Commentary and Philosophy Non-Fiction posted December 26, 2016 Chapters: Prologue 1 -2- 3... 

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Big Brother

A chapter in the book The Road to Utopia

Birth and Growth of Technology

by Cogitator

Most people do not like change but in the next decade humanity is going to experience a rapid change unlike any ever seen before. We are in a transformative period. We have just started a new millennium. During this time during the last millennium, we were in the dark ages.

There are three forces at work which will completely change humanity.

First there is a flow to global. We are now in the nation-state period. All that is left is the planet-state. Everything is going to become global. As younger generations come to power, they are not going to have the same loyalties and ties to nation and corporation that their parents and grandparents had.

Second, everything is flowing to the individual. This is because we are being given more and more choices in every single part of our life. This causes power to flow from the producer to the consumer and from the institution to the individual. Just 30 or 40 years ago we had access to just two newspapers or three television stations for our information. Now with the internet we have access to unlimited information and therefore unlimited choice.

Third, all of humanity is being connected electronically. This is empowering the individual. This is giving leverage to third world countries. They can connect and compete just as any other nation. There are over 5 billion cell phone subscribers. There is no time or distance limiting human communication. Place has been eliminated in human connection. It does not matter where you are. This will cause upheavals in dictatorships. The people can see and connect past the rule and propaganda of the dictator.

We are moving from structure to nets. We don't need to work in a big high rise corporate building. We can work anywhere we have a computer. We can connect to anyone from almost anywhere in the world.

This gives us two realities. We have our physical reality and now we have a screen reality. The screen reality is just as important as the physical reality. Power is no longer in the hands of institutions who advertise to tell you what to buy, what to do, and how to be. Power is now in the individual. You influence those you are connected to on the web.

We are moving from physical to non-physical. Just consider money. Money is now mostly just a figure on a computer screen. Institutions are going to have to change their form if they want to stay current and compete financially. If they don't they will not survive. Most people are still stuck in twentieth century thinking and are not able to see the change coming. This is why so many things especially with our government are not working.

Everything changes. Just look back on your life and see how much the world has changed already. Within the next 10 years it is highly likely our entire world will be under one government. So many things are pointing in that direction.

The other choice is to create Utopia. This is an incredible time to be alive. How did we get to this point?

Virtually everyone on the planet uses technology or is subjugated by it. The seeds of today's technological capabilities were sown a few hundred years ago. Blaise Pascal was a forerunner of computerization when he developed a method to help his father do his accounting work faster, thereby allowing them to spend more time together. Many were based on Isaac Newton's work. (Along with Leibnitz, he is credited with creating Calculus and wrote Principia and Opticks.) These are probably the major building blocks for supporting the technological revolution. Albert Einstein certainly gave Newton credit as the driving force for his Special Theory of Relativity.

The eighteenth and nineteenth centuries were times of fantastic scientific discoveries and enlightened thinking. Many attempts to automate human functions occurred in history, but the first truly significant advances were made by Charles Babbage, George Boole and Ada Lovelace in the mid-1800s. Babbage was commissioned by the British government to create the Analytical Engine that arguably would have become the first computer, had it been finished. Ada Lovelace is considered by many to be the first programmer. George Boole contributed Boolean Logic that is contained in all software today. His "Laws of Thought" and "Calculus of Logic" are the foundation of modern computing. It wasn't until Alan Turing came into the picture in late 1930s and early 1940s that computers began using binary as the base for programming. The Z3, created by Konrad Zuse in 1941, started the revolution of computer evolution.

One of the greatest geniuses ever born was Nikola Tesla. His insight of how the universe functions is at the core of today's technology. His hundreds of patents were ignored and violated by Thomas Edison, Samuel Morse and others but Tesla never took offense or indicated resentment. Edison was an opportunistic marketer more than an inventor. There is no cell phone, television or computer that does not use Tesla's discoveries. They are all based upon his: "If you want to understand the universe, think in terms of Energy, Vibration and Frequency." That statement is the source of the digital age and virtual reality. Virtual reality is an artificial computer mind that can communicate with the human mind.

All containers of intelligence use an Operating System to do their magic. In simplistic terms, this system must be capable of communicating in whatever environment the container exists. It is patterned after our own innate operating system and resides in all manifestations of FORM. Every object we perceive is in-FORM-ation and contains the intelligence to be what it is -- including us. Another fact is that ALL forms are interdependent and interconnected to create one Universe. There is no "outside." What we envision as human beings is what our human ego is willing to understand and can only be "seen" in our own mind.

