General Fiction posted December 4, 2017 Chapters:  ...34 35 -36- 37... 

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Unleashed Chaos/A Novel of the Breedline series

A chapter in the book Unleashed Chaos

Whispers in the Night

by scongrove

As the Breedline Covenant sleeps peacefully, they are unaware of evil that lurks inside. With Lilith’s powerful relic medallion, Sebastian and Thomas are able to break through the spell placed on the Covenant, giving them the ability to use a portal.  

After Casey Barton witnesses Sebastian and Thomas kidnapping Tessa, Arius, and Tidus, he alerts Jace. As anger consumes every neuron in Jace’s body, he fights the Beast within him before it becomes unleashed and attacks everyone in the Covenant. When Jace’s family does everything in their power to calm him, something strange happens. A bright light surrounds him like a cocoon, shielding Jace from his Beast. And then the light suddenly disappears taking Jace with it.  

As weeks go by, the Covenant is distraught over the unexplainable disappearance of Jace. Without his ability to connect with Tessa, they are unable to locate where Sebastian and his brother Thomas has taken her and the twins.

When Tessa awoke in a strange place, she used her telepathic powers to try and connect with Jace, but the pain it caused almost sent her over the edge. She sensed something was wrong with him when she heard his faint voice insider her head.

Finally, just as the Breedline were about to lose all hope, Jace was mysteriously found outside the gates of the Covenant. He was in a weakened state, but still alive.

Meanwhile, after Casey Barton confronts Lila’s father, Victor Demont about his knowledge of the affair Victor had with his mother—who is recently deceased—he admits to the infidelity and apologizes to Casey, promising to stay out of his and Lila's relationship. 

