Commentary and Philosophy Non-Fiction posted January 7, 2018 Chapters:  ...4 5 -6- 7... 

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Know the government

A chapter in the book Trumping the System

Democracy at risk

by Cogitator

Continuation of Trumping the System
The power of Democracy

It's that time again. As the candidates for the presidential election gather their forces to wage battle for American minds, we can already see some attacks in progress. There will be billions of dollars spent to sway public opinion towards one side or the other -- money that could surely be used in more productive ways. The process is a version of a "Game of Thrones."

Most of the voting public has little knowledge of what government is about and happily participates in the process much like watching a spectator sport. Sides are chosen, cheering occurs when one side appears to be winning and polls are taken to decide what kind of message to broadcast for the opposing side to "score". Eventually, the chosen one is the least despicable to the most voters.

Jefferson, Franklin and the other founding fathers intentionally put "Novus Ordo Seclorum" (New World Order) on the Great Seal for a reason. Regardless of whether or not their primary philosophy came from Freemasonry, all the symbolism on both sides of the Great Seal carry deep meaning of their intent. It is most likely that the democracy they envisioned was inclusive of all citizens, even though slavery was still in effect. The political atmosphere in the United States today absolutely reeks of exclusivity.

If human beings were a thinking species, they would not need to be governed. There definitely are a number of independent thinkers, but they surely comprise a minority. This group, however, is the one that matters most to the candidates. Many of the voters already have placed their minds into a concrete shelter to prevent any information from entering and confusing them with facts. They will be ignored by the candidates because their votes are secure. How did we get to this state of affairs?

There are many ways to govern the uninformed. The United States purportedly is a democracy, but that is just a facade for what is really happening. The ideal form of government is to have no politicians and no state. That would be Utopia. The current form of world government is Oligarchy -- government by the few. The oligarchs have used Capitalism to amass their power and use the military/industrial complex to terrorize the population while they party. Eisenhower warned us of the military/industrial complex, but was generally ignored.

Another word for the existing government is plutocracy -- government by the rich. If we combine the two, we can coin a new word -- Plutarchy. The members are comprised of consortiums like the Koch brothers have formed. The Koch Plutarchs gather twice annually to feed the coffers of the conservatives for the purpose of swaying uninformed minds into their camp. They are champions of disinformation and misinformation to serve their own best interests. One of their biggest concerns is unionization. They go through great lengths to divide and conquer. The last line of the Communist Manifesto is "Workers of the world, UNITE!" That would shake the Plutarchs to their boots. The surveillance systems implemented and continually being improved is a good sign of their fears.

Evidence of the Plutarchy's control seems to have started in the mid-nineteenth century. Fantastic discoveries and innovations began popping up all over the globe like a kind of evolution revolution. The power of the human mind was unleashed in such a way to cause consternation for the Plutarchy. They found a method to stem the tide by establishing the United States Patent Office in 1871.

Touted as a way to protect inventors from encroachment on their ideas, the USPO was actually intended to alert the Plutarchy of potentially dangerous threats to their control. Nikola Tesla was probably the best example of being victimized by this new process. When he first published his findings on how to provide free energy to everyone on earth, J. P. Morgan and others promptly pulled the rug from that goal by eliminating financial support to continue developing the idea.

Isaac Newton laid a scientific foundation that enabled future scientists to look at the world with new eyes and his works are the cornerstone of much development to follow. His "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy" is nothing short of genius. His work on Optics and the creation of Calculus (Leibniz is accepted as a co-creator) proves his value to the modern world.

The eighteenth and nineteenth centuries were times of fantastic scientific discoveries and enlightened thinking. Many attempts to automate human functions occurred in history, but the first truly significant advances were made by Charles Babbage, George Boole and Ada Lovelace in the mid-1800s. Babbage was commissioned by the British government to create the Analytical Engine that arguably would have become the first computer, had it been finished. Ada Lovelace is considered by many to be the first programmer. George Boole contributed Boolean Logic that is contained in all software today. His "Laws of Thought" and "Calculus of Logic" are the foundation of modern computing. It wasn't until Alan Turing came into the picture in late 1930s and early 1940s that computers began using binary as the base for programming. The Z3, created by Konrad Zuse in 1941, started the revolution of computer evolution.

