General Fiction posted July 5, 2015 Chapters:  ...22 23 -24- 25... 

This work has reached the exceptional level
Samantha discovers her new abilities

A chapter in the book A New Beginning

The Kiss

by alexisleech

From the previous chapter.

Samantha was relieved when the sound of the fridge motor kicking in heralded the return of the electricity supply to Igor’s room. The frustration of not being able to play with the lights, or any of the other electrical appliances for that matter, had left her feeling totally frustrated. Now she could get rid of that wretched girl… 



As Igor leapt up the stairs two at a time, he could feel his heart beating loudly in his chest. Being able to spend time with Catarina without the prying eyes of everyone at the gym or café, was something he’d dreamt about since he’d met her the week before. He stopped momentarily outside his room to let his breathing slow down as he leaned on the door frame, before he straightened his chef’s jacket and ran his fingers through his hair to catch his fringe back from where it had flopped into his eyes as he ran up the stairs.
     Samantha, who was about to start her light show to scare off Catarina, hesitated when the smiling and composed Igor walked through the door.
     ‘Catarina…’ he gushed as soon as he saw her sitting on the sofa, sipping her glass of wine. ‘It so good to see you…’
     Samantha held her breath as a spiel of Polish erupted from Catarina’s lips. What was she saying? Whatever it was, Igor seemed to like it. Within seconds they were wrapped in each other’s arms, their lips meeting with a passion that reminded Samantha of exactly how it was when she and Andrew had met in this very room all those years ago. For the first time since Igor moved in, Samantha was glad he couldn’t hear her. If he could, her frustrated groans would have sent him running from the room never to return. She wrapped her arms around herself, the longing and need to be loved escaping her lips in inaudible gasps. Like a moth to the flame, she moved towards them, her need to be part of their passion drawing her closer and closer until she felt herself melting into Catarina’s body. Oh, such joy! She felt Igor’s lips melt into hers, his arms gripped tightly around her as the feel of his skin stimulated every part of her that had been woman when she’d existed in her mortal coil.
     When Catarina suddenly drew back, Samantha literally jumped out of her newly acquired skin. How could she stop now?
      ‘Catarina… you okay?’ Igor asked when he saw how pale she was.
      Assuming it was the effect of their kiss that had made her feel faint, Catarina looked back at Igor with a loving smile. ‘That was amazing…’ she  gasped.
     ‘Amazing, good?’ 
     ‘Yes… Oh, yes,’ Catarina nodded, although in truth she’d never felt more disorientated in her life. ‘Your kiss…’
     His arms were around her again, his lips seeking hers. Samantha didn’t hesitate before she slipped back into Catarina’s body….

Laura held her head in her hands for a moment as she considered the catastrophe that might have happened. If she’d managed to put her plan into action, she could have ruined everything she’d worked towards when she gave Igor a home in the hotel.
     ‘It can’t be that bad,’ Karen quipped when she came through from the kitchen and saw the look on Laura’s face.
     ‘Want a bet?’ Laura groaned, the possible consequences of her interference still weighing heavy. ‘I’ve been such an idiot…’
     Karen pulled the chair out from the opposite side of the desk and plonked herself down so she could enjoy the last of her refreshing spritzer before setting off for home. She usually spent this chilling-out period with Igor after they finished in the kitchen, but his hasty retreat the minute the last table was served had inspired her to seek out Laura’s company instead.
     ‘Why... what have you done?'
     Before she answered, Laura shook her head and looked heavenward. Because Karen hadn’t been privy to the information regarding possible hauntings in Igor’s room before he moved in, Laura didn’t see any point in mentioning it now.
     ‘It’s not what I’ve done so much. It’s what I nearly did. I didn’t realise Igor’s girlfriend was the girl he met at the Polish evening last week. I thought it was a gross woman who turned up while he was still working in the kitchen. Let’s just say I realised my mistake in the nick of time.’
     ‘Thank God for that,’ Karen chortled. ‘I haven’t seen Igor this happy since he arrived two months ago. He might be driving me crazy in the kitchen while he rattles on about the wonderful Catarina, but it’s worth it to see him so happy. What were you going to do?’
     She felt so embarrassed, Laura decided not to tell Karen about the ‘spooky’ ringtone she’d downloaded onto her mobile before hiding it under Igor’s bed. She would retrieve it after he came down to make breakfast in the morning, and return the ringtone to its normal, boring state then.
     ‘I thought I’d switch off the electricity supply to his room, so the woman I thought was his girlfriend would be left in the dark,’ she admitted instead.
    Karen burst out laughing. ‘Well, that wouldn’t have worked. Igor popped up to his bedroom at nine-thirty to light a load of scented candles he bought today. If you’d turned off the lights, it probably wouldn’t have made any difference.’
     ‘Really?’ Laura let out a sigh of relief. The electricity had only been turned off for a couple of minutes before she discovered her mistake, but it had still worried her.
     ‘Anyway, I’ve got to run,’ Karen announced before she downed the remains of her drink and stood up to leave. ‘I’ve got a date with Mark. We’re going to snuggle up on the sofa and watch Big Brother on TV tonight, so I better get going.’
     After she left, Laura decided to follow suit. All the guests were either in their rooms or in the bar, so she could leave it to Dominic, the barman, to look after everything until he finished for the night. After locking the office door and switching the phone to her top-floor flat, Laura made her way up the stairs.
     ‘Damn!’ Karen said out loud as she was about to drive out of the Bedford carpark. In her haste to leave, she’d forgotten to lock the kitchen door, a job usually done by Igor because he lived on the premises. If she had to park up and return to the hotel, it would mean she wouldn’t get home in time to see the beginning of Big Brother. Karen was sure Laura wouldn't mind going through to the kitchen to lock the door, so she picked up her mobile to call her….    


My thanks to Cleo85 for the use of this wonderful image.

Laura; The owner of the Bedford hotel

Igor; The Sous chef at the Bedford hotel

Karen; The head chef at the Bedford, and Laura's friend

Mazeija; Igor's half cousin who caused him to leave his uncles house after he arrived in the UK because of her unending sexual advances.

Catarina; The Polish girl Igor has admired many times at his local gym, but only met for the first time the week before.

Samantha; The Bedford's resident ghost who had been without company for years because her room was turned into a storeroom after she frightened all guests who slept in it. She is determined not to frighten Igor though because she loves having him there.
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Artwork by cleo85 at

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