! Linda
reply by Elektra_Azalea on 20-May-2012
    It's not that I necessarily had any problem with your poem. I thought it was a good poem for what it was. But when I look at a poem, the way I rate them is asking myself "Would I see this in print anywhere?" I very thoroughly enjoyed this poem (hence the 4 stars signifying that I think it's a good poem). I certainly meant no offense with giving it 4 stars and 4 stars doesn't necessarily mean anything is uber wrong with your work. I am sorry if I've offended or anything, but I gave the most honest rating and review I could. If I rate someone's work as shite, of course I'd tell them (as kindly as possible) as to why I think that, but I didn't see anything wrong in saying that your poem is Good.

    I pray you continue getting better :-)
reply by the author on 21-May-2012
    But you take ratings from peoples poems that are good. Only because you wouldn't see them anywhere. And the law on this site says if you have a problem you rate a lower. That is Tom has it set up. By making your own rules you cost people. I am not offended. Just trying to explain the way Tom wrote the laws and rules. There are a lot of these writing you may never think would leave this site.But they sre great writings. All I was trying to say was read the rules we all abide by. There have been many poems written about people who don't. It is your chose. I had to figure it out myself. I had a few people tell me to read the rules. And I did. Thank you for your kind words.
reply by the author on 21-May-2012
    But you take ratings from peoples poems that are good. Only because you wouldn't see them anywhere. And the law on this site says if you have a problem you rate a lower. That is Tom has it set up. By making your own rules you cost people. I am not offended. Just trying to explain the way Tom wrote the laws and rules. There are a lot of these writing you may never think would leave this site.But they sre great writings. All I was trying to say was read the rules we all abide by. There have been many poems written about people who don't. It is your chose. I had to figure it out myself. I had a few people tell me to read the rules. And I did. Thank you for your kind words.
reply by the author on 21-May-2012
    But you take ratings from peoples poems that are good. Only because you wouldn't see them anywhere. And the law on this site says if you have a problem you rate a lower. That is Tom has it set up. By making your own rules you cost people. I am not offended. Just trying to explain the way Tom wrote the laws and rules. There are a lot of these writing you may never think would leave this site.But they sre great writings. All I was trying to say was read the rules we all abide by. There have been many poems written about people who don't. It is your chose. I had to figure it out myself. I had a few people tell me to read the rules. And I did. Thank you for your kind words.
reply by Elektra_Azalea on 21-May-2012
    Ok. With all due respect, the reason I look at poems under that light is because I'm here trying to improve myself in hopes of being able to publish my work. When I read and review, I'm looking for examples that I can study to see how I could apply it to my own writing. I do still enjoy the poems that, as you say, don't really go anywhere off this site.
    But I'm really finding myself amazed that I'm being hassled over a 4-star rating.

    1: I give honest ratings and opinions. Plain and simple, and I won't change that for anyone just because they're afraid of their perfect score being tarnished. That is a part of writing. You get some that find your work the best they ever read (or whatever) and you get others that aren't as star-lit over it and so they give it something else. That's the way it goes. I've got one piece that received 6 stars by one person and a 4 by another and if she'd given me the same thoughts about it, I'd have thanked her for her honest opinion and moved on, not continuously hound her over "ZOMG!! How could you give me 4 stars????"

    2: If you want to keep throwing the mention of rules at me, then let me remind you of the rules in regards to replying to reviewers:

    "Only use to thank a reviewer or to request a clarification. Never attack a review or a reviewer. Do not defend your work."

    Now, I am already sure that you would protest in saying that you haven't done any of those things. Oh sure, you have been the picture of politeness throughout this....issue, but the underlying manner? Not so much. How insistent you are on telling me that the way I look at poems when I rate them is wrong and, according to you, against the rules when, honestly? I don't see how honesty WOULD be against the rules. I'm here to learn, so I will look at poems in a way that as to whether I can learn from them or are they just purely for enjoyment?

    Your poem, for me, was one for enjoyment and enjoy it I surely did, hence the 4 stars. I'm sure you've already gotten a lot of other people giving it 5 or even 6 stars. Be grateful for that and move on and realize that not everyone is going to rate it so and that not everyone has the same way of looking at poems.

    Now I shall be very pleased if this issue has reached its resolution and I'm not interested in any further communication in the matter. I will, however, take note to make sure I don't review any of your work in the future as I am simply not interested in drama.

    I have not meant any offense with anything, but I quite simply have had enough. I do still hope that you get well soon from the Bronchitis. I know all too well how it is not to be able to breathe well and how frightening and frustrating it is. Beyond that, I wish you well and good luck in your future endeavors.

    Blessed Be,

Comment from Yuliya Keaton
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

good poem. In a few places rhyme sounds a little forced,to keep up with the flow.
But I liked it. You expressed very well how bored you were.
Hope you feel better

 Comment Written 20-May-2012

reply by the author on 21-May-2012
    Thank you so very much. I'm so gald you like it. Linda
Comment from bonnie composanto
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a very cute and fun poem. The words flow and rhyme well, and it was an interesting read. Feel better, and write again tomorrow if still bored.

 Comment Written 20-May-2012

reply by the author on 21-May-2012
    Hi bonnie, HaHa!!! I may do that. LOL Thank you so much. Linda
Comment from Solacium Mariae
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

That's a pretty good and humorous poem for being sick! [one teeny tiny word fix "to" -> "too" 3rd stanza]

I think I missed something, but for some reason I stumbled over this part, both in reading and understanding: "My daughter-in-law she told me No one I need to see"

Wish I could do that when I'm well!

 Comment Written 20-May-2012

reply by the author on 21-May-2012
    I will go check it out now. I thought I fix the to mistake. But I'll give it a whirl. Thank You for the help and i'm so glad you like it. Linda hugs