Steven leaned back against the headboard of his bed and stared sightlessly in the dark. After Dr. Helen Carrington told him about what had happened in the Covenant, he couldn’t fathom the reason why someone would kidnap the Breedline queen. When he’d asked Helen questions, she was reluctant to give him all the details.
            As he turned to the nightstand, he noticed the red glow on the clock and the time. Damn, he thought. It was two in the morning. His body was exhausted, but for some reason, he felt restless. When he was finally able to shut his eyes, he drifted off into a deep slumber.   
            An hour later, Steven’s lids flew open as he became instantly wide awake. Weariness and sadness quickly crept over him. Inside his head, he heard cries of a woman in pain. The sounds were crisp and clear as if someone was in the room with him, but he put it off as evidence of a losing battle for his sanity. And then he heard her again.
            He went still, his head coming up staring through the dark room. Despite his exhaustion, he immediately came to life. As he reached for the lamp, his skin prickled with goose bumps, traveling over his entire body.
            When the light flooded the room, he said, “Who’s there?”
            A voice floated through Steven’s mind as if someone was right there beside him before gradually fading away. Please… help me.    
            “Christ,” he whispered. “It’s finally happened. I’ve finally lost my damn mind.”
            A sudden chill stole over his body, and he hunched over, wrapping his arms around his stomach. Steven felt her despair in black, suffocating waves. He closed his eyes as her pain mingled with his. Steven didn’t know this woman, but he could no more deny her comfort than he could deny anyone who suffered so much. Concentrating on his thoughts, he merged more fully with her, sending himself inside her very soul. The stranger’s pain became his own.
            Tears ran freely down his cheeks as the full extent of her suffering blew over him like a blazing inferno. It took all his strength and energy to maintain the link between them.
            Who… are you? The weary voice drifted into his mind, and a knot formed in his throat at the resignation so heavy in her consciousness.
How did you do that? She pushed another thought at him again. You took away my pain.
            Her quiet question was full of bewilderment. Steven could sense her disbelief, even as her body relaxed from the discomfort she had felt. He thought this was a dream manifesting from his tortured past.
            It took all his strength to maintain the bond between them, but he could feel it fading. I have the ability to take away… pain, he said with hesitation.
            I-I don’t understand? Her voice was fainter in his mind now. What’s your name?  
            Steven, he uttered, his inner voice was hoarse. Steven Pasquale. Who are you?
            It took her a long moment before she was able to respond. She could sense Steven’s battle between reality and hallucination.
            My name is Tessa Fairchild. Her thought was a mere whisper in his head, and she sensed his frustration just before she lost the connection and slipped free from his mind.
            Tessa? He called out in desperation. Are you there?
            For a long while, he listened and waited for her voice to return. When she didn’t respond, he staggered to his feet and walked slowly toward the bathroom, where he splashed cold water on his face.
            As he lifted his chin, he looked at his reflection in the mirror. He shook his head in denial. And yet he knew the voices were real. Somehow the Breedline queen had telepathically communicated with him. But how was that possible? He thought. Only Breedline bonded mates and twins had the power to do that. And he was confident Tessa wasn’t his beloved, which only left one other possibility. “No, it can’t be possible,” he muttered out loud, shaking his head. But then his past had been a total blur. After years of being held captive by mad scientists and put under numerous painful tests, treated as if he was nothing but a lab rat, his sanity had slowly been eaten away along with his memories. To them, he was only a nameless, faceless research project. He was a human being regardless of the powers he inherited at birth. And now he was running from his past.      
            Sometimes things just weren’t simple, and this was just such a case. Maybe Tessa was his fraternal twin. What mattered now was that he’d made contact with her which could be helpful to the Covenant. If only he’d been able to keep the connection long enough to find out her location. With a long sigh, Steven decided to call Helen.
            Jace lay in the dark, willing himself to close his eyes, but every neuron in his brain was restless. When his lids flipped back open, his thoughts were on Tessa, but he’d remained silent, not wanting to say her name. Trying to keep from thinking of her was almost near impossible.
            It was torture because he wanted her there in his mind. He wanted the reassurance she wasn’t suffering. He’d already gotten luckier than any one person could ever hope for by having her restored to him after Sebastian had kidnapped her before. Was he doomed to lose her to fate after all? And so Jace lay there and endured both physical and mental anguish.
            Jace blew out his breath. His helplessness was agonizing. It was evident that Tessa and his unborn sons were in danger, and it infuriated him that there was nothing he could do. His thoughts consumed him of three heavy emotions: Revenge, hatred, and hopelessness, but mostly revenge.