One of the greatest geniuses ever born was Nikola Tesla. His insight of how the universe functions is at the core of today's technology. His hundreds of patents were ignored and violated by Thomas Edison, Samuel Morse and others but Tesla never took offense or indicated resentment. Edison was an opportunistic marketer more than an inventor. There is no cell phone, television or computer that does not use Tesla's discoveries. They are all based upon his: "If you want to understand the universe, think in terms of Energy, Vibration and Frequency." That statement is the source of the digital age and virtual reality. Virtual reality is an artificial computer mind that can communicate with the human mind.

One of the first notables influenced by Newton was Franz Mesmer, the founder of hypnotherapy. His "animal magnetism" concept was used to heal a young woman of 27 from a horrible condition that caused convulsions and many other symptoms. She was instantly and completely healed. Phineas Parkhurst Quimby used the same technique to heal Mary Baker Eddy from debilitating illness. Eddy went on to write "Science and Health (with a key to the Scriptures)" that is the foundation of Christian Science.

From these monumental works came the creation of the Industrial Age. Fulton, Edison, Tesla and others used the science of their predecessors to create the basis for the military/industrial complex. As factories were being built, agrarian society slowly gave up its lands to become wage slaves. Promise of a better standard of living lured young minds to growing cities. Whereas settlers had to be creative jacks-of-all-trades to survive and use both sides of their brain, industrialization has reduced their natural abilities to become simple and hypnotized "human resources."

The twentieth century brought major advancements. The airplane, automobile, Einstein's Relativity and the introduction of automation moved the world faster and faster. The Atomic Age was born, along with all the paranoia associated with mass destruction. All elements were now available to control the human ego and its decision-making ability. The Plutarchy was now pulling the strings.

Inventions and discoveries that would erode the coffers of the Plutarchy were suppressed and discounted. Turning desert into farmland was quickly stifled; leaded gasoline lasted far more years than it should because the oil barons didn't want to spend money to clean up the air; Exxon/Mobil suppressed their findings that burning fossil fuel contributed to the global warming, etc. If someone in power would oppose such activity, they would be dispatched by assassins. John and Bobby Kennedy, Martin Luther King, John Lennon and others were never allowed to further humanity. The Plutarchy had plenty of cash to motivate the killers. If not cash, brainwashing could be used.

The best weapon the Plutarchy uses today against the population is the television. Other media like radio and newspapers are also used to some degree but "a picture is worth a thousand words" works quicker and better. When Newton Minow gave his speech "The Vast Wasteland," related to the usage of television, he was also ignored. TV has definitely become the best brainwashing tool of the Plutarchy. It will be used extensively in the election process. It is no accident that schedules on television are called "Programming" because that is what it does to the human ego. This has evolved into new and improved brainwashing techniques evident in smart phones and social media outlets.

The media are controlled by the Plutarchy, without a doubt. Rupert Murdoch, Disney, Fox and many others continually distract egos from the truth. Sports, entertainment, booze and sex also are made plentiful to prevent independent thoughts from sneaking into the system. The idea here is to keep uninformed minds so occupied with irrelevant goals that the true goal of the Plutarchy is never sought. Diversion, distraction and disinformation keep the herds from stampeding. Pro and con means for and against. If unifying the population is analogous to fusion, Fascists use con-fusion methods to divide and conquer.

It must be understood that all life is to be treasured. There is no life form that is "better than" or "worse than" any other life form. Human forms, tree forms, indeed, all forms are interconnected and interdependent. The culprit that screws up the soup is the artificial mind we know as EGO. All life is doing its best to express itself in the environment it occupies. The ego is targeted by the Plutarchy to maintain its death grip on uninformed minds. This is accomplished by understanding how the human brain makes decisions and giving it input that will guide the decision in the direction the Plutarchy desires. It is a form of hypnosis that would make Mesmer proud.

Egos under hypnosis do not realize they are hypnotized. They are aware of what they are doing, but they do not know the reason WHY they are doing it. When asked why they do what they do, they retreat into some babble to try and avoid embarrassment. They may quote what they heard or read or rely on cultural indoctrination to justify their decisions. They also may be so deeply hypnotized that they have lost their ability to think for themselves.

