Commentary and Philosophy Poetry posted January 24, 2017

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Impossible to Finish, Like the Universe

A Strand In Time

by sholessjo

                                                                           A Strand In Time

Time, motion and particles of existence do not exist outside our known universe. As light expands into emptiness, it expands into nothingness.  It is an expanding and contracting universe where time is birth and birth is time. It exists in “A Strand Of Time”.where life exists in a state of non comprehension of the creation of something from nothing. It is this process of the creation, of biological life, that repeats itself over and over again in the form of thought., of the existence of a bihogical "I am",  a mathematical creation of the infinite soul. Biology is the incubator of the soul.  


The back of my mind that thinks does not feel sensations or emotions. It is separate from emotional logic. It guides the decision making process with advice based on probability. it has no memory capabilities. It is a virtual slave to emotional logic. It is the muse that makes you say, “oh yeah!”.  It gives us the ability to say, “I am”. Emotional logic does not recognize or remember  the source of the back of your mind. It i biological based and a victim of time and deterioration. It slows and ceases. The question becomes, why. Life fades. Biology dies. Where does the back of my mind go when biology dies?

Bodily mathematical equations are based on the speed of light.

What we do know effects the future through past physical experiences. The brain attaches records of possibilities based on a mathematical formula. This formula tells the body and it’s emotional reaction how to react mentally and physically. This reaction is called instinct. It is based on mathematical equations using the speed of light as the common biological life. When the biological host dies, the soul becomes a strand in time with mathematical memories that never die. It lives in an infinite universe where time has yet to exist.

The purpose of life is to give birth to the soul. Our bodies are incubators. Biology is seeded by the creation of the speed of light for the purpose of eternal existence in a universe where there is no time, only with a connection of logical thoughts with the memory of time. 


In the beginning

The Creator created

The Big Bang

And God gave
The Big Bang
The power to create time

For it is time
That gives humanity
The power to perceive

Time is the measurement
Of particles in motion
In the mind of the beholder

It is based on the movement
Of matter
That is consistent
In form
Throughout the known universe

It is this consistency
That when working with time
God has created
The opportunity
For life to exist
And develop intelligence

It is this intelligence
That allows the relationship
Of time
And thought
To grow with planned purpose
Until we morph
Into a form of pure intelligence

It is then
That we will have been created
Unto the image of God.

                                                           Verse 2

What is a day
Relative to the Creator
When time is infinite
And we do not exist

What is a thought
That becomes a dream
That fades to eternity
When death itself is but an is
That never was
In an eternity of Godliness
That creates existence
In an unknown


                                                                        Verse 3

Intelligence is an energy force
That travels through infinity
In a space
In time
When time
Was still to exist
That came alive
By the grace
Of God
That created you
To believe in
The salvation of eternity
In a mind
That is mine
In an eternity of time

That travels
In strands of time
In limitless time
If thoughts of
I am
Still exist

                                                                         Verse 4

The feeling of time never stops
It is always now it never stops

Yet it doesn't exist
In the expanse of time
In an infinite universe
In an acceleration of expansion
That never ends

Yet does exist

But can't
Because the composite of time
Can't exist

Like a face on a picture
When thought
And behavior
Don't exist

For the feeling of life
Only exists in the strand of eternity
Where time exists
As part of the feeling
That time is now

                                                                                       Verse 5

But now is a now
That only exists
When now is now

And the now of forever
That doesn't exist
With imagined dimensions
Through conscious thought
Of I am

In a feeling of here
And a thought of now
In the moment in time
That does exist

For we are a thought
That can't be real

Because thought and time
Cannot exist

                                                                                                  Verse 6

For what we feel
In a moment in time
In a universe of atoms
Is the feeling of life
With the thought of I am

In an instant of time
That always ceases
But never varies
Through the dimension of time

In an eternal forever
That has no logic
Because the you that exists
And the me that exists
In a forever life
That can't be real
That suddenly stops

When the feelings of infinity
Ends in an instant

As thoughts go dead

                                                                                                     Verse 7

But God is our salvation
That empowers our spirit
Into a changing frontier
Where the heavenly possession
Of our eternal soul
Lives in dimensions
That exist
Without time
Without distance
In a universe that's transcended
From now to when
That goes on and on and on and on
Never to cease

In time immortal
That shifts in scope
From when to then
As life goes on
From then to when
In a constant circle
Of again and again

                                                                                           Verse 9

As life projects
On a picture screen
With time and emotion
And feelings of I am

Framing away
In a reel of reality
That forever plays
A game of life
On a motion screen
That never ends
That always feels
That always knows
The feelings of life
That never dies
That never ends
With a God called Creator
Forever alive
In a strand in time
Forever embedded
With the thought of I am
In a boundless infinity of limitless time
That speeds along
In relative time
That is always there
From here to now
On a plane of predestination
That is always there
With conscious thought
Of rendered emotions
Visiting feelings of renewal
In a new born past
While observing a future
Of I am and I am

