General Fiction posted January 29, 2012 Chapters:  ...20 21 -22- 23... 

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Lisa meets Sarah at the modelling agency

A chapter in the book The Red Dress

The Red dress chapter twenty two

by alexisleech

The party is over, and Alan and Lisa have a relaxed Sunday with his family and flat mate. Lisa's appointment at the modelling agency is booked for the following Monday afternoon.

After Alan and Lisa left the party and got into his car, they both let out a sigh of relief. They had managed to get through the evening and keep everyone happy, including themselves.
     When they made love back at his flat it was different, but it didn't mean that it wasn't wonderful all the same, just not as rushed or erotic as it had been at Vikki’s house. Alan lay afterwards holding her body close to his, the basque and stockings discarded.
     “I want us to be like this forever,” he said sleepily, as Lisa lay in his arms. “You looked so beautiful tonight. I don’t think there was a guy at that party who didn’t fancy you.”
Lisa went quiet. She had wanted Alan’s praise, of course she did, but it was all focusing on how she looked again. The way Karen carried on before the party, the way Richard had come all that way from London because of her picture, the way Alan had wanted to make love to her at the sight of her in the red dress.
     “What if I was ugly?” she asked Alan as they lay in each other’s arms.
Alan just snorted and sleepily kissed the top of her head.
     “Well you’re not, so it doesn’t apply."
Lisa wasn’t ready to give up on her theory.
     “Well, fat then. What if I get fat when I’m older?”
Alan nuzzled into the back of her neck enjoying the sweet relaxation he always felt after they had made love.
     “Then there will be more of you to love...” he answered quite simply, and wrapped his arms around her even tighter.
Lisa laughed at his belief that they would live happily ever after, fat or thin. The way she looked had always been so important to everybody close to her. She couldn't imagine anyone caring about her if she didn't look like a trophy. It had been all her mother seemed to want from her. To be as near to perfection as possible.
     She nestled her head sleepily onto Alan’s chest, feeling his heart beating next to her ear.
     “It doesn't matter if you go off me when I'm old and fat, I'll love you forever,” she whispered, her eyes closing.
He kissed the top of her head once more and said, as he always did before they fell asleep.
     “I promise to love you for longer…”
And with that they both fell asleep, wrapped up in each other’s love....

