General Fiction posted August 21, 2017 Chapters:  ...4 5 -6- 

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Iris's operation

A chapter in the book Iris

Dr Square

by Heather Knight

This is Iris's story. She's a little girl who's just found out she has leukemia. The book is based on my daughter's real life experiences.

I played with Paula for two hours or more and then went back to my room, not without promising her we would play again the next day.

When I got there, there were lots of grown ups I had never seen before talking to Mum.

'Look, Iris. These are my workmates. They've come to visit you and they've brought you presents.'

I smiled shyly and they smiled back. There were three men. One of them looked very young, but he was so thin that I was afraid to shake his hand in case I broke it. After they left, Mum told me he had diabetes.

There were also two young women, each of them holding an enormous parcel.

'Here you are,' said one of them.

'Can I open it?'

'Of course, it's yours.'

I tore the paper and wowed. They had bought me an adorable Bambi doll.

'Oh! How cute!' Mum gushed speaking for both of us.

'Do you want to see what there is in the other parcel?'

'Yes' I whispered, still self-conscious in front of so many strangers.

The second parcel contained something soft. I tore at the paper and looked at its contents. It was a gorgeous pink dress from my favourite shop.

'Thanks so much! I'll wear it tomorrow.'

Mum seemed really happy to have her colleagues to talk to and I was glad they had come.

'Mum, can I show my presents to Paula?'

'Of course, darling.'

Paula said the dress was too posh, but she loved the Bambi doll and I told her she could borrow it whenever she wanted.

When I went back to my room, our visitors had left and Mum was sitting on a chair looking at the wall. Just staring. I wondered what she was thinking about.

At seven o'clock my dinner was brought on a tray. Noodle soup and fish. An apple for dessert. I was not very hungry, but I ate it all not to upset Mum.

After that, I didn't know what to do, as I hadn't brought any books.

'Mum, next time you go home you have to bring me a couple of Harry Potter books. The ones I have on my night-table.'

'I have Pollyanna here if you want.'

'No, thanks.' I couldn't help but smiling. I hate Pollyanna, but Mum reads it and rereads it whenever there is a family crisis. I wonder how she can stomach that book, it's so awfully corny!

Just then, there was a knock on the door. Mum opened it and looked at the bearded man outside.

'Good evening! I'm Dr Square. I'll be operating on your daughter tomorrow. I've come to get an idea of her volume.'

He walked into the room, looked me up and down and left without saying goodbye.

Mum and I burst out laughing. Hysterically.

'What a horrible man!'

'What was that all about? What did he mean by 'my volume'?'

'I guess he wanted to know how heavy you are to see the amount of anesthetic he'll be needing.'

'And he knows that just by looking at me?'

'I guess.' Mum answered thoughtfully.

And then we started laughing again.

After a while, Mum said we'd better go to sleep. There was a blue sofa next to my bed for her to lie on and even though it didn't seem very comfortable she didn't complain.

'What is Paula's father's name?' I asked.

'Josh. Why?'

'No reason. I'm just curious. What did you two talk about for two hours?'

'Lots of things, but mainly you girls.'

'Do you like him?'

'He seems nice,' she said with a yawn.

I stared at the ceiling for a while after that, and then I guess I fell asleep, because I can't remember anything else.

The next morning at around eight, the plump nurse with the squeaky voice came into my room and told me I wouldn't be getting any breakfast as she had to take me down for surgery in half an hour.

'What's your name?' I asked her.

'Molly,' she said, smiling widely. She seems like a truly nice person. I don't know why but I felt like getting to know her better.

'Do you like your job?'

'Most of the time,' she answered. 'I don't like it when you guys feel poorly.'

'Do you have children?'

'No, not yet. But I would like to have at least two in the future.'

'Do you have a boyfriend?'

'Yes. Next time he comes to pick me up I'll introduce you to him. I bet you'll like him.'

She could have got angry because I was asking her so many questions, but she didn't. She just answered and kept on smiling.

A while later, Dr Ingram walked into the room with a parcel in her hand.

'Don't think I forgot about your birthday. Here. This is for you,' she said.

I opened it as quickly as I could (which was kind of a shame as the wrapping paper was beautiful). Inside there was a Barbie in a white coat.

'Cool! I love it!'

'Do you still play with Barbies then?'

'Yes, well, not as much as when I was little, but I still do. I'll have to show it to Paula later, I bet she'll love it.'

'Well, let's take you down to theatre then. I've just talked to Dr Square and they are ready for you.'

I told Dr Ingram about Dr Square's visit the night before.

'Just ignore him,' she said. 'Surgeons live in a world of their own.'

Molly went out for a moment and returned with a wheelchair.

'I can walk,' I said.

'I know, but this is just how we do things around here. Hop on, lady. And don't say we don't treat you like royalty.'

Mum walked with us till we got to the elevator.

'See you soon, princess,' she said.

This time the anesthetic knocked me out completely. I only remember a nurse putting a transparent mask on my face and telling me to count backwards.

When I woke up, I noticed a bandage on my chest covering the Hickman line.

'Don't touch it,' a nurse said as I lifted my hand towards it.


'How are you feeling?'

'Okay, I guess,' I said, but the truth was I was a bit groggy, which was normal under the circumstances.

'We'll take you up to your room in an hour or so,' I heard somebody say as I drifted off to sleep again.

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