Egos are subjected to indoctrination, training and confusion. Education in the United States is primarily used to train wage slaves that can further the Plutarchy's interests. It appears that current curricula are sorely lacking in Music and the Arts. Cursive penmanship is disappearing in many schools. These elements are served by the brain's right hemisphere and this is the side that Plutarchs fear. Development of both hemispheres leads to effective and efficient decision-making. The digital side (left) communicates with the analog side (right) by traveling through the Corpus Callosum. We think about what we feel and feel what we think. If we all did that regularly, the Plutarchy would disappear.

Einstein's brain was dissected and found to contain a Corpus Callosum of huge proportions, no doubt from contemplating his Special Theory of Relativity. Expansion of the Corpus Callosum happens when we exercise it, just like our musculature improves with exercise. One of the best ways to do that is to meditate. If we seek a peaceful space and allow our true consciousness to express itself, we can cleanse ourselves of the ego's control. For the great majority of the population, this is no simple task.

Ego is a hugely persistent nag. Gimme, gimme, gimme is the constant cacophony of its unquenchable desire. And, once it has what it is nagging about, it seeks to hold onto it for dear life. Either that, or it becomes disenchanted with the worthless bauble it acquired and tosses it. Grasping, taking, holding for no other reason than to feel superior to other life forms. Ego is the only entity that wants more than it needs. That is why it is so susceptible to hypnotism. The Plutarchy is well aware of this.

Our universal consciousness is shared by all forms. Humans have animal bodies and will have inborn programming common to all animals. This is our Instinct.

We are born when sperm and egg unite and begin developing into our human form. The programming in the genes and memes of our parents and all previous ancestors is passed on to the body we will occupy while alive on Mother Earth. (Virtually all of us have Neanderthal traits.) This is our Intuition.

As we grow, we will acquire more and more atoms from Mother Earth to build a complete adult form. We will contain the same characteristics as Mother Earth herself. We are made of her dust and into her dust we shall return. The earth does not belong to wayward egos -- we all belong to Mother Earth.

The current infrastructure of world government uses technology to maintain control. Computers are extensions of the brain into the realm of zeroes and ones. Computers operate with a combination of hardware and software, and so do we. Computers can be digital or analog and so can we be. The Plutarchy uses communication systems extensively through computerization to manipulate uninformed and/or unthinking egos.

The brain operates much as an antenna that can both broadcast and receive vibrations of varying frequencies and amplitudes. As communication is received by the brain, messages contained in it will be examined first by frequency and then, amplitude. The left hemisphere handles the digital frequency and the right handles the analog amplitude. In the examination, communication through the Corpus Callosum occurs to create the MEANING of the message for the ego examining it. The longer the examination, the greater the meaning for the simple reason that all meaning is connected. The Plutarchy knows this.

Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs also applies to groups and government. His pyramid prioritizes these needs as: physiological, security, love/belonging, esteem and self-actualization. Current Fascism does not enter the Love/Belonging level.

Those who think their vote is worthless are absolutely correct in this political scenario. As long as egos are willing to be hypnotized, the Plutarchy will continue wielding their power. The current crop of Republican candidates is not republican. It is a Fascist extension of the Plutarchy. The Democratic side appears friendlier, but is still controlled by the Plutarchy. There is no one to blame. Everyone is doing the best they can under the circumstances. There are only three circumstances in living our lives: Time, space and understanding. Since it is always Here and Now, the only way to improve life is to address our understanding.

Plutarchs know that numbers and money strike the digital left hemisphere to create meaning and that meaning is evaluated in the Corpus Callosum to create an emotional reaction in the right hemisphere. Any ego that places the value of money above the value of life is sick, hypnotized or plain stupid. It is people who create money, not the other way around.

After the Second World War, the United States experienced a period of unparalleled growth and prosperity. Unified efforts by the citizenry had started a process of cooperation, community and general well-being for most. The "Baby Boom" indicates healthy relationships and promise of a good societal future.

After Eisenhower, things started changing a lot in the United States. One major reason, of course, was the proliferation of televisions throughout the country. After the Plutarchy dispatched the Kennedys and Martin Luther King, they had a relatively free rein to manage the population at will. Their wealth could now be grown by creating wars and bleeding wage slaves.

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