     Sunday came and went peacefully. They went to Alan’s parents for lunch and fortunately Karen wasn’t there, so they escaped the expected post-mortem on the party the night before.
     When Kathy asked Lisa how she’d got on with Richard, she chose her words carefully when she answered, because she knew that every word would probably be repeated to Karen when she got home.
     “He was absolutely charming,” she replied with honesty. “I can see why he’s so popular with all the girls.”
Alan’s parents waited for her to say more, and when she didn’t, Kathy tried again.
     “And do you think you’ll be seeing him again?”
She looked at Alan and suppressed a giggle. They had anticipated this kind of questioning on the way over. Based on the fact that Alan’s parents would be pleased with the idea that Lisa had made friends with someone other than their engaged son, she carried on.
     “Oh yes I’m sure I will. We spent nearly the whole evening together, and he promised he would be coming back to Chelmsford to visit the family very soon.”
Kathy and Jack looked pleased, and thankfully dropped the subject. Lisa could just imagine the conversation between Karen and Vickie when they heard the news. Lisa just hoped that no money had passed hands between them, and their little bet had been dropped.
        They spent the evening with Mike until he went down to the local for a pint, and then they watched television for the first time since Lisa had arrived in Chelmsford. It was lovely just being together, not doing anything in particular. It was such a change for them not to be in the centre of a drama of some sort, and they enjoyed their first ‘normal’ evening together--until Lisa started stressing about her appointment with the modelling agency the next day.
      Alan suggested they went to bed early so that, for a change, she could have a full night's sleep. Not surprisingly, it didn't happen.    
     When Monday dawned, Lisa got up early and planned her day around her meeting at the modelling agency. She left Alan to his own devices and went into town by herself to find something to wear because she’d forgotten to ask Karen if she could borrow some clothes. She still had the money her father had given her, and her resolve to save it evaporated when she decided to spend it on an outfit for her appointment.
     She was looking for something that would show off her figure and complement her colouring, but wasn't overly sexy. That was sadly, easier said than done. For the first time ever, Lisa realised how generous her mother had been when it came to buying clothes. The cost had never been a major consideration, only the way it looked. The kind of clothes she was used to wearing were way out of her budget now, and two hours later, she was still looking.
     At last she found a short cream suit with a zipped jacket, which went well with the shoes she had bought for the party. A black silky top completed the outfit, but cost a further precious thirty pounds. Convinced that she had made a wise investment in their future, she rushed back to the flat to show Alan what she had bought.
     Although he wasn't impressed with the price tags, he had to agree that she looked sensational in the new suit, and started to play teasingly with the zip of the jacket. It was Lisa’s turn to smack his fingers away, and she went off to have a shower and wash her hair. She was determined to look her best when she walked through the agency doors.
     By one-thirty she was ready to go, looking every inch the model figure she wanted to portray. Alan dropped her off at the modelling agency at five to two, and said he would meet her at the coffee shop on the next block down when she had finished.
     Having kissed her goodbye, without smudging her lipstick, he watched her walk through the agency doors and crossed his fingers. If she managed to get some work it would mean there was no chance of her having to go to the boarding school. Lisa might have forgotten all about it, but he couldn't, and having seen how much the few things she'd bought had cost, her brother's words started ringing in his ears again. There was no possibility of them surviving on his allowance with, or without, his parents’ blessing...
     The reception of the agency was high tech with  a chrome and beech reception desk, behind which sat a beautiful looking girl with long blonde hair caught up with a black spiked comb.
     “Can I help you?” she asked, when she'd finished scrutinising Lisa from head to foot. She was so attractive Lisa began to feel her earlier confidence melt away.
     “Yes, my name is Lisa Collins, I have an appointment at two o'clock,” Lisa replied, hoping she sounded more confident than she felt.
The girl ran her beautifully manicured finger down the appointment book which made Lisa look down at her hands with dismay. She just wished she’d paid more attention to the way they looked before she made the appointment.
     After what seemed like an eternity, the finger stopped, and the girl looked back at Lisa with a supercilious expression.
     “Yes, you have an appointment with Sarah Peters, I'll tell her you’re here,” she replied curtly, before picking up the phone and announcing Lisa's arrival with a bored voice. She then told Lisa to sit down on the magnificently contemporary, and incredibly uncomfortable suede and chrome sofa positioned perfectly beside a coffee table at the other side of the room.
     By the time Lisa was shown through to the office past several blown-up pictures of fabulous looking models, her confidence in her own appearance had reached an all time low. The sight of Sarah Peters behind the desk, looking to all intent and purposes like a model out of Vogue magazine herself, brought her ego crashing down even further. She was beginning to feel like a scruffy mongrel at a pedigree dog show, and had to suppress a sudden urge to bolt for the door.
     Sarah rose from her seat and stretched her elegant hand out to greet her. Lisa saw the flash of a large solitaire on her engagement finger as she shook her hand, making her feel, not only unattractive, but impoverished as well. Sarah gestured to her to sit down in the chair opposite her, and picked up her pen.
     “So, Lisa, I believe you want to be a model,” she stated, giving her a look similar to the one the receptionist had given her earlier. Lisa nodded, feeling totally inadequate.
     “Well I need to take some details,” Sarah said, picking up her pen and studying Lisa with the scrutiny of a mentor.
     “What's your date of birth?”
Lisa gave her all the basic information concerning her age, height, weight etc, and gave her address at Alan's flat. When she finished, Sarah studied her across the desk.
     “Do you have any prior experience?” she asked, beginning to sound a little more interested.
Lisa shook her head explaining that she'd only left school two months before. Sarah checked her notes and surprisingly enough, actually managed to sound enthusiastic.
     “Ah yes, you're only seventeen - as it happens, that might be quite useful.”
Lisa couldn't understand how only being seventeen could ever be useful, it certainly hadn't been very useful so far. She wished she were at least twenty, and looked a lot more like Sarah.
     “Do you have a portfolio?”
     “No,” Lisa replied hesitantly.
Sarah looked back at her with an irritated expression.
     “Have you any pictures of yourself at all?” she asked.
Lisa thought it best to come clean. She got the impression Sarah wouldn't suffer fools gladly
     “I'm afraid I left my home in Scotland with nothing - not even a change of clothes. That’s why I don't have any pictures of myself. I'm here because I've got no money and I have to get a job.”
