Biographical Non-Fiction posted June 26, 2016

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Voter Reference

by Cogitator

Voter Reference

I am an immigrant. We moved to the United States to reunite my father with his mother and siblings living in Chicago. They had been separated 43 years. On March 28, 1955, after six days of wretched seasickness, I looked up from my regurgitation spot to see the Statue of Liberty looming in the distance. I couldn't take my eyes off her as we got nearer and nearer. My mother had to come and drag me back to our cabin to get ready to disembark.

Getting processed through Ellis Island takes time. None of us spoke English and we had to depend on the compassion and generosity of a stranger who knew how to help us. He was French and had undergone the process before. After processing was complete, he took us to a taxi stand and told the cabbie to take us to Grand Central Station for the rail trip to Chicago. He would not accept anything but verbal thanks. When we got to the station, the cabbie was caring enough to walk us to the proper platform after we got our tickets. He also refused anything but verbal thanks.

The train ride would take about twelve hours. For me, sleep was impossible; I didn't want to miss any second of this new adventure. Sleep was also difficult for my brothers and my mom because we hadn't eaten anything for many hours -- at least ten or twelve. A steward came into the car with a tray of sandwiches and goodies for the passengers to buy. Our family fortune consisted of two one hundred dollar bills that my mother had converted from francs on Ellis Island. When she offered the man one of the bills, he shook his head and said he didn't have enough change and began moving away. A man a couple of rows behind my mom saw this and called for the steward to return. He took four sandwiches from the tray, paid the man and handed the food to the four of us. Again, he refused anything but verbal thanks.

These three encounters in a strange country with total strangers anchored the following in my mind: "A stranger is simply a friend I never met before." The following morning, we were reunited with my father and his brother Stanley at Union Station in Chicago. My life adventure was underway.

In 1955, the world population was about 2.8 billion. We have almost tripled that as of today. As I think about voting in November, it strikes me rather odd that nothing has been said about this troubling trend. If, in sixty years, that same trend occurs, the earth would have to support more than 23 billion people. Not likely -- at least with the current lifestyles.

The 1956 Federal election was a landslide for Eisenhower. His campaign was the first time I tasted politics, albeit at a very low level. I collected "I Like Ike" memorabilia and hoped for his reelection. By the time his second term was over, I had acclimated to my new country and really hated to see him go. One of the most memorable speeches he gave was upon his exit. By now, television had become a common household appliance and I can remember some of it. This excerpt is significant for this year's election:

"Our military organization today bears little relation to that known by any of my predecessors in peacetime, or indeed by the fighting men of World War II or Korea.

Until the latest of our world conflicts, the United States had no armaments industry. American makers of plowshares could, with time and as required, make swords as well. But now we can no longer risk emergency improvisation of national defense; we have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions. Added to this, three and a half million men and women are directly engaged in the defense establishment. We annually spend on military security more than the net income of all United States corporations.

This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence -- economic, political, even spiritual -- is felt in every city, every State house, every office of the Federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society.

In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military/industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together."

Ike was probably the last Republican president. Those who followed him as Republicans were only pretenders to the name. They were bought and paid for by those that Ike warned us about above. The last true Democrat was probably Lyndon Johnson. Civil rights instituted under his administration that were first forged under John Kennedy make that probable. A quote:

"The American city should be a collection of communities where every member has a right to belong. It should be a place where every man feels safe on his streets and in the house of his friends. It should be a place where each individual's dignity and self-respect is strengthened by the respect and affection of his neighbors. It should be a place where each of us can find the satisfaction and warmth which comes from being a member of the community of man. This is what man sought at the dawn of civilization. It is what we seek today."...Lyndon B. Johnson

Jimmy Carter was a good president, but way, way too biblical. Many voters do not know about the Tripoli Treaty, signed by John Adams in 1797.

"If, therefore, from the settlement of the Saxons to the introduction of Christianity among them, that system of religion could not be a part of the common law, because they were not yet Christians, and if, having their laws from that period to the close of the common law, we are all able to find among them no such act of adoption, we may safely affirm (though contradicted by all the judges and writers on earth) that Christianity neither is, nor ever was a part of the common law."

Article 11 states: "As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility of Mussulmen; and as the said States never entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mahometan nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries."

There is little doubt that the founding fathers could not have foreseen what the United States has become.

"Belief is the death of intelligence."...Robert Anton Wilson

"There is a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot." John F. Kennedy - seven days before his assassination.

John Kennedy was a unifying force for the youth of our country. He was firmly against the Vietnam War and the military/industrial complex and was assassinated because of it. Under his administration, the Peace Corps was born. His brother, Robert, could have carried on the ideals, but was also assassinated. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated for similar reasons. The sixties and seventies gave rise to much civil disobedience and protest against what our elected officials were doing. Hundreds of thousands of people would go to Washington, D.C. to protest how our country was being run. Bob Dylan probably sang it best:

"Come you masters of war
You that build the big guns
You that build the death planes
You that build all the bombs
You that hide behind walls
You that hide behind desks
I just want you to know
I can see through your masks

You that never done nothin'
But build to destroy
You play with my world
Like it's your little toy
You put a gun in my hand
And you hide from my eyes
And you turn and run farther
When the fast bullets fly

Like Judas of old
You lie and deceive
A world war can be won
You want me to believe
But I see through your eyes
And I see through your brain
Like I see through the water
That runs down my drain

You fasten all the triggers
For the others to fire
Then you sit back and watch
When the death count gets higher
You hide in your mansion
While the young people's blood
Flows out of their bodies
And is buried in the mud

You've thrown the worst fear
That can ever be hurled
Fear to bring children
Into the world
For threatening my baby
Unborn and unnamed
You ain't worth the blood
That runs in your veins

How much do I know
To talk out of turn
You might say that I'm young
You might say I'm unlearned
But there's one thing I know
Though I'm younger than you
That even Jesus would never
Forgive what you do

Let me ask you one question
Is your money that good?
Will it buy you forgiveness
Do you think that it could?
I think you will find
When your death takes its toll
All the money you made
Will never buy back your soul

And I hope that you die
And your death'll come soon
I will follow your casket
By the pale afternoon
And I'll watch while you're lowered
Down to your deathbed
And I'll stand o'er your grave
'Til I'm sure that you're dead"

These lyrics have probably never crossed the reader's mind before, but they are an example of the mentality that the Fascist right wing wants to suppress. Today, complacency rules. We will see what November brings.


I am changing my essays into a description of personal experiences that have brought me to this point in life. My obsession to communicate a view that can benefit this planet and its inhabitants is my only goal.
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