            Taking a deep breath, he tried to calm down before anger overtook him. He imagined himself when he was younger back home with his human adoptive parents. As he recalled the good memories, he saw his sister Cassie, and his twin brother Jem sitting at the kitchen table as their mother Sarah served them her famous, chocolate chip pancakes. He remembered his dad’s laughter, Cassie’s sweet, innocent smile, their cat Jiggles and their dog Pongo, and even him and his brother’s constant banter back and forth.
            Something clicked in his mind, and he closed his eyes for a moment as he brought back the image of him wrapping his arms around Tessa’s body because holding her was like embracing a ray of sunshine. He imagined her head resting against his chest, her soft moans sliding through his mind. He inhaled sharply, taking in the fragrance of wild flowers as it flowed through his nostrils, reminding him of the scent of her hair.   
            Before he drifted off, shame slid through his chest. Jace felt guilty for his weakness and losing hope after Sebastian took Tessa. It ate at him knowing he’d checked out instead of having the strength for her. Tessa’s constant faith in him made him want to be the man she saw, the one she believed in. He made a promise to her and himself. Giving up was not an option. He would search for Tessa until he took his last breath.   
            After Tessa had lost communication with Steven, she tried to concentrate hard to bring him back into her mind. Realizing his presence was gone, she collapsed against a pillow, weeping softly.  
            Despair was a never-ending cloak of darkness that furled over her until it consumed her. The only hope she had left was getting connected with Steven’s mind again.
            She yawned and placed her hand over her belly, feeling the little movements inside. For the space of a few moments, she could forget that she was apart from Jace, and instead imprisoned in hell where he couldn’t protect her. Just for now, she pretended they were together, her much smaller body curled up against his. When nothing else had been able to perforate the dim world Tessa sunk into, Jace gave her hope.
            When Casey awoke the next morning to the sound of his phone going off, he quickly sat up and slid his feet off the bed. When Casey stood, his center of gravity shifted from his hips to his shoulders, and he fell forward, throwing out his hands to keep from face-planting it into the floor. As he landed on all fours, he groaned and cursed, managing to pick himself back up slowly.
            For a split second the room spun as his body swayed side to side. Casey closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Opening his lids, he finally regained his focus and reached toward the dresser, grabbing his phone.
            As a bead of sweat dripped off his forehead and landed on his phone, he saw it was Lila calling. Inhaling a deep breath, he exhaled and answered, “Hello, Lila.”
            “Hi, Casey,” her voice was soft, the sound causing an instant reaction in him. His heart raced, and his hands shook. “Do you want to meet for breakfast?”
            Before he replied, he thought of the conversation he’d had with her father. In his subtle way, Victor Demont had asked him not to pursue courting Lila. Using his Theriomorph side, Casey had dug deep into Victor’s mind and found out about the affair he’d had with his mother. And that drove him to the edge. As a result, Casey confronted Victor. When he didn’t deny the affair, he admitted the dark secret, begging for Casey’s forgiveness.
            “I would love to meet you for breakfast,” Casey said, his voice masking his tense expression. “Do you have a place in mind?”  
            Waiting for her reply, he went back to the bed and eased down. After taking a heavy dose of dopamine the previous night, he had to deal with the side effects. Although his body moved, he barely felt the ground beneath his feet. Anything was better than dealing with his Theriomorph side and all the urges that came with it. Even if he had to lie to the ones he loved. Keeping his secret was the only choice he had, and lies always required upkeep.  
            After he agreed to meet Lila at Babette’s, a quiet café downtown, Casey carefully shifted off the bed and back to his feet. With his numbness, balancing was tough, and gravity wasn’t his best friend, so the trip to the bathroom took longer than it should have. When he got over to it, he stripped off his boxers and flipped on the shower. While Casey waited for the water to heat up, he looked in the mirror at his reflection. The person staring back at him was the same as always—long, wavy brown hair, gray eyes with a hint of lavender around his irises, broad shoulders, and a lean muscular build.
            He thought about the close call he’d had last night. Going without the drugs for too long was risky. Something he wouldn’t let happen again.    
            He rubbed his eyes and stepped under the warm spray. As he washed, his thoughts drifted to Lila, and his vision miraculously became apparent. She was like an angel sent to him unexpectedly. Sometimes that was all a person needed to survive. She was worth the fight in spite of all the odds that weighed against him.      
            After getting dressed, Casey left his room. As he descended the stairs, he met Kyle halfway down.
            “Hey, I was just coming up to see if you were coming down for breakfast,” Kyle said. “Celina and I made blueberry waffles.”   
