Essay Non-Fiction posted February 18, 2017 Chapters:  ...35 36 -37- 38... 

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Lobbying's potential affects on repealing Obamacare

A chapter in the book Breakfast With The Donald!

Lobbying Obamacare

by Brett Matthew West

Essays about the 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump
With the Affordable Care Act facing an uncertain future, lobbyists for the health insurance industry have increased their efforts to ensure their preferred policy changes occur. Of special interest is providing enough health insurance operatives to educate administration officials, White House staffers, and lawmakers about the impact changing the law could impose.

Some health care watchdogs worry that deep-pocketed insurers will manipulate the system to increase their profits and, once again, consumers will be the ones who suffer from changes to the legislation. Isn't that just politics as usual and the way it always happens?

In 2016, health, auto, and life insurance companies spent in excess of 147 million dollars on lobbying. Additionally, they contributed more than 70 million dollars in various political contributions.

Companies that provide insurance to individuals have the stated goals of raising rates for older enrollees and retaining federal subsidies for plan members. They will attempt to achieve these targets through favorable regulation, revisions of the Affordable Care Act, and measures to guide repealing the Act.

University of Kansas Political Science Professor Burdett Loomis, a recognized expert on Congressional lobbying, stated, "It's not just insurers looking for extra help. Expect securities, banking, and energy interests to "lobby up" as well under the business-friendly Trump administration."

Jeff M. Myers, the President and Chief Executive Officer of Medicaid Health Plans of America, who covers 73 percent of Medicaid enrollees, remarked, "We're entering into rare uncharted waters and we really need to dramatically increase our bandwidth."

Medicaid Health Plans of America desires to improve access to substance abuse and mental health services. They also want to lower the Medicaid program's prescription drug costs, and lower the expense of customers enrolling in both Medicare and Medicaid.

Actions by these Special Interest groups could significantly determine the Affordable Care Act's future and have startling affects on millions of American lives. This would include the possibility of losing coverage if Medicaid expansion is stopped. Higher prices for consumers, and diminished coverage for those who need it the most, are other potential results.

One of the largest lobbying groups is Blue Cross and Blue Shield, who's 39 independent companies cover almost 98 million people. Blue Cross and Blue Shield has also spent more than 25 million dollars on lobbying activities.

When all is said and done, don't be surprised if what replaces the Affordable Care Act is an extremely watered-down version of what the law was intended to be. If it becomes that, you can thank Special Interest groups for the damage caused by their meddling into it.

Special Interest groups are the major reason why very little of nothing ever actually gets accomplished in Washington, D.C.

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As American citizens, we all have the right to state our opinions. And, that is what this book is designed for. Getting people talking about The Donald.

Here I come To Save The Day, by Barb Baker, selected to complement my essay.

So, thanks Barb Baker, for the use of your picture. It goes so nicely with my essay.
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