Humor Poetry posted September 5, 2017

This work has reached the exceptional level
confusing English words

But How Can That Mean...?

by pome lover

Here’s a word, when thought about, sounds absolutely ludicrous
Because it seems insulting, which would certainly be rude-icrous!
A word we use so rarely that it’s never platitudinous—
This weirdo word means beautiful, and is it pulchritudinous!
Puberty does not mean “pew-ww!” like when you hold your nose
It’s not the stench of Pigpen, always wearing smelly clothes
It’s when a young girl blossoms, blooming like a budding rose,
Voila!  She changes and begins to metamorphose.
You’d think that Lackadaisical meant short supply of daisies
Instead, it means that someone has a bad case of the “lazys.”
Plethora—sounds like disease, some sort of icky crud,
It means “a lot,” but first it meant excessive amount of blood!
(like when you're whacked by a “puberty-ed” female)

thanks to Eilene0204 for the use of her beautiful heron which I hope, for my purposes, looks a bit confused - like he's scratching his head.
PS I have been reminded that boys go through puberty, too. Sorry, boys, getcha next time.
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Artwork by eileen0204 at

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