Romance Fiction posted January 10, 2016 Chapters:  ...75 76 -77- 78... 

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Soni and Jim start to talk.

A chapter in the book Texas Dream Catcher

Chapter Veintitres, (23) Part Seis

by barbara.wilkey

Soni Adler owns the Rockin' A ranch. I35 goes through it. Drug & human traffickers use I35 for transportation to other parts of the US. Jacob Blackwood is an ICE agent. Will these two find love?

The sound of her rifle echoed through the canyon. The man's rifle fell to the ground as he grabbed his arm.

Jim dashed for the rifle and aimed it where the shot came from.

Soni stepped from behind the rocks. "Figures you'd try to shoot the person who saved your sorry ass."

"What took you so long? My arms were getting tired."

"I was afraid you'd have me arrested."

Both turned as they heard horses headed their direction.


After they listened a few moments, Soni pointed to the rocks she'd hid behind and whispered, "We'd better hurry. Bring your horse. I'll take care of him." She grabbed the man's good arm and his horse's reins. "I'll come back and clean up."

Jim helped Soni move everything back, higher up the mesa. When the Hispanic man was secured and gagged, they covered their tracks and the blood trail.

"We finished none too soon." Jim pointed to the three men who had arrived. "I wish I could get a closer shot." He held up his phone to take a picture. "One of them might be the boss."

Soni crept down a few rock levels and took a picture of the three men. When she returned, she showed Jim. "Is this any better?"

"Yes. Thanks. Send it to me." Jim turned his head. "What's that smell?" He raised the front of his shirt to cover his nose.

"It's a skunk." Soni covered her nose with her neckerchief. "Where's it coming from?" She turned around and pointed. "Mack, you didn't." She sighed. "You did."

Goliath rolled on the ground trying to cover his nose with his front paws.

"I guess the smell got to those guys too. They're leaving in a hurry and covering their noses." Soni glanced toward Mack. "You've really done it this time." She motioned for the dog to move away. He did.

"We need to talk." Jim's eyes met Soni's.

"I have nothing to say to you." Soni turned away.

"After everything I've done, at least you could hear me out."

"Ever since I rescued you from Big Grizzly, you've done nothing but lie to me."

"That's not true. I lied about my name, but that's it. I refused to answer the other questions." Jim rubbed his nose and shook his head. "Can we have this argument someplace else that doesn't smell so bad?"

"I'm done talking anyway." Soni went to the prisoner and motioned for him to get on his horse. After he was seated, she took the horse's reins. "You're coming with me." She glanced at Jim. "What are you going to do with him?"

"I'll have somebody come get him and then interrogate him."

After a few moments of silence, Soni avoided Jim's eyes, but asked, "Exactly what was your job and how did my ranch fit in?"

Jim stopped his horse in front of Soni's. "I want you to understand something. Your ranch and your family had nothing to do with my investigation. I was on top of Big Grizzly doing surveillance. That semi we found overturned? I was tracking ones like it, taking the license plate, the time, and date they were traveling down I35. That's it. After we compiled the information, then we would decide how to respond. Now all this other crap has happened."

"Nice story." Soni backed her horse up and went around him, pulling the other horse and it's rider with her.

"Soni, honestly I never heard of you or your ranch. I knew I was on privately owned property, but that's it."

Soni halted her horse, listened, and then whispered, "Hear that? We're being followed."


Thank you Google Images for artwork of skunk. Somehow I felt a skunk was fitting. I could be the area this post takes place. I appreciate the reviews and assistance you give me. If you have not read from the beginning, you WILL be confused. I do want to mention that my romances have a plot. I don't do the boy meets girl and they jump into bed and have passionate sex. To me that's lust and I prefer to write romances where the couple work to find lasting, unconditional love. That's not my style. I do NOT redefine each character in every post. I do not describe the physical features of my characters in every post. Please remember this is part of a much longer chapter. Normal about a fourth of the larger chapter.
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