For now is always
And always
Is now a thing of the past
Where futures of infinity
Bring timeless wisdom
To feelings of life
Predetermined by destiny
In a divine salvation
Of new dimensions
Of limitless dimension
When everything exists
Again and again
Where the feeling of life

Never stops

                                                                                  Verse 10

it is always now
life never stops
yet it doesn't exist
in the expanse of time
in an infinite universe
that never ends
that does exist
but can't
because the composite of time
doesn't exist
like a face in a picture
whose name is I am
that can't comprehend
the feelings of life
that never stops
that never ends
in a universe of destiny
of Godly expansion
that makes no sense
that never stops
that makes of physics
a question mark
of beginnings and endings
that make no sense
that can't be measured
by the written word
that can't be seen
in the light of time
that bends the mind
in fruitless ways
that philosophy and wisdom
cannot explain
in a universe of questions
about a strand in time
with God the Creator
our only clue
to what is existence
for me and you
in a strand of time
in a new born world
that ends and continues
in an infinite world
in a universe of being
that has no end
like a face on a picture
that cannot comprehend
the existence of thought
that ends in the end

                                                                                Verse 11

The speed of light is a variable
That alters perception
That changes time
From universe to multiverse
In a constant shift
Of lifelike forces
In different forms
That alter matter
With Godly precision
That creates of life
A constant thought

I Am

                                                                      Verse 11
Life After Life - The Soul

You're trapped again
In a different mind
In a strand in time
With a different

In a newborn body
Where logic
Can't comprehend
The existence
Of emotional logic

That controls through
The changes in reality
In such strange strange ways

That makes of logic
A devious dictator
Of a misdirection of thoughts
That make no sense
On this reel of realty
That ends in the end

But I don't know it

                                                                      Verse 12

This is the mind body creation of emotional logic in sequential order. Each sequence is independent of each other and begins at the time of creation. It is an interaction of one process to the next. Each intelligent being will vary from the norm causing deviation in emotional logic from individual to individual  It is a continuum of bodily existence and is instant in reaction.

a. Soul of creation. The feeling of life is one of infinite existence.
B. Awareness - I Am
c. Perception
d. Memory
e. Instinct
f. Emotion
g. Mood
h. Logic
i. Chemical Interaction
j. Spirituality
k. Curiosity
l. Imagination
m. Emotional Logic
n. The need to communicate
n. Bodily Action or Reaction

                                                                                    Verse 13

                                                                          Passion's Lost

Just as it started
It is ending

It has exploded up
Now it is sliding down

Finality must exist
To change perception

Acceptance must overcome
The physicality
Of the reality
That memory
Changes time

Logic overcomes
The feelings
Of failure and loss.

In the reality
Of a changing

We have two areas of thought recognition in our brain. One is biological emotional logic. It controls our daily thought and decision making process. The other is the grid of mathematical formulated existence which is tainted by the limits of biological existence and its relationship with time. The grid of existence has no dimension as time does not exist. It is based on mathematics that has no beginning or end, as zero does not exist. For zero is the point when the grid mates with biological existence. It is the variation of biology with the existence of the grid of zero that creates emotional logic with questions of why. It is undetectable by intelligent life. When we die we enter the grid of existence with the feeling of life when time does not exist. It  is the nature of survival in an expanding universe. 

                                                                            Godly Existence - The Earth of life

name is
I Am

I Am
a strand in time
the Creator
of time

It is
My creation
the thoughts
In your head

that creates
the reality
of why

you think

with thoughts
in your head
of God
and existence

and Me
in your head

The thought process is the same thing as being left handed or right handed. Thought goes through a step to step process either from the beginning up, such as the time on a clock, one two three, or from the top of a future concept backwards, down. It is a learning process of how two sides can come to a mutual agreement and acceptance of what is. 


All living creatures
Who recognize
The concept of time
Have been gifted by God
The feelings of life

It is the biology
Of creation
That determines the gift of thought
To question
The existence of God
And why we ask
The Lord to save our souls

The soul does exist
In all species
As a pathway of logical thought
To live the life
God created us to live

The death of the body
Does not kill the soul

The soul joins
The eternity of God
Where time
Does not exist

The light of creation
Yhe existence of thought
Is timeless and pure

It is the connectivity
Of eternal thought
Created by God
To procreate existence
In an expanding universe
Of time and thought

We have been born
To the human race
With a pathway to existence

It is human instinct
In a biological host
That gives humanity
A path to existence
And a path to the Creator

But biology diverts thought
And instinct

It clogs the path
Of the soul
In its quest for eternity
In the realm of God.



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