Letters and Diary Poetry posted August 21, 2012 Chapters:  ...6 7 -8- 

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Free Verse Poetry Writing Prompt Entry

A chapter in the book A Mother's Love


by darkmoonbaby

It seems like only yesterday,
When I saw those two pink lines,
My eyes filled up with tears of joy,
My birthday wish, come true.
Sweet baby, I'd meet you!

It seems like only yesterday,
The tests led to a harsh diagnosis,
From day one I knew it would,
Pre-Eclampsia had set in,
Immediate induction it would be.

It seems like only yesterday,
I heard your shrill cry for the first time,
Watching you as they stitched me up,
They got your weight and other stats,
Before you were placed in my arms.

It seems like only yesterday,
You started with your firsts:
Smiles, giggles, rolling over,
Sticking out that tongue, and
Finding your feet.

It seems like only yesterday,
But reality has set in, and I know
That it wasn't only yesterday,
You keep me on my feet, but
That's okay, one day you'll feel the same.

Free Verse Poetry writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a free verse poem. Free verse is a form of poetry that does not necessarily follow to any specific meter patterns, rhyme, or any other pattern. Free verse, despite its freedom, often still has some elements of form. Most free verse does observe a convention of lines and structure.

Pre-Eclampisa is a pregnancy complication that can only be resolved by delivery of the baby. It can affect the pregnant woman's eye sight (blurry vision/spots/etc.), blood pressure, cause headaches that don't go away with pain medicine (Tylenol, etc.).
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