Biographical Non-Fiction posted December 24, 2013 Chapters:  ...59 60 -61- 62... 

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The Never Starting Story

A chapter in the book The Never Starting Story

Chapter 61 These People Are Crazy!

by michaelcahill


"You know that Hitler was a cannibal, right?" That is a good question, isn't it? Should one offer correction to such a statement? Does it make much difference if one thinks that such a reprehensible creature as Adolf Hitler was a cannibal? These are the questions that often face one that works in the mental health care field.
One of the clients in the facility that Donna and I live in and run asked me that question. My instinct was to correct him. But, that is where the nuances of the job come in to play. There is a whole dynamic involved in correcting his misinformation.
Is it a good idea to inform him that he is wrong? How might that affect his mental state? Normally, it would be wise to correct someone, so that they might avoid future embarrassment. Is that the case here? If I don't correct him, he will then, at some future date, list me as a back-up authority to corroborate his thesis, should someone dispute him. "Oh, yes. Hitler was definitely a cannibal, ask Mikey."
Well, so what? That was my conclusion, as well. In our household Hitler, amongst other things, was also a card carrying cannibal. The only possible problem could arise, if another mentally ill client disputes these findings. I suppose that the truth will have to finally come out then. Or, perhaps the lie, being more entertaining, will still prevail.
My favorite client is the lovely Tonnie. She has adopted me and Donna as her parents. Her background is tragic and there is a serious side to all of the fun that I have at her expense. For all intents and purposes we are all Tonnie has and we don't have it within us to ever abandon her. She witnessed her real mother being stabbed to death when she was twelve years old. She is manic depressive and operates at the level of, perhaps, a nine year old.

She weighs almost three hundred pounds and is very demanding and manipulative. No one in the company can handle her, but me and Donna. She had been in and out of hospitals on a regular basis, until coming under our care. She hasn't been hospitalized since we have taken over her care. Well, none of that is entertaining. I just wanted to point out that, in spite of the fun, there is a serious situation behind it.
The looks of sympathy received in Walmart when she calls me 'dad' are priceless. I love standing in line with her. She loves saying "dad" and adds it to every sentence. So, here is little Mikey at barely 5' 7" (I shrunk, isn't that lovely) with this giant, 5' 10", three hundred lb., lazy-eyed, crazy girl calling me "dad". All the ladies in Walmart would dearly love to come over and give poor Mikey a hug. It is better than walking a little puppy. If only I still had my baby face…..
Tonnie thinks that everything I say is a joke. It is possible to say the most outlandish and sometimes horrific things to her and all she does is laugh and say, "Oh, dad! You're so funny." "Now, Tonnie. I know you're hungry. Wait until we get home. Don't eat any of these nice people in line."

Walmart is one of my favorite places for spontaneous shtick. I should point out that I have no boundaries or sense of propriety and always place getting the laugh above all things. That includes my own dignity and standing in the community if necessary.

At one point Donna and I had seventeen clients in a huge eight bedroom house. We had a deal with the parole board and our household had several criminally insane individuals thrown into the mix. We had to feed, medicate, entertain, counsel, keep parole appointments and medical appointments and whatever else came up all of them.

Donna and I have different skill sets that complement each other very well. Donna has honesty and heart. She is respected and loved. Even the most hardened criminal types speak softly and respectfully to her. And it is not because of my presence either. It is out of deference to her. It is an amazing thing to see her give a consoling hug to a big muscle bound parolee. They will talk to her when they won't talk to anyone else.
They will talk to me as well but, for different reasons. With Donna, it is pure heart to heart. Perhaps for many of them it is the first heart to heart they have experienced in many, many years.

With me, it is more an issue of trust. There is no betrayal of trust where I am concerned. Your secret is safe. Your letter will not be opened. The Christmas gift under the tree will not be shaken or disturbed. A woman's purse? Never. Someone's diary left open by mistake? Now closed and locked.

You can tell me what someone else said about me all you want. But, until I hear it from them, I haven't heard anything. The worst thing that one person can do to another is to falsely accuse them. The benefit of the doubt is something I take to the extreme. It is probably a foolish extreme.

But, no one has ever been falsely accused by me. When it comes time to accuse, I have already gone on to the next step. You either know or you don't know. Anything in between is dangerous ground that should not be tread upon.
Melvin had the look of a killer. The entire household trembled in fear at the mere sight of him. We didn't buy it. Donna through instinct. I through some instinct and knowledge of bullies as well as simple reading of his criminal record.

It was apparent in his record that he had never actually laid his hands on anyone. All of his charges stemmed from verbal threats and intimidation. Truth be told, more often than not, he appeared to be falsely convicted by virtue of his size and the perception of danger that he projected. Typical of our justice system and another issue.
Melvin and Russell got into a loud argument over something nonsensical that began to become heated. I knew that Melvin wouldn't strike Russell. However, I knew that Russell would strike Melvin without a doubt. Melvin didn't realize that. He was the aggressor relying on his size to back the much smaller individual into submission.

-part two to follow- 


This is autobiographical and in no particular order. This chapter is rather current. However, this piece jumps around and I may be writing about the fifties next. I am always seeking suggestions as to topics and areas of discussion. Anything is considered. This is unformatted and anything goes.
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