Writing Flash Fiction posted January 23, 2018

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submission for Animal Crackers club

Interview with Rascal

by Teri7

"Hello everyone! My name is Rascal, or as my mom sometimes calls me 'Rattle'. I guess I am about six years old, give or take a few years."

"I have to be nice, as my mommy told me I was being interviewed by this really nice lady, named damommy from fanstory."

"I am turning over the mic to Ms. damommy now. " says Rascal to damommy.

Damommy enters the room and sees Rascal waiting nervously for her interview.

"Hey there Rascal! Don't be nervous as I love cats a whole lot. Your mommy is one of my friends. Can I sit down beside you and us talk for a few minutes?" says damommy to Rascal, with a great big smile on her face.

"Sure you can. I am ready when you are." says Rascal to damommy.

"Ok Rascal, tell me what, if anything, you would like to change about your house." damommy asks Rascal.

"Oh, that is a great question.
First of all, I would love to get our house back to me and my six sisters only! We have so many adopted cats, from only the Lord knows where they came from. I do believe that is why we itch so much. We didn't itch until daddy decided to let momma cat in the house." exclaimed Rascal to damommy.

"Well, Rascal do you think you might be a little hard on momma cat? It seems like she has been through a lot, you know. Having her babies in the woods and your daddy rescuing them from the tough rain, raccoons, and other animals that would hurt them? Maybe your mommy and daddy are just being kind to momma and her kittens." explained damommy to Rascal.

"Well, I know they love us all very much. They know I have a nervous stomach and throw up fur balls. Maybe that is not because of momma cat or her babies. Sometimes I just have to vent, like you humans do. I really don't want any of the cats to be hurt or without a home. We are blessed as my mommy always tells us. She sings songs about Jesus and God when she comes into our room to feed us or check on us. Our daddy is really quiet, but is a great man and daddy to us all." Rascal explains to damommy.

Rascal, is there anything else you want to say before we close this interview? Are there any changes you would like to see made in your house?" damommy asked Rascal.

"No, not really. If I could I would help mommy and daddy get a bigger house so they could help more animals that don't have homes or human parents. It is really nice to be loved and cared for. I know it must make Jesus smile when he sees how much they love us here on earth. I know it makes me smile a lot. Do you have animals, damommy? My mommy said you do?" Rascal politely asked damommy.

"Yes, Rascal I do have animals and I love mine so much too. I am very happy I got to talk with you. You are a very nice cat and I know your mommy and daddy love you very much." damommy said nicely to Rascal.

"Well, I guess I have to go eat dinner before Angel eats all of mine up. No, wait that is not Angel that eats my food up, it's Fluffy! She is our half sister and she comes in our room; eats, sleeps and poops in our room!" Rascal exclaims to damommy!

"Thank you Rascal for your time with me today. Help your mommy and daddy take care of all your half sisters and be good."

"I will do that damommy! I am so glad you took the time to interview me. You made me feel very special tonight. I am a good cat and I do love the Lord very much. We learned about the Lord when we were just small kittens from our mommy. God is the best! Good night damommy!" I would have called you by your first name, but mommy said that is not polite. I hope you didn't mind me calling you damommy."

"No Rascal, that is fine. You are a very nice cat and I have enjoyed this interview very much! Goodnight Rascal! Take care!" Says damommy sweetly to Rascal, as she heads out the door to her other adventures!

Written by: Teresa A. Shortess


This is my very feeble attempt at the challenge from
Animal Crackers. I hope it makes somebody smile as they read it. Thank you damommy for letting me use you as the interviewer! I put this under flash fiction as that was the only place I could think of. May God bless you all!

Club entry for the "Animals Crackers" event in "Animal Crackers".  Locate a writing club.
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