            “Um… thanks,” Casey muttered. “But I’m heading out to meet Lila for breakfast.”
            “Oh,” Kyle said, cocking a brow, “you two getting serious?”
            “I don’t know,” Casey shrugged as a little smile emerged, “maybe.”       
            Kyle smirked. “You got that look, bro.”
            Casey furrowed his brows. “What look?”
            “Remember?” Kyle chuckled. “The look a dude gets when his head’s stuck in the clouds over a female?”
            Casey smiled again. “Yeah, I remember… smart-ass.”
            Kyle nudged Casey’s arm and said, “I want details on this one.”
            Casey laughed. “I’ll catch up with you later.”
            When Casey arrived at the café, he reached over to the passenger seat and clasped a hold of a silver-purple rose that was the size of a grapefruit. He’d picked it from the Covenant’s garden before leaving to meet Lila. As he went inside, he saw her sitting at a booth in the back. At first, she didn’t notice him as he walked in. The site of her took his breath away. Her long blond hair flowed over her shoulders in thick waves. He could so picture her on the beach lying on a blanket, wearing a little bikini as sweat beaded over her tan skin.    
            As Casey approached her, Lila looked away from the menu and stared at him with a smile. He put his hand over his heart, bowed to her and extended his other hand, offering her the rose. “Hello, Lila,” he said. “I hope you like roses. They remind me of you… delicate and breathtaking.”
            She nodded, and her smile broadened. “It’s beautiful,” Lila said blushing. “Thank you, Casey.”
            “Be careful of the thorns,” he warned at the same time she reached forward, yelped, and yanked back her hand. A drop of blood formed on the tip of her finger.
            Without thinking, Casey leaned down and put his mouth on her finger, sucking her soft skin. In the back of his mind, he realized what he’d just done. As he released her finger and straightened, she stared at him wide-eyed. She was silent, feeling a soothing rush blooming out all over her skin.  
            He froze, worrying he’d totally freaked her out. “I’m sorry,” he said, his voice expressing regret. “I, ah—“
            “It’s okay,” she interjected, warding off the awkward silence he’d created. “Would you like to sit down?”
            Her quick response was a relief, considering what he’d just done. “Yes, thank you,” Casey replied as he placed the rose on the table and took a seat across from her.
            Ten minutes later, a waitress came over and slowly put down two glasses of water in front of them. As she took Lila’s order, Casey closed his eyes briefly and tuned out the background noise so he could absorb the sound of Lila’s voice. God, that voice, he thought. Casey took a deep breath, trying to catch some of her natural, flowery scent. When he managed to focus, he looked into her eyes. They were dark brown, surrounded by long, thick lashes. They were overwhelmingly beautiful.       
            The waitress cleared her throat. “Sir, what can I get for you?” When there was no answer, she cleared her throat again and said, “Sir?”
            Lila nudged his arm as the silence cropped.
            “Oh,” he flinched, coming back to reality. “I’m sorry.” He quickly lowered his head and glanced at the menu. Lifting his chin, he said, “I’ll have the special.”   
            When the waitress picked up the menus and left, Casey shifted his eyes back on Lila. “What kind of perfume are you wearing?”
            Her eyes flipped to his. “I usually wear Chanel No. 5, but today I’m not wearing any.” She looked at him with a curious expression. “Why?”
            His eyes softened. “You smell fantastic.”
She blushed. “Oh… thank you.”
            “May I?” He nodded to one of her hands.
            She looked at him confused and shrugged, not sure what he was asking.
            He couldn’t very well blurt out that he wanted to feel her soft skin against his, so instead, he said, “May I hold your hand?”  
            She blushed again and nodded as he reached across the table, clasping a hold of her hand. Building up the courage, he pulled her arm forward, bent down, and pressed his lips to her knuckles.
            As excitement flared deep inside her core, Lila let out her breath as Casey released her hand. When she looked into his eyes, they were mesmerizing. The color unlike any other she’d ever seen. A light gray that was so bright, they looked silver with a hint of lavender.
            Unfortunately, the waitress arrived with the food and broke the moment. She turned away from him, placed her napkin in her lap and picked up her fork.
“Lila…” He stopped himself, the dopamine giving him the self-control to slow his Theriomorph urges. Yes, he wanted to make her his, but even more than that, he wanted her to feel the same.
            The sound of his seductive voice made her mind wander. She imagined his body as a cage locked around her, warming her from the inside. She heard him take a deep breath as if he was inhaling her scent, and then her ears were flooded by the sound of his voice.
            “Yes?” she said, her cheeks blushing.
            “There’s something I would like to ask you.”
            Lila’s throat went dry and she made a grab for her glass. After taking a couple of sips of water, she shifted her focus back to him as anticipation clouded her mind, wondering what he was going to say.
            Swallowing the lump in his throat, Casey asked, “May I court you?”
            Her mouth dropped. When Lila finally managed to form words, she said excitedly, “Yes, yes… I would like that.”   
To be continued...


