Children Poetry posted February 6, 2015

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What to do with too many hours

Hours In A Day

by Roxanna Andrews

Hours in the Day

There once was a girl named Sue,
Who constantly complained of not enough to do.

"Oh what can I do?" she would say.
"There are too many hours in my day."

She wondered if hours could be taken away,
"Perhaps," she thought, "I should kneel and pray."

So she did, "Oh dear Lord above,
I know you are great and full of love,

Could you please take some hours from my day?
You see I always run out of things to play."

The answer came swift and sure,
Sue felt the air around her stir.

"Sue I have many ways to fill your day,
There's so much more to do then play.

Be kind, and generous to those with needs,
By doing good and thoughtful deeds."

He told her what those deeds might be,
Sue thought to herself, "Yes, why not me."

The next morning when Sue awoke,
She remembered the word the Lord had spoke.

She went through all her things and carefully sorted,
Putting aside what was to be transported.

She made sure all was in good condition,
And took it down to the homeless mission.

She began volunteering when she could,
And the feeling it gave was oh so good.

Now there weren't enough hours in the day,
Perhaps she should kneel and pray.

So she did, "Oh dear Lord above,
Thank you so much for your love.

I know you're busy and I hesitate to say,
Could you please put more hours in my day?"


A good time for this poem as it is summer and kids can do a lot of things to help the homeless. It's a great way to teach kids there are those in need and to share and give. I know people who spend the Christmas break collecting food and clothing for the homeless, preparing meals. The kids love it.
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