General Poetry posted August 27, 2014

This work has reached the exceptional level
Sometimes, saying I'm sorry isn't enough...

Too Late...

by Dean Kuch

The author has placed a warning on this post for violence.

That night, she didn't lock her door,
hoping her daddy would sneak in.
Her tattered teddy on the floor —
a silent witness to his sin.


He crept into her room that night,
then touched the place he thought she'd be,
he felt that something wasn't right —
the room so dark, dad couldn't see.


From her hiding place beneath the bed,
the girl slipped out so silently.
Dad found her pillows there instead —
in the place where she should be...


Her innocence trapped in a cage,
lewd lust has surely sealed your fate.
You made her fearful, filled with rage;

you taught your baby girl to hate...


The blade bites down, deep in his heart,
dad gasps his final dying breath.
She's ready for a brand new start —
beginning now — with daddy's death.

How many more like her are there
whose terror tales are all too true?
Betrayed by those charged with their care;
I pray it's not befallen you ...


Though he plead for tender mercies;

she simply couldn't bear the weight,

with a gleeful grin she curtsies —

as dad's, "I'm Sorry,” came too late...

 photo little-sad-crying-girl-teddy-bear-7924087_zps292cdf7a.jpg

Betrayal writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a poem in any form or style with Betrayal as the central theme.


Abuse of a child, especially your own, is one of the most horrible forms of betrayal I could comprehend. If you suspect a child is suffering abuse of any kind, please, get involved and do something about it. The child's life may very well depend on it!
As always, thanks for reading, and getting involved...

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