NOTE: This is not part of the chapter. A reference for terms and characters, especially for new readers:

BREEDLINE - A species of humans that have the ability to change from human form into a wolf. They are not like the old legend of the Lycanthropy myth. Breedline species can shift into their wolf at will. The moon has no power over them. They do not pass their ability to other humans with a bite or scratch like the Lycanthropy myth.
The Breedline gene is passed down to offsprings that are born identical twins. Although they live amongst human, their species must be kept secret.
In wolf form, they have super strength, speed, and heightened senses. Compared to humans, Breedlines have tremendous advantages when it comes to health. Their bodies heal fast and are not subject to illnesses or diseases. The only thing that slows their healing process is silver. It is their Kryptonite. Besides old age, a silver bullet to the brain is the only thing deadly to the species.
All males change into their wolf at the age of eighteen. Females do not go through the change until they make love to their Breedline bonded mate.

BREEDLINE TWINS - Identical twins that are born from either one or both parents of the Breedline species. They have a strong, unbreakable bond from birth, are born with telepathic abilities, and have the power to sense the other's emotions or injuries. In some cases, the bond between twins are so strong that if one dies, the other twin may pass on, especially if they don't have a mate.

BREEDLINE BONDING - The male Breedline spends their life in search of their bonded mate. When the male comes in contact with her, he instantly feels a simultaneous, desirable attraction and she becomes the most important thing in his life. He is there to love, protect, and cherish her until death. Once they are mated, they bond for life. It is possible for them to have more than one mate in their lifespan.

BELOVED - A word used by a Breedline to express the bond to their mate.

DOUBLE BONDED - In some cases, male Breedline twins bond with the same female, but one will carry a stronger bond. Usually one of them must sacrifice for the other twin.

BREEDLINE COVENANT - The Breedline species must live within the boundaries of a Covenant, which is only formed with their species. The Covenant is governed and ruled by a head council. The council keeps their laws in order and oversees the species population.

THE BREEDLINE QUEEN - Over centuries the Breedline Covenant is ruled by a true Queen. If there is no Queen living, the Covenants are governed by an appointed head council until another Queen is born. A Breedline Queen is born once every one hundred years. Her massive stature, black fur, and red eyes are the Queen's trademarks. Her alpha wolf has twice the strength, speed, and size of any Breedline. The Queen is expected to rule over all the Breedline Covenants where she will be respected and obeyed by all Breedline. This is their absolute True Law.

THE QUEENS RING - This ring has been passed down to all Breedline Queens for generations. When the new Queen places the ring on, it instantly shifts in size to fit her finger.

TRUE LAW - All Breedline Covenants have an ancient book of laws. If either sex disobeys the Breedline laws, they can be shunned, or no longer protected by their Covenant. If a Breedline takes another life out of revenge, or evil - other than protecting their life, and the life of another - they will never have the ability to shift back human and cast out as a rogue wolf.

ROGUE WOLF - A Breedline shunned by their Covenant for taking another life out of revenge or evil and forced to live as a wolf until death without the ability to change human again. Some rogue wolves form into packs, which can be dangerous for other Breedline species.

RED (BLOOD) MOON - When the full moon passes through the amber shadow of the earth, producing a midnight eclipse visible across North America. So begins a lunar eclipse tetrad, a series of four consecutive total eclipses occurring at approximately six-month intervals. This incredible light beams into the heart of earth's shadow, filling it with a coppery glow and transforming the moon into a great red orb. During this time, all Breedline species that are mated have a strong desire to create an offspring. This is also a time when Breedline females are more fertile for the conception of twins.

CHIANG-SHIH DEMON (Kiang shi, a.k.a Ramael Arminius) - An ancient demon that inhabits the body of a Breedline fetus before it's born, or during a Breedline's death. It continues to take the soul over the natural lifespan of the child, or the deceased Breedline. When the demon possesses a fetus, it breaks the bonding and telepathic abilities of their twin when they are born. If the demon possesses a deceased Breedline's body, it must do so before the soul passes on. If the soul is not intact, the body will soon die.
In most cases, the Chiang-shih demon will take the life of the other twin, even before their birth. The twin that is born with the demon will bring only evil to whomever they encounter. Their sole purpose is to gain full control of another soul and seek world domination.
There are two ways the demon is cast from the soul it possesses: by its first-born son, and the Angel of Mercy, Zadkiel. The Beast is the only one who can kill a Chiang-shih demon.

THE BEAST - He is the second born son of the Chiang-shih demon. When provoked into a rage, he will shift into his Beast instead of his Breedline wolf. The Beast is an enormous, dangerous two-footed creature that has wolf-like features. One bite has enough venom to kill the Chiang-shih demon and leave the soul of the person the demon possessed unharmed.

