Essay Non-Fiction posted February 2, 2015

This work has reached the exceptional level
The truth is our only friend

Taming the Ego

by Cogitator

Taming the Ego

Personality, identity and ego are equals in meaning. If we are to create Heaven on Earth, this artificial mind must be understood and controlled. It is the part of us that can be trained, programmed, hypnotized and made to do unnatural things. It is the only source of human suffering. Until we agree to control it, it will control us.

We have a bicameral (two chambers) brain. One chamber interprets digitized information and the other interprets the value of that information as it relates to our overall understanding. In layman terms, the left hemisphere quantifies while the right qualifies. Thinking about making decisions occurs in the Corpus Callosum that connects both chambers. Ego raises its ugly head as an emotional response to stimuli, usually because it has not spent enough time in the Corpus Callosum evaluating the stimulus.

There can only be one truth. Whenever ego communicates its "Point of View," it must be remembered that the view doesn't change to fit the ego's interpretation. It is what it is. The ego will not be tamed until it becomes willing to accept more of the view (read truth.)

Universal Laws

Our observable universe has only two immutable laws -- Balance and Sequence. Maintaining balance (comfort zone) is the only necessity for life to continue. Whenever an out-of-balance condition is sensed, a sequence of instructions must be executed to regain balance. That is what causes evolution. The entire universe is in constant motion balancing itself by evolving. Only egos can refuse to evolve. Balance and Sequence comprise the Operating System of the universe and all its contents, including us. For ease of recall, this will be called the Grand Operating Design, or GOD. It is the source of our consciousness. It is faceless, formless and nameless, but we all have access to it.


Ego resides in an animal body. Human beings, like all animals, have needs to maintain the balance and health of that body. Food, water and a livable habitat are primary concerns. That is not unique to the animal world either. Plants have the same needs. Those bodily needs are satisfied by Mother Earth. Every atom in our bodies and the rest of the creatures on the planet comes from her body. She follows the laws of the GOD, along with all her creations. Only the ego breaks the laws.

An average hair is around 30,000 atoms thick. If the atom's nucleus were the size of a pea and be centered in a large domed stadium, that stadium's outer shell would approximate the necessary space for the electron orbits. In a nutshell, if we collapsed the electron rings in all human beings, we would all (seven billion plus) fit in a teaspoon. If we collapsed Mother Earth's atoms, she would be the size of an average orange. We are nearly 100% space. No matter what, our atoms will be returned to their originator, Mother Earth. "We are dust and into dust we will return."

Ego has access to universal consciousness, but seldom seeks to understand what it is and/or how to use it. The masters know that egos can be programmed and swayed because of their ignorance or outright stupidity. The large majority of humanity is no more than trainable animals to be exploited by those in power. The masters have many techniques to maintain control over the herds. It is the sole responsibility of the individual to seek understanding. That surely will not be provided by the lords and masters.


Humans usually have five physical senses to create a comfort zone. These senses communicate with the environment as information striking the human form. Each sense has a range of comfort that seeks to attract or repel the source creating the sensation. This incoming information is sometimes called vibrations, or vibes. This concept will be addressed differently in Metaphysics later.

Three of the senses -- smell, taste and touch pertain to the physical interaction with the environment. The atoms and molecules surrounding us and entering us express their traits and qualities to these sensors and the information they gather is sent along our nervous system to the brain for evaluation. If some stimulus is outside our usual comfort zone, the brain issues commands back through our nervous system to adjust ourselves or the stimulus. Skunks will repel us, acrid food or drink will be spit out and too hot or cold surfaces will be avoided. Works all the time.

Sight and hearing provide us with the ability to communicate and socialize with each other. That is when egos rear their ugly heads. Another word for ego is personality, from the Greek "persona," which translates to "mask." Virtually all meetings with strangers take place with masks on. Self-knowledge and honesty seem to be in short supply.

It's pretty safe to say that most egos are unaware that whatever they behold is beheld in their own mind. In truth, there is no "outside." Whatever we "see" is an echo of our own existence. This is a tough nut to crack for most people. More will be defined in the Metaphysics section later.

Helen Keller is the best example of this truth. Blind and deaf from an illness at two years old, she graduated cum laude from Radcliffe University at age 24. She founded the ACLU, wrote books and articles and traveled the world to inspire people. Deafness and blindness were no deterrent to her fertile mind. Perhaps her best quote: "The most pathetic person in the world is someone who has sight but no vision." The ego is blinder than she was -- it always wears blinders. Here is another passage from Helen:
"I who am blind can give one hint to those who see: Use your eyes as if tomorrow you would be stricken blind. And the same method can be applied to the other senses. Hear the music of voices, the song of a bird, the mighty strains of an orchestra, as if you would be stricken deaf tomorrow. Touch each object as if tomorrow your tactile sense would fail. Smell the perfume of flowers, taste with relish each morsel, as if tomorrow you could never smell and taste again; make the most of every sense; glory in the beauty which the world in all the facets of pleasure reveals to you through the several means of contact which Nature provides. But of all the senses, I am sure that sight is the most delightful."

Eradication of the ego is selflessness. Maintaining the ego is selfishness. Human egos have all the negative traits of life. They live in their mental prison and look to others for approval. They band together to bolster their ignorance and approve each other's Cognitive Dissonance (denial) of any truth that might shake their values and/or beliefs. They judge, compete, and ridicule higher knowledge. They are greedy, grasping, seek power and have lost kindness and compassion. They comprise the Conservative mind.

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