Writing Fiction posted August 1, 2016

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Major opportunity for Cody Schroder

Life After FanStory

by Brett Matthew West

Open letter to all Fanstorians,

This note is especially for those of you who have supported Cody from the word go. And there are too many of you to name individually here, or believe me, I would. I have no qualms about doing that.

And for those of you out there wondering if there is life after FanStory? There is. Never give up your dream to write.

As most of you who know me know I am a professional Freelance Writer. I am also a Country Music Songwriter. And I make a fairly comfortable living doing both.

However, it is because of the overwhelming support my Cody Schroder books Astatula and Missing have received here on FanStory that I am now presented with a new opportunity. One I am intrigued enough to pursue.

Born here on FanStory, Cody Schroder, the hottest youngster currently being written about today on this site, is about to take his next major growth spurt.

A local Performing Arts Theatre here in Nashville has approached me about performing a full-length version of Astatula for a live audience. No brainer here! Of course I will accept their offer.

I realize this will require a lot of hard work from many people to make this successfully happen but I am up to the challenge.

Does this mean I am leaving FanStory? A resounding NO WAY JOSE!

You all will still have to put up with me for some time to come.

As I always tell people here on FanStory, and in real life:


You never know what the results of doing that will be.

To those FanStorians who have warmed up to Cody so famously I say a resounding thank you!

I will continue to tell more of his story in Calling Card, the third book in the Astatula Series.

I also will be continuing other Cody Schroder stories, not related to the Astatula theme, in my fourth Cody Schroder book I am calling The Cody Schroder Collection.


Brett Matthew West


This is Evan, by Lilibug6, selected to compliment my letter.

So, thanks Lilibug6, for the use of your picture. It goes so nicely with my letter.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

Artwork by Lilibug6 at FanArtReview.com

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