General Poetry posted April 11, 2016 Chapters:  ...20 21 -22- 23... 

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A chapter in the book Christine's Poems

BEWARE the witch's spell

by Chrissy710

"Hey look there Jim", the young girl said
"What is this old gate up ahead"?
Do you think we should go through?
I am game if you will too.

We'll have to clear these sticks away
and find the latch, "What's that you say?
you don't think we should touch the gate
what lies beyond might not be great.

Oh come on Jim, don't be a woose
all it needs is one big push.
Then once we're through we'll walk the road
it's just your mind in overload.

And as they heaved the gate it fell
releasing then the witch's spell.
A spell held bound until the day
this gate was opened by it's prey.

But these two children did not see
what dangers lurked when innocently,
without a care stepped through the gate
and with this action sealed their fate.

At first they heard a rumbling sound
and swirling winds whipped all around,
they both were lifted up so high
and drawn so quickly through the sky.

And with a thud they were set down
inside a castle dark and brown.
Both trembling, cold, and full of fear
just what had happened? now we're here.

A voice they heard, a cackle low
the witch appeared to let them know,
they'd live with her forever more
no going back, to life before.

Your days will now be those of toil
you'll cook and scrub, the cauldron boil.
Oh how I've waited for this day
for foolish kids to come my way.

The girl said "Jim I should have heard
the warning in your spoken word,
"don't touch that gate", just let it be
I wish I'd listened to your plea.

A tear rolled down her cheek, then fell
upon the witch and broke her spell,
for witches cannot deal with tears
If splashed with one, their spell it clears.

And with a woosh away they went
back to the place were quickly sent,
behind that gate and set on ground
they both stood up and looked around.

"Where have we been" ? I can't recall
but know that gate must never fall,
so quickly Jim we must away
I'll not go through it; on this day.

So if you see a gate ahead
be careful now when through it tread.
Take care with life and gates you fell
don't end up in the witches spell.

Christine 11/4/2016


This is what saw when I looked at this gate, and so created my story
Perhaps some gates are best left shut, sometimes going through may be at one peril.

This is an image I found and thought it may create some interesting poems.

Please read all the poem with this image from the growing number of participants in these picture challenges

woose : being afraid to do something

Thank you for reading mine

Cheers Christine
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