General Poetry posted May 13, 2024

This work has reached the exceptional level
a sonnet

Country Tableau

by RodG

Pastoral Poetry Contest Winner 

It’s morning on the farm, hear rooster’s crow.

The sun which sliced its way through summer haze

dyed amethyst the distant peaks that glow.

In flowered fields a herd of Holsteins graze.

Nearby a stagnant pond lolls sleepily.

Its water warmed all day is very still.

Oaks grow upon far banks haphazardly.

Brush blends with uncut grass up sloping hill.

Glimpse regiments of sweet corn standing tall,

their yellow tassels whirling in the wind.

Blue skies suggest there’ll be no rain at all,

a well-known fact of summer, much chagrined.

Pastoral scenes like this in summertime

don’t overlook as oft they are sublime.

Writing Prompt
A pastoral poem explores the fantasy of withdrawing from modern life to live in an idyllic rural setting. All pastoral poetry draws on the tradition of the ancient Greek poet Theocritus, who wrote romanticized visions of shepherds living rich and fulfilled lives. Write a rhymed poem with its focus on idyllic country life that would be characterized as pastoral poetry.

For an example read: The Bait BY JOHN DONNE

Pastoral Poetry
Contest Winner

Artwork by Hillary Scott, courtesy of Google images.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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