Mystery and Crime Poetry posted August 15, 2019 Chapters:  ...12 13 -14- 15... 

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A Fictional Story.

A chapter in the book Out Standing Stories and Poems

The Sand!

by Ricky1024

The author has placed a warning on this post for violence.
"The Sand!"
Written on December 12th, 1962.
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copywrite �© Fanstory 1962
'All Rights Reserved'

Silence greets me now as I try but to no avail?
Not even a single drop of water there?
And yes...
Here I am all alone?
Left to suffer as if a dog with no bone?
You need to understand?
I'm in the damn middle of a desert!
Consisting of nothing but 'Sand!'
Yes this is a Test...
For the very best?
But the very worst!
How did I get myself into this mess?
Dear Lord,
You know I've always tried to do my best?
Is this my end or just my quest?
A test?
Well that's a long story of course?
Yes, it was December 12th, 1962.
(As much as I can remember?)
And, I was only age twenty two.
And, she?
Katie was age twenty three and as beautiful as ever could be!
Just her and me?
Yes, for it was all about the love but then?
My friend.
It was all then to be about the money and never just me?
Even if they're creating something so damn beautiful as she!
Yes I was only twenty two and Katie was only twenty three but in Katie's tummy?
But of course she was very grubby!


She had big plans but not just for me?
But for Chris!
And who the Hell is Chris?
Let me try to explain as I try to resist temptation!
Oh, while I beg to God why?
Where I'm at now it's so damn dry!
And as I try to insist?
Lesson learned?
We must all be careful of beauty and try to resist!
Yes the sun is here?
And yes the heat is here but neither now is Katie or Chris near?
They could care less I hear but they just left me here all alone?
No bone for the dog?
Well, slip the hogs!
Cause it's always been not about me or Katie but the money!
And not even about what we created that's now probably rotting in her tummy!
My family?
Owned a very productive and seductive business creating fine Crystal.
My name is Smrkovsky.
And yes we are related by blood true one of my great grands and the money came due!
And, my family all had and share the same first name...
Of grands!
And yes we are related by blood as cousins somehow?
And of course yes we are all Czechs!
My family built a shack on a hill which now becomes what is known as the city of Prague!
(True Story!)
And I think somehow that night I was drunk as a skunk!
I must have spilled the beans to my future Queen and you see she had a scheme?
Which would become her d possible dream?
And, my nightmare here!
(Wish I had a billion cans of cold beer!
Yes, for twelve long months we did nothing but make love...
And yes she got pregnant but?
You see?
Cuz when you wake up in the middle of the Sahara desert?
A desert so damn hot...
And, a desert so damn dry...
becoming dehydrated so much and just think of nothing but wanting to die!
You need to understand?
It's never been about even me or even Katy's need for my money!
Yes, because now it's nothing but...
"The Sand?"
Approximate Word Count:594.

Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father above and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review.
This amazing Artist, as well as gifted Writer and poet...
'Doctor Ricky 1024.'
And, this amazing artist.
'Moon Willow.'
And, her incredible picture entitled, "Sahara"
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

Artwork by MoonWillow at

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