SHADOW WALKER (a.k.a Shadow Figure, or Black Mass) - The perception of a patch of shadow as a living, humanoid figure, particularly interpreted by the Breedline as the presence of a malevolent entity. When a Breedline species dies and does not pass on to the other side, they are left to roam the earth as a shadow of themselves - a ghost. They will not pass on until they have settled unfinished business before their death.

ZADKIEL (Tzadqiel, a.k.a "Righteousness of God") - The Archangel of freedom, benevolence, and mercy, and the Patron Angel of all who forgives. Breedline species tradition considers him to be the Angel of Mercy.

SUCCUBUS (a.k.a CREEPERS) - Creatures that search for, and feeds off the blood of the Breedline species. Creepers are skilled at extreme sexual pleasure, and the ecstasy they create is exceedingly intense and highly addictive. They cast off a scent that hypnotizes Breedlines into overwhelming sexual urges. They use their human-like bodies and beautiful features to control and influence their thoughts.
They have the ability to reach into the Breedline's mind during sleep, casting a spell of dreams about sexual contact, or intercourse. And one much less obvious manifestation of Creepers is nightmares - realistic, graphic, terrifying nightmares that rob the Breedline of sleep. Over a period, it can lead to severe fatigue and depression, leaving them emotionally and spiritually drained. Death can occur if they completely take over the Breedline's body.

HALF-BREED - This species is born with the genes from both Breedline and succubus. They can bond with either a full-blood Breedline or another half-breed. They do not have the ability to change into the Breedline wolf, but they do need blood from them to survive. With the power to hypnotize, most Breedlines have minimal respect and credence toward the half-breed species.

WICCA (or Wise One) - According to the Breedline species, a Wicca is the goddess of magic, witchcraft, the night, moon, ghosts, and necromancy. A Wicca is also considered to be a demonic spirit. It is unclear to the Breedline if they act under the orders of the devil, or they are simply not understood and treated as outcasts. They have the ability to do white magic (good) or dark (evil).

KATAKO (a.k.a Lucas, or Dark Shadow) - He is the Chiang-shih demon's offspring that is born both Breedline and Wiccan. After one year, the Katako develops into an adult with the mind of a child, without reaching full maturity. It has the power to appear translucent, or become completely invisible. Being born half Breedline, it can shift into a wolf and transform, or mimic another creature with the power to instantly travel from one place to another. Their true purpose of creation is to bring forth the souls stuck in purgatory by using one drop of its blood. Tessa Fairchild - the Breedline Queen - destroyed the Katako in battle using the deadly venom of her Breedline wolf.

GOLEMS (a.k.a The Death Army) - Evil creatures created by dark Wiccans with the power of necromancy. By releasing the souls of demons stuck in purgatory, the Wicca can give them the ability to shape into a creature that is made from earth. These creatures have various qualities, such as mass strength, enormous stature, and the power to consume their victims by saturating them with mud.

GUARDIANS (a.k.a Spirits of the Forest) - They originated during the Middle Ages with the purpose of protecting all creatures, especially the Breedline, from the destruction of any creation made by a dark Wicca. They have the ability to stay invisible with the power to move through any barrier and over any distance instantly.

THERIOMORPH - This species is born with the genes of a Breedline, but do not have the ability to change into a Breedline wolf. They shape shift into an enormous black panther. They possess powers of mind manipulation and random visions of the future. They must use the drug dopamine to suppress their urges. Their eye color shifts into a glowing lavender when their Theriomorph nature takes over. The Breedline see them as a threat to their species.

ADALWOLF - A species that has the power to shift from their human form into a beautiful creature, three times the size, resembling half man and half wolf. Born with super-strength, they can move from one place to another in supernatural speed. Their eyes take on the appearance of two-shimmering diamonds. With the power to regenerate their own cells, an Adalwolf will stop aging at thirty. The moon has no power over them. And an Adalwolf is immune to silver. They can bond with any species.

Jace Chamberlain (a.k.a The Beast) - He is a Breedline species which later discovers his birth father - who is possessed by the Chiang-shih demon - murdered his mother when he and his twin brother were four years old. Raised by their new foster family and their uncle Jacks, he later discovers he was born with a curse of the Beast. With the help of his twin brother Jem, and his bonded mate Tessa, they help him cope with his rage to keep the Beast at bay. He's an IT engineer and is the lead singer and plays acoustic guitar in the band Chaos.

