General Poetry posted May 13, 2015 Chapters:  ...129 130 -131- 132 

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A bit of a reflection on what we should do and what I'd like

A chapter in the book Christine's Poems


by Chrissy710

The time has passed so quickly, regrets I have a few,
I'd change some aspects of my life and some I'd start anew.
I'd go out in the rain to walk, with no umbrella overhead,
With arms stretched out I'd let the rain soak me through instead.

I'd smile and say hello to, strangers in the street,
Instead of staring straight ahead it could be you I'd greet.
And if I pass the flower bed, I'd stop to smell the rose,
And let its lovely perfume waft right up my nose.

I'd let the dog off the lead, no doo would I pick up,
And throw the ball far in the air and yell go fetch it pup.
I'd sing out loud and wouldn't care, what I sounded like,
In karaoke bars line up and overtake the mike.

I'd sing Baa Baa black sheep, not rainbow red or blue,
Read Noddy to the children Mr Plod and Big Ears too.
I'd dress up just like Santa, and call out Ho,Ho,Ho,
Pinch Xmas trees from the bush sing carols that I know.

I'd slurp my drink and chew my food, my mouth kept open wide,
So if you don't approve of that then please don't sit beside.
At the movies I would rattle bags, no I don't think I'd do that,
There are some things I wouldn't change no matter where I'm at.

I wouldn't sweep the floors sometimes, nor would I make the bed,
But laze around just reading books and watch TV instead.
I'd wear my clothes un-ironed, not polish up my shoes,
Eat several blocks of chocolate and never watch the news.

Place my elbows on the table, put my feet up on the couch,
And if you said "do take them off" I'd say don't be a grouch.
I'd scratch the soup bowl with my spoon, I'd lick the butter off.
And if I had a tickly throat uncovered I would cough.

I'd wear short skirts at sixty, high heels that make a noise,
Forget the men with greying hair I'd oagle all the boys.
I'd turn the music up real loud, and drown the neighbours out,
Instead of being nice and quiet I'd often scream and shout.

I'd pierce my nose and get some tats, and show them off with style,
I'd let my hair go really grey and wear a toothless smile.
I'd hang out with a bikie gang, now wouldn't that be fun,
But I would run and hide away if they brought a gun.

I'd say what I was thinking, I wouldn't hold things back,
This political correctness now, is all a load of crap.
We have to watch our P's and Q's, well I have had enough,
And if offend you with my words then bad luck my dear chap.

I'd let the grandkids make a mess, and wouldn't bat an eye,
I'd welcome them with open arms not whinge or growl or cry.
And everytime they came to stay, we'd stay up late at night,
To watch the scary movies and squeal or howl in fright.

You see the years go quickly by, not long before you're old,
What is the mark that you have left or stories that you've told.
So if you have a bucket list, now do them one by one,
Don't worry what the others think go out and just have fun.

Christine. June 2011

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