Sarah looked back at her and remembered back to the first time  she'd approached an agency for work, having run away from home. It sounded as though Lisa was in the same boat. She scrutinised the girl and thought what a great face she had. Her eyes were edged in thick natural dark lashes, and her lips were full and beautifully shaped. There was something slightly sad but sensual about her, and her age might make her perfect for a couple of projects -  but only if she helped her out.
     “Okay, Lisa, would you like to take off your jacket and walk over there?” she asked, deciding to check her out before she offered any more encouragement.
Lisa stood up, unzipped her jacket, and leaving it on the chair, managed to walk fairly gracefully over to the corner Sarah had indicated. She then turned back to face her with her shoulders back and her head held high. Sarah was impressed. This kid might not have any experience, but she had obviously strutted her stuff somewhere before. It was just a shame she wasn't a bit taller.
     “What bust size are you?” she asked, staring at Lisa's chest.
 Lisa had to think, she very rarely wore a bra.
      “I think I'm a 34C, but I'm not sure. It's a while since I've bought one,” Lisa answered apologetically.
Sarah studied Lisa's bust with renewed interest. She had assumed from their shape and firmness that she'd been wearing a bra, but now she realised that she wasn’t, she was suitably impressed.
     “I think you might be in luck, Lisa. We've been contacted by a mail order company looking for models for their teen bra collection for next season's catalogue. I don't happen to have anyone who is, or looks, under the age of twenty on our books at the moment. You might be perfect for it.”
Lisa felt her confidence returning. At least it was a start.
     “The only problem we-- sorry, you have, is that the client needs to see shots of any models we propose before Wednesday. That’s the only way they’ll make their selection. Without a portfolio, you're wasting your time, I'm afraid.”
Lisa’s heart sank. There was no way she could afford professional photographs, and short of asking Alan to take pictures on his mobile phone, or finding someone who could lend them a digital camera, she couldn’t think of a way she could have her picture taken in time.
     “Can you recommend a photographer who could take pictures of me in that time?” Lisa asked, assuming that Sarah would have a long list of photographers up her sleeve.
Sarah sucked on the end of her pen for a moment.
     “That’s another problem. You have to use a professional photographer who's used to taking fashion shots for this sort of thing. They’re few and far between in Chelmsford, and they're expensive, even if you can get hold of them at short notice. I think you might be out of luck. We haven't really got enough time...”
Lisa felt her heart sink and immediately regretted how much she had spent on her outfit.
     “How much are we talking about?” she asked, knowing that whatever it cost, she couldn't afford it. She had blown most of her money that morning.
Sarah leaned back in her chair and thought for a moment.
     “I don't know, but I can't see it being much under two fifty, probably more.”
Lisa shook her head dejectedly. It was a non-starter.
     “I'm sorry I don't have that kind of money at the moment,” she admitted, standing up and putting her jacket back on. The whole thing had obviously been a complete waste of time.
     Sarah was disappointed. She thought Lisa would be perfect for the job and she had been trying to get in with the catalogue company for months. She sucked absent mindedly on the pen again.
     After a minute she had an idea, and as Lisa prepared to leave, Sarah flicked through her phone cards. She dialled a number she'd looked up, gesturing Lisa to sit down again while she did.
      As Lisa watched, she could hear the phone ringing at the other end, and it was eventually answered by a man's voice. Sarah's expression changed as she spoke into the mouthpiece. Her lips broke into a phoney smile as though, what she was trying to communicate, could be seen by whoever was at the other end of the line.
     “Hi, Liam, it's Sarah here, how are you doing?” she gushed.
Whatever answer she was being given was obviously too long, because she listened with a bored expression until poor old Liam gave up talking.
Sarah dived straight in, not wanting to miss her chance to speak.
     “Look, Liam, I'm phoning to ask a favour. I have a girl here, who I think is perfect for a catalogue shoot I would really like to supply for, but she hasn't got a portfolio. I know its short notice, but she needs one for tomorrow. Can you help?”
There were a few moments silence at the other end before he spoke, then Sarah stuck the phoney smile back on her face again before talking.
     “Well, that's the problem. She hasn't any money at the moment, but I wondered if we could come to some arrangement until she gets some work?”
After a short silence, Lisa could hear the voice rising slightly at the other end of the phone. It didn't sound as though Liam was impressed by Sarah's suggestion at all.
     “Well,  I'm sure she can pay you so much a week, Liam until it's paid off, give the girl a break.” Sarah added.
Her outburst had obviously worked, because Sarah was writing a time down on a piece of paper while she finished the conversation. She winked at Lisa and looked pleased with herself.
     “One last thing, Liam - Do you have any bras left at your studio from the “Mitchell's” shoot you did last month?  It needs to be young, not too sexy and a 34C.”
 The answer must have been affirmative because she finished the conversation with a smile.
     “Great, you’re a lifesaver. I'll send her over this afternoon. Her name is Lisa Collins, by the way. Thanks Liam, I owe you...”
Sarah looked delighted with herself when she came off the phone. Scribbling an address on a piece of paper, she handed it to Lisa, who was by now grinning from ear to ear.
     “Can you be there by four?” she asked.
 Lisa nodded enthusiastically and told her that she could. Sarah stood up, signalling that the meeting was over.
     “Now, I've pulled out a lot of stops for you, Lisa, don't let me down.”
Lisa stretched out her hand and shook Sarah's gratefully. She was just about to open the door to leave, when she remembered to ask how the pictures got back to Sarah.
      “Do I need to pick them up?” Lisa asked.
Sarah shook her head.
     ”No, I'm afraid until you've paid for them, Liam won't hand them over to anyone but me. When he sends them over, I'll give you a call. Have you got a number where I can reach you?”
Lisa knew Alan's mobile number off by heart, so wrote it down on a piece of paper before saying good-bye.
     When Lisa walked out of the agency doors she couldn't wait to tell Alan. So much for her brother's sarcastic comments, she thought with a liberated, beaming smile. She now had a future, albeit one dependent on photographs she really couldn’t afford... 

Lisa Collins...Main Character
Gerry...owner and barman at the hotel
Alan...A boy Lisa met whilst visiting her friend in Chelmsford.
Carla...Alan's girlfriend
Fiona Collins...Lisa's mother
Jack Collins...Lisa's father
Scott Collins...Lisa's brother
Nick Corday...A multimillionaire who has fallen in love with Lisa.
Vikki Clark...Lisa's friend from Chelmsford.
Dave Wilson... Policeman
Eve Brookes...Police woman who befriends Lisa
Jack Turner... Alan's father
Kathy Turner...Alan's mother
Karen Turner...Alan's sister
Richard Clark...Vikki's wealthy cousin from London.

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