Our innate operating system "knows" how to maintain homeostasis in our body. Even while we sleep, it pumps blood through our circulatory system, exchanges carbon dioxide for oxygen, wakes us when we need to go to the bathroom, etc. When we feel the need to purge, we activate an application to swing our legs off the bed, walk to the bathroom, purge and return to bed - we execute the "go to the bathroom" app. Everything we do in our waking state is an execution of one app or another. So it is with all containers of intelligence, whether they be kangaroos, giraffes, etc. -- or computers. Our operating system is instinctual and natural while our human apps are learned and arbitrary.

Every system is identical in the way it works and all systems are interconnected. There is no possibility of an "independent" system, including the human system. Only the human ego attempts to separate and differentiate itself from its universe.

All systems use INPUT to produce OUTPUT with a PROCESS. We eat various foods (input) to produce energy, body building blocks and waste (output) and assign that process to our digestive system. We intake air (input) so that oxygen can cause carbon molecules to "burn" and provide energy (output) to move our carcass while expelling carbon dioxide (output) to feed the trees using the process of our respiratory system. Each system we use for bodily survival has an engine we call "organ" and the sum total of these systems represent the human organ-ism.

The five physical senses of the human body have been replicated in computers. This has given rise to the proliferation of surveillance systems and the birth of the Big Brother concept depicted in George Orwell's "1984." Privacy is a word in its final death throes. There are sensors to mimic a digital overseer for virtually every human activity. Automated speeding tickets and red light violations are common. Taking a picture of your check and sending the image to the bank's computer allows for instant deposit into your account, etc. Some electronic eyes can actually "remember" faces in a crowd. In fact, sensors have been developed that far exceed the capability of the human senses. Space probes billions of miles away provide information for scientists to examine, for example.

Communication systems have benefited tremendously by computerization. To be able to speak to someone across the world on a smart phone and even see their faces through Skype is nothing short of miraculous. Take a bow, Tesla. To have access to knowledge by simply saying "OK, Google" is a fantastic capability. That is the power all Utopians have. When everyone has access to the same knowledge base, we can "live as one."

It is remarkable that all these fantastic capabilities are created from sensing if a bit in a machine is on or off. How is this possible? The binary numbering system is the answer. All the wonders of electronic technology owe their existence to the understanding of how to use this knowledge. For this revelation, we thank George Boole. Boolean logic, "Laws of Thought" and Binary were the bases for Grace Hopper to develop COBOL (COmmon Business-Oriented Language). This was the first attempt to communicate with computers using human language as a programming tool. Amazing Grace, as she was called, also had to develop a compiler to take human language and convert it to the zeroes and ones the computer could use. A compiler is a translator.

The significance of zero and one is mind-blowing. It is the ONLY TRUE numbering system. Other numbering systems like octal (base 8), Decimal (Base 10), Duodecimal (base 12) and hexadecimal (Base 16) are simply derivations of this underlying truth. To understand this significance, we return to Nikola Tesla. If, as he suggests, energy, frequency and vibration comprise our universe, what can zeros and ones contribute to this understanding?

Vibrations are replicated in a computer using strings of zeros and ones. When we use voice recognition in calling the local Utility company, its computer is receiving our words in patterns of zeros and ones that enable it to compare our voice to its inbuilt dictionary. Then, it will consult its vocabulary and grammar to attempt avoiding human intervention in handling our request. It becomes a translator of vibrations between man and machine.

If Einstein's revelation that energy is the only element that creates forms and Newton's Law that no energy is lost in the universe is true, we can begin visualizing a holistic and totally connected universe in a state of constant change and transformation. What separates the various manifestations we are able to observe in our human form is based upon the frequencies of their vibrations. In the "Mastery of Life" course offered by the Rosicrucians, the frequencies for each of our physical senses are outlined in detail. Is technology the tool we can use to transform this universe? Indeed it is.

After Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity came Quantum Physics and Quantum Mechanics. This led to the scientists' discovery of the dual nature of the wave/particle. One startling discovery was that, while observing the behavior of the wave/particle, it would act according to what the experimenter was thinking - mind over matter, if you will.

The wave/particle is analogous to zero and one. Just as the wave/particle duality is the source of our consciousness, the zero/one is the source of computer consciousness. This fact is what will allow Utopians to tame technology and make it our slave.

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