General Poetry posted March 20, 2022

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Tribute to all who are motherless

Her Loving Touch!

by Debi Pick Marquette

She never really did grow up

A kid at heart she'd always be

She never had an empty cup

Her love she gave abundantly

Out having fun would be our drill

Went swimming, carnivals and more

They're sitting in her Oldsmobile

Before I'm even out the door

Sweet memories of their grandma

They hold onto as if a crutch

Their love for her is still so raw

My children miss her Loving Touch!

And when my soul was such a mess

She listened with her loving heart

She'd always find a way to bless

When I was done, her words would start

And then her voice was always calm

 While she would help me thru the pain

The kind of love that comes from mom

 The kind I'll never feel again

She never judged what I told her

She held me tight as if to clutch 

The tears she dried are now a blur

 I miss her tender loving Touch!

Together we would love to sing

As if we never had a care

We giggled about anything

At anytime or anywhere!

Then she would take me on a trip

That she would plan for her and me

Our daughter/mom relationship 

Was obvious for all to see

As I recall the happy times

Our shopping, camping trips and such

The laughter with our games of rhymes

Oh, how I miss her Loving Touch!

The day they told us she was sick 

And that her time was very near

At 58, it seemed so quick

Each inch of me would ache with fear 

At first we prayed and then we cried

Then she sat down and wrote a poem

She wrote asking for God to guide

Her safely on her way back Home


Now, as I face this Mother's Day

God, I won't ask you for too much

But when I leave this earth, I pray

To once more feel her loving Touch


I wrote this on my first Mothers Day without her. So I'm bringing this out of storage
again to share it with all my friends here at FanStory
Photo is of my mom with my oldest daughter and my son. I sewed their clown costumes out of my (washed) curtains I had from my room at my parents home

To All Moms; especially Motherless ones ~who may relate to this poem

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