Jem Chamberlain (a.k.a The Chosen Son) - He is a Breedline species and Jace's twin brother. He carries the gene of the Chiang-shih demon that gives him the power to create a portal, and a force of electric energy used as a weapon and other powers he discovers later. His bonded mate is Mia Blackwood, and he's an IT engineer and the drummer in the band Chaos.

Tessa Fairchild - She was born into the human world and later discovers she's a Breedline. Abandoned by her parents, she was raised by her Aunt and Uncle without the knowledge of being born a twin. After she meets Jace, they become bonded mates. During her first change into her Breedline wolf, she is the new Breedline Queen. She is an inspiring artist.

Dr. John and Sarah Chamberlain - They are Jace, Jem and Cassie's adopted human parents. They are physicians in a children's unit, and also donates their time to the emergency center.

Chester and Amelia Ewan - They are called Guardians - a species originated during the Middle Ages with the purpose of protecting all creatures, especially the Breedline from the destruction of any creation made by a dark Wiccan.

Jackson Gray - He is Jace and Jem's biological uncle - Katlyn Gray's older brother. Although he carries the gene of the Breedline, he does not shift into a wolf. Only Breedlines born with an identical twin have the ability to change into their wolf. He's a medical supply pilot.

Mia Blackwood - She is a half-breed and Jem's bonded mate. Abandoned at birth and raised in human foster care, she later finds her twin sister, Eve.

EVE - She is a half-breed and Sebastian's bonded mate. Growing up in human foster care, she spent her entire childhood abused until Sebastian saves her. Scorned from her past, she lashes out in anger, living a life of crime later to discover her twin sister, Mia Blackwood. After realizing the Chiang-shih demon possesses Sebastian, Eve clings to the past in hopes of reuniting with her beloved. Now that Sebastian is finally free of the demon, she has trust issues, worried he has an alternative plan for their sons.

Sebastian Crow - He is a half-breed, and Eve's bonded mate. After he had been killed by Jace in self- defense, he was possessed by the Chiang-shih demon after the Angel of Mercy cast him out of Alexander's body. As he tried to portray Sebastian's life, Eve finally figured out his secret. Keeping her captive only to survive on her blood, he later develops feelings for her. The demon creates a death army, determined to dominate the world and unleash his wrath amongst humans and the Breedline. Now free from the demon, he is determined to reunite with his beloved Eve who is kept prisoner by the Breedline Covenant awaiting trial for her past crimes against them.

Alexander Crest - He is a Breedline who was possessed by the Chiang-shih demon before birth. Murdering his family, Alexander kidnapped his twin's bonded mate, Katlyn Gray. Keeping her prisoner against her will, she becomes pregnant with his twins. As she managed to escape before she gave birth, Alexander eventually kills her in a fit of rage. Returning for his chosen son twenty-two years later, he is determined to convince him to join his army. After the battle between the Breedline, the demon is finally cast out of Alexander setting his soul free. For the demon's past crimes, Alexander is pardoned and must reside in the Breedline Covenant. Praying for forgiveness, he reunites with his twin sons, Jace and Jem. As he fights to keep his new family safe, romance blossoms with Dr. Helen Carrington.

Tim Ross - He is a Breedline species and head council of the California Covenant. Angel, his bonded mate - who is a half-breed - has Tim's daughter they named Natalie, after her sister.

Angel - She is a half-breed and Tim's bonded mate.

Natalie - She is a half-breed and Tim and Angel's daughter.

Kyle Jones - He is a Breedline species that resides in the California Covenant. Having lost his family to a house fire at childhood, his uncle Tim Ross has raised him since. Celina Baldolf is his bonded mate. He's a mechanic and also Jace and Jem's close friend, and plays bass in the rock band Chaos.

Casey Barton - He was born of the Breedline species, and lives in the California Covenant. He was adopted by Tim Ross's brother and carries a deep dark secret, afraid to reveal to the Breedline. He is a clothing model and plays backup bass and keyboards in the band Chaos.

