General Poetry posted January 22, 2017

This work has reached the exceptional level
poem for a child contest

Dancing Is Fun

by magic dragon

"Skinny knees"
the little ant yelled out to the bee.
Ant asks the bee "can you dance'?
Sitting on a flower, bee takes a stance.

Bee looks down at ant,
"no I can't."
"Well I have never tried", bee did reply.
Bee looks up to the sky.

Bee sings, "sky is blue this is true,
I will dance just for you."
"Watch me, it may be fun."
"Join in, we can dance under the sun."

Bee starts flapping his wings,
ant starts to sing.
Moving side to side and turning around,
the little ant dances on the ground.

Ladybird family walking on their leaf
turn around, almost in disbelief,
although they decide to join in,
a band they did begin.

High in the tree cockatoo can see and
starts to sing along tapping to the band.
On the lake Mr and Mrs frog are croaking.
This little band, sound so charming.

Until moon rises in the sky they dance and play,
-what a merry day.-
Now it time to say good-bye.
They all depart, so they can get some shut-eye.

Poem For A Child writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a poem for children. It must rhyme.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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