General Script posted February 9, 2019 Chapters:  ...68 69 -70- 71... 

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Pons and Ned meet at a Wishing Well

A chapter in the book Scenes

Scene at a Wishing Well

by Bill Schott

Pons and Ned meet at a Wishing Well

The scene opens with Ned standing next to an old stacked-rock well with a Mason jar full of coins. He throws a coin in just as Pons approaches from behind.
Pons: Hey, Ned. 

Ned: Land o'Goshin, Pons! This here wishin' well don't kid aroun'.

Pons:  How's that?

Ned:  I jist now wished my cuz and bestest buddy was here wit me and no sooner did I toss a penny in the well but you popped right up ahind me.

Pons: Well, I didn't just appear though.  I walked from --

Ned:  That's the magic of it, Pons. We think we know what's a goin' on, but in truallity it's the well what makes thin's happen.

Pons: I don't think the world revolves around this well, Ned.

Ned:  I'm 'bout ta infest in some hist'ry makin' here, Pons. I have a jug a pennies an' I figure it can hep ta make the world what it oughtta be.

Pons: Okay, Ned. I hope this works. 

Ned pulls a penny from the jar and tosses it into the well.  

Ned:  I wish I had enough money ta buy Pons n’ me a ice cream sundae.

Pons’ cell phone begins ringing.

Pons: Hello?

Radio Announcer:  Congratulations! You are the thirteenth caller so you are awarded today’s W.E.L.L. radio prize! 

 Pons:  But, I never —

Radio Announcer:   You have won (drum roll)  a month of sundaes from Bresler’s ice cream store. 

Pons: But I —

Radio Announcer: Today’s  promoted flavors are Vanilla Vortex and Lemon Lactose. You’ll have them in ten minutes, as we are tracking your phone's GPS signal. Who’s your favorite radio station? 

Pons: What?   

Radio Announcer:   Close enough.

Suddenly,  approaching from the left, a bicycle ice cream cart.

Ice Cream Guy:   Vanilla Vortex and Lemon Lactose sundaes for Pons and Ned.
Ned:  That's fantastical, Pons.

Pons:  It really is, Ned.

Ned:  I'll take the Lemon Lactose on account I don't thin' I would like no ice cream toes.

Ice Cream Guy: Great decision. Then leaning in to Ned.  Toes are the worst.

Ned:  I'm pretty dog gone excited 'bout this here wishing well, Pons.

Pons: I'm totally discombobulated.

Ned:  That like brain freeze, Pons?

Pons:  I can't believe this is happening.

Ned:  Jist put yer thumb on the roof a yer mouth.

Pons:  I don't have brain freeze, Ned. I can't explain this ice cream delivery.

Ned:  They was freaky fast fer sure. 

Pons: Can I toss in a penny?

Ned:  'Course, Pons. Go on an' pitch one in there.

Pons pulls a penny out of Ned's jar and flings it into the well.

Pons: I want world peace.

Pons' phone rings again.

Pons: Hello?

Radio Announcer:  Congratulations!  You are the thirteenth caller and have won monthly shipments from Eden Brothers' Peas of the World.  

Ned:  What's goin' on, Pons?

Pons hands the phone to Ned and walks off.  Ned listens.

Radio Announcer:  .... Tom Thumb peas, white sugar peas, green arrow peas, black-eyed peas, dwarf gray peas, Alaska peas, Lincoln peas, sugar daddy peas, mammoth peas...

Ned:  Guess I'll be needin' to wish up some ham and taters.



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