War and History Poetry posted August 6, 2014

This work has reached the exceptional level
So far away from everything and everyone he loves...

Blue-eyed Baby Boy

by Dean Kuch

Tetractys Contest Contest Winner 

My Blue-eyed Baby Boy




baby boy

so far from home ~

sad, thousand-yard stare plucks at my heartstrings



Writing Prompt
Tetractys is a simple and interesting form of poetry. Write a poem, with only five lines. Each line adds one syllable until the last stanza which has ten syllables. See an example and details in the announcement.

Tetractys Contest
Contest Winner


Men continuously in the field during wartime are said to acquire what's known as The thousand yard stare. A painful, sorrowful stare that seems to pass right through you when you encounter it.

As always, thank you for reading... photo smevilsmiley_zps50903a85.jpg
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