Dr. Helen Carrington - She is a Breedline species and a physician at the California Bates hospital for both Breedlines and humans. Later, she discovers Jace and Jem carry a gene, possibly used for a cure to stop the aging process in her species. After Alexander's demon is banished, he is pardoned for all past crimes and welcomed into the Breedline Covenant. When he meets Helen, they become bonded mates.

Drakon Hexus - He is a Breedline species. At a young age, his first bonded mate was killed by her father. In a rage, he hunts and kills her murderer, breaking the Breedline's True Law. Shunned by his Covenant and forced to live as a rogue wolf, he's promised his humanity back if he joins the Chiang-shih demon's army. After Drakon discovers the demon's plans to destroy all humans and half-breeds, he betrays him and joins forces with the Breedline. As time passes, he bonds with another mate, Cassie Chamberlain.

Cassie Chamberlain - Adopted at age two by Jace and Jem's adoptive parents after her mother abandons her. Later, she discovers she is a Breedline species and bonds with the handsome Drakon Hexus. She is a nurse practitioner, specializing in the neonatal intensive care unit.

Malachi O'Conner - He was born a Breedline species, and shunned by the Breedline Covenant after breaking their True Law. Alexander Crest's demon later forced him into joining his army of rogue wolves. After he had tried to escape, he endured cruel torture from the Alexander's Chiang-shih demon. He was later rescued by the Breedline and pardoned for his past crimes.

Celina Baldolf - She is a Breedline species with the power of a Wiccan, but only practices white witchcraft. Her twin sister Taliah - a dark Wicca - murdered their parents when they were twelve years old. Dr. Helen Carrington is their aunt, and Kyle Jones is Celina's Breedline bonded mate. She is an editor for a local publishing company.

Taliah Baldolf - She is a Breedline species and the mother of the Katako. Using her powers as a dark Wiccan, she joins forces with the Chiang-shih demon to create his death army. After she threatens to kill the Breedline Queen, the Beast overpowers her and sends her to her death.

Samuel Mercier - He is a Breedline and a council member from France that has secretly turned against his own Covenant to help the Chiang-shih demon. He and his other Breedline traitors go into hiding after the Breedline destroy the demon, desperate to seek revenge against the Covenant.

Fredrick Mercier - He is a Breedline and Samuel Mercier's identical twin. Also, he's a council member from France that has secretly turned against the Covenant to help the Chiang-shih demon.

Corbin Azzo - He is a Breedline and a council member that has turned against the Covenant to help the Chiang-shih demon.

Steven Pasquale - He inherited the genes of a Breedline and an Adalwolf. He was taken from his mother and forced to endure a life of endless, painful experiments by a German physician's, Dr. Hans Autenburg and Dr. Hubert Crane. Without the knowledge of his real family, Steven finally manages to escape his captors.

Lisa Wellington (a.k.a Lilith) - She is a Breedline with the gift to heal. After she becomes pregnant with twins, she mysteriously disappears. Taken against her will by Dr. Hans Autenburg, she is forced to endure a life of torture. After years of experiments, her human form is altered into a creature that goes against the laws of nature. With her memory completely erased, Lisa is transformed into Lilith. Her bonded mate, Kenneth Craven desperately searches for Lisa for years. But when their telepathic connection is severed he losses all hope of locating her and his unborn twins.

Dr. Kenneth Craven - He is a Breedline and an orthopedic surgeon at the San Franciso General Hospital. He's also Tessa Fairchild's biological father.

Lila Demont - She is a Breedline, born into a wealthy, prestigious family. She is a lab technician and assists Dr. Helen Carrington with the cure to the Breedline aging process. She later bonds with Casey Barton.

Victor Demont - He is a Breedline, and Lila's father. He is a retired council member of the Pennsylvania Breedline Covenant. After he discovers his daughter has bonded with Casey Barton, he disapproves of their relationship. But when Casey discovers Victor's dark secret of an affair with his adopted mother, Casey confronts him. Now that Victor's secret is revealed, he promises to accept Casey and Lila's relationship in return for his silence.

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