Romance Fiction posted February 22, 2015 Chapters:  ...30 31 -35- 36... 

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Soni and Jim head toward home.

A chapter in the book Texas Dream Catcher

Chapter Trece; Part Uno

by barbara.wilkey

Soni Adler owns the Rockin' A ranch. I35 goes through it. Drug & human traffickers use I35 for transportation to other parts of the US. Jacob Blackwood is an ICE agent. Will these two find love?

After a long pause, Jim said, "Little lady, you know I can't answer that. It's got to be getting late. I'm sure tomorrow will come early."

Soni grabbed her blanket. "This is wet." She released a deep breath and tossed it to the side. "You ask questions all the time. Yet, you refuse to answer any. That's just wrong. Good night, Jim. If that's even your real name." Her voice was filled with sarcasm as she curled up closer to the fire.



Predawn light filtered through the east side cracks of the wooden slats which formed the rickety shack. Soni blinked her eyes. Once she was awake enough to realize she was cuddled into Jim, she jumped, waking him.

"What's wrong?" Jim eyed her.

"You moved to my spot during the night." Soni's hands were on her hips.

Jim sat and surveyed the area. "No, I didn't. I'm exactly where I fell asleep." He pointed. "You were closer to the fireplace. I guess you moved." He chuckled.

"I did no such a thing!" Soni reached for the coffee pot. "I need coffee."

"You probably were cold and searched for a heat source."

"If that were true, I would've moved closer to Goliath or Butkus. Certainly not you." Soni opened two bottles of water and emptied them into the coffee pot.

"Both dogs were soaking wet." Jim placed his hand on each one. "They're still damp.

"You were just as drenched."

"I dried faster. I'm not covered with thick fur." Jim searched the saddle bags. "What's for breakfast? I'm starved." He opened the small door to get dry wood. "The fire died down a little. I'll work on it."

Before the sun rose above a forty-five degree angle, Soni, Jim, the three horses, and two dogs had finished breakfast and left the shack.

"I'm hoping to get home before dark, but it'll be a hard ride." Soni adjusted herself in the saddle.

"How long before Butkus gets tired of Midnight or vice versa?" Jim glanced back at the pair as they glared at each other.

"I'm hoping they're anxious to get home and will behave themselves. I'll take Midnight in a few hours and give Butkus a break." Soni turned toward them when she heard Butkus growl. "Maybe sooner than later. Midnight doesn't like taking orders, especially from a dog."

"I didn't know animals have personalities, but yours sure do." Jim stopped his horse, got off, and picked up some crushed paper cups and empty food wrappers. "What's this doing in a desert?" He stuffed the litter into his saddlebag.

"Humane Border support groups provide barrels of water and food for immigrants. Many were dying from the desert heat and starvation. Ranchers and Border Patrols were finding bodies or what was left after the animals had finished with them."

"I knew that. I just hadn't thought much about it." Jim remounted Paco and rode in silence for a while before he continued, "I guess I'm conflicted about this. I don't want people to die of dehydration or starvation, but entering a country illegally is wrong too."

"For once we're on the same sheet of music. I don't have the answer." Soni hesitated and turned her head as Goliath gave a low rumbled growl. She whispered, "I heard it too, boy."

Jim halted his horse, listened, pointed two fingers toward his eyes, and then to his left.

Soni nodded. Butkus brought Midnight's reins to his master and waited for instructions. Soni took the reins and tied them to Jim's saddle horn.

After dismounting, Jim removed his Glock from the holster, but didn't aim it. Soni joined him.


Thank you google images for an image of water barrels the Humane Border support groups use. Yes, I know this is a romance and yes it will happen, but all in good time. LOL I really appreciate the reviews and assistance you give me. If you have not read from the beginning, you WILL be confused. I don't redefine each character in every post.
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