Essay Non-Fiction posted July 8, 2011

This work has reached the exceptional level
A general approach...

We Empathise!

by fairydancer

What is it about this site? There is something, isn't there, that pulls us in and keeps us glued to our screens like teenagers. I for one have become short-sighted from staring at my PC so intensely since I joined a year and a quarter ago!

To start with, I think it's wonderful that we can meet like-minded people whose passion is to write. And writing is a lifestyle, isn't it? Not just a hobby. It is a way of being that everyone here is proud to announce: I AM A WRITER. And everyone here is willing to accept, whether you have been here longer than you care to remember or just started; whether you have an arm-long list of published titles or not a one.

Everyone here is a writer because they have the desire to express themselves using the written word, and everyone else here appreciates that, no matter where the writer or reader is on their own personal journey. And that feeling is priceless, isn't it?

Oh, but it is so much better than that! There is a huge amount of reading material on every subject under the sun, all stored in one easy access place, just waiting to be perused. And there are several pages of reasons for us to write, called contests, which give us the inspiration we are lacking at times. On FS we can take more and more risks with our writing, in a slow, controllable and not so scary way; just testing the water with each new write (until you write something so generalised and open to criticism as this essay! LOL)

Now, as with life in general, some of the people we meet here will just be acquaintances, while others will become friends, who we will write private emails to and telephone regularly, maybe even plan to meet. (And some who we hope will NOT review us again! LOL) So FS is also a place where we can make friends with like-minded people... and you know they're like-minded because they wear it on their sleeve... they write about it! How amazing is that?

But there is something else; don't you think?

I believe that what is so special about FS, is that we can read (or write) something, everyday, that makes us realise and remember that each one of us is "normal." [I can't believe I'm writing that! A few years ago, if someone had called me "normal", I would have asked them to define it's meaning... in DETAIL!]

Through FS, we can read about other's experiences and fears, temptations and sins, doubts and regrets, feelings of insecurity and reasons for happiness. We can see others mistakes and think "been there" and not feel so bad about ourselves. We can read about other people's life lessons, and this is the key - we can see that they also struggle and SUFFER just like we do. This site teaches each of us greater empathy and that is what we are looking for, know it or not.

Why? Because a writer must be able to put themselves in the shoes of their characters, and another name for that is being able to empathise.

Empathy n the ability to sense and understand someone's feelings as if they were one's own [Greek empatheia affection, passion] (Collins English Dictionary, 2009)

It is a scientific fact that we creative types suffer a higher proportion of mental health issues, such as depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and psychosis, than the average population. (See, we're above average in everything! LOL) Now, I don't know about you, but I found I was having problems and THEN started writing; NOT the other way around! Writing helps!

The statement about mental health sounds awful but it is astonishing how many people have mistaken meanings for these terms. For example; narcissism:

Narcissism n an exceptional interest in or admiration for oneself [after Narcissus, a youth in Greek mythology, who fell in love with his reflection] narcissistic adj (Collins English Dictionary, 2009)

Narcissism, in psychological terms is the inability to accept that other people have different likes, wants, feelings, ideas and dreams.

"Narcissistic personality disorder... is increasing in prevalence in most Western societies, primarily as a consequence of large-scale social changes such as greater emphasis on short-term hedonism, individualism, competitiveness, and success.

Children start out in life being narcissistic - self-centered and demanding. However, part of our socialization process involves teaching children empathy and altruism. Some writers... believe that narcissistic personality disorder arises largely from a profound failure of empathic "mirroring" on the part of parents very early in a child's development. In addition, the child (and later the adult) becomes involved in an essentially endless (and fruitless) search for the "ideal" person who will meet their unfulfilled empathic needs." (Abnormal Psychology by Barlow/Durand, 1995.)

We writers, of course are well advanced in empathy! (Or perhaps we are here because we need to learn it; I know I do!) But writers need to be empathic to get into other peoples' heads - what they like, think, need, want, don't want, etc. to create convincing, believable characters. And, whether we do it consciously in real life, or not, it will subliminally filter through from all this day-dreaming... I mean... character formation; and, through our reading about others' characters and experiences. And this is where FS really comes in, with it's wealth of reading material from people in all walks of life and across many continents.

Depression is fuelled by a person isolating themselves; but here on FS we can frequently read something and realise we are not alone in our feelings; that we are all fundamentally the same!
...And that gives us the confidence to also write about it; share it, release it, explore it... which helps us mentally, you know!

...Ok, so now you probably think I'm saying that all FanStorians are mad! Or at the least, lacking in something! When in actual fact, I am saying the opposite - we seem to be so very aware of all these issues and so many of us have actively changed ourselves , or ARE changing ourselves. Changing our ways of looking at things; our understanding of life, dealing with others, and, our own emotions. Some of us may be at the beginning of this process... releasing and exploring; some may be closer to the end... is there an end? (Only death, methinks... and even then I'm not too sure! Kinda think that might be a new beginning :)

Now, change takes many things: willingness, courage, energy and lots and lots of inspiration! This site is our "top-up", whether it be consciously or less so! It is not just that we want to tell others our wonderful ideas (although that is very cool), but also that we need to feed our own brains.

FS gives us the opportunity to explore all kinds of issues openly (if we choose) or read about others who have done so. Everyone of us has a story to tell; that's why we're here! Even if we just write fiction; part of us comes across through it.

Or am I barking up the wrong tree? ...or just plain barking!! If you are sitting there shaking your head, then please let me know in your review. I would be genuinely interested to know :)

And, being a good all-rounder, this site also gives us the opposite - a good bit of escapism (hey, everyone needs a break, even FS heroes!)

And talking of FS heroes - lets get down to the nitty-gritty - those poets and authors who have inspired or affected us: I think that most of us (who have been on this site for at least 3 months) can think of a story where someone has helped us with our writing; whether it was through continuous helpful reviewing or just one blinding knockout review which changed our perceptions in a dramatic way.

Others of us can think of another author's writing that has moved us, perhaps even in a slightly life-altering way; or perhaps it was our writing that touched someone else.

But whether we are givers, takers, or more likely, both, we are all open to this process; this empathy. We might be writing things that demonstrate it, learning to do so, feeling it or feeding our own empathy! (Even if we are totally unaware that is what we are doing!)

Others still, can think of a way that their own writing has improved due to entering contests or finding inspiration that has pushed their own boundaries, whether comfortably or extremely.

Now I believe that EVERYONE on this site will have thought of an experience that fits at least one in the above list, and if that is the case, then we are ALL heroes in our own way (very cliched, I know, but the truth, none the less!) Some are more inspiring than others, but we ALL have our part to play.



So do I get a years free membership now? FS? Or the local looney-bin? LOLOL

Fan Story Heroes writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
We have all been inspired by authors and poets on FS. Tell us about how someone affected you, the good, the bad or ugly in prose.

Thank you to MadoriKind Images for this artwork (We all have it incommon.)

This was originally called "I Empathise", but due to the fact that all the reviews have agreed with this essay, I have changed it to "We Empathise" - hope that's ok?

We have all been inspired by authors and poets on FS. Tell us about how someone affected you, the good, the bad or ugly in prose... It might the whole premise of the site, some memorable words, an edit that put you over the top. Or then again it might be that someone pissed you off so badly you went head to head on contests, won at last and believed in yourself.

And just for the record, FS writers who have touched me include: adewpearl, patmedium, xylok, bethshelby, kellyshackleford, fatherflaps, closetpoetjester... and the list goes on...
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