Mystery and Crime Fiction posted June 14, 2021

This work has reached the exceptional level
Amanda tells her story....

On the Edge of Deception Pg 52

by Begin Again

After suffering the consequences of a physical beating from her father, with a belt, Beth Culbertson decides she will not take any more abuse and runs away. Still, the father has a different story to tell until he's discovered dead.

On the other side of town, Ty lies in a hospital bed, falsely accused of drug trafficking, hijacking, and so much more. The proof of his innocence lies murdered on a dark country road.

Can either case be justly solved?


“Hank, I need you to help Spider.” Amanda closed her eyes and sighed heavily. “It’s time to set the record straight.”


“I’m not sure there’s anything I can do for Spider, Amanda. He’s a felon.” Hank looked at Ric for confirmation, but Ric had on his poker face.


“I wasn’t born yesterday.” Amanda turned to face Ric. “What’s that saying you cops use, you scratch my back, and I’ll scratch yours?” Amanda twisted her hands in her lap. She needed to make this right.


“Yeah, it’s not that easy.” Ric pushed his chair away from Amanda.


“Yes, it is. I’ve given you enough information to put O’Shea and McKay away for a very long time. From the information I saved, your team should be able to bring down a lot more important people.”


“Well, actually, that will be the FBI’s case, and the information is old.” Ric retorted. “I’ve got zip.”


“Fine, you want to play it that way. I have nothing more to say to you or Hank.”


“Now, wait a minute, Amanda. Maybe Ric was a little harsh with his response.” Hank tossed a glare in Ric’s direction. “You say you saw who killed Dwight. Help us out with that.”


“Did I say that, Hank? My brain’s a bit foggy from the beating I took.”  Amanda pressed her face into her hands. “I’m not feeling well. I think you should have the EMTs escort me back to the hospital. I need my rest.”


“Now, wait a minute.” Ric jumped up out of his chair and paced the room, stopping in front of Amanda. “You were just fine a minute ago. What kind of game do you think you're playing?”


“It’s not a game, Detective Santiago.” Amanda looked him straight in the eyes. “You want my help, and in return, I want you to listen to what I have to say about Spider. That’s all I’m asking.”


“Listen? He arranged for your beating. You want to protect him.” Ric turned his back, then quickly spun back around.  “Is someone threatening you?” 


“Nope, I just want to correct a terrible wrong.” 


“Even if I do hear what you have to say, it would just be your word against everyone else.”


Amanda smiled, “Hank, this guy’s your friend? Cuz he’s pretty dumb for a detective.” 


Amanda accomplished her goal; getting under the detective’s skin. Ric exploded, “Watch your mouth. You know I could throw some charges your way too?” 


“Calm down, Ric. What’s it going to hurt if you listen? We’re running out of time, and right now, Amanda is your key witness against Nancy.” Hank stopped and lowered his voice,  “Think about Beth.”


“Her word doesn’t put Beth in the clear. She has nothing to back it up.”

“Ye of little faith, my friend.” Amanda stretched her hand toward Hank. “Give me a pen and paper, please.”


Hank pulled a notepad from his pocket with his pen. “What’s up, Amanda?”


“Your detective here thinks I’m some broad from the wrong side of the tracks. He thinks my brain is malfunctioning.” Amanda wrote something on the paper, ripped it out, and handed it to Hank. 


“What’s this? It looks like a combination.”


“Exactly. Now, if this guy gives me five minutes to convince him about Spider, I’ll break your case wide open." She grabbed Hank’s hand, pleading with her eyes. “I can save Beth.”


“That’s blackmail.” Ric didn’t like Amanda having the upper hand. He wanted to be in control. 


“No, Detective, that’s negotiations.” Amanda hid a grin behind her hand.


“It can’t hurt, Ric. It’s your best shot.” Hank believed Amanda had an ace up her sleeve, and he wanted to see it played.


“Detective, I know I came from the Hollows. I’m a black woman not playing with a full deck. I’m considered lowlife. Let me tell you something; I haven’t been thinking clearer in my entire life.”


“Amanda…” Hank was appalled by her description of herself. He stared at Ric, hoping he’d deny it or say something.


“No, Hank, he’s entitled because that’s what I chose for him to know. I’ve been the crazy woman on the block for a long time.”


“Crazy like a fox, it appears.” 


“If I gave that impression, I’m sorry.” Ric looked remorseful. He hadn’t intended to be rude or condescending.


“You’re a detective in a bind. You are about to hang your boss and a lot of important people. The most significant case in Columbia’s history depends on this woman’s word.” Amanda pointed her finger at her chest. “I understand.” 


“That’s my problem. It’s just hearsay. We don’t have proof. No judge is going to go against O’Shea on her word.” Ric sighed. “I’m not being mean, Hank. It’s the truth, and you know it.”


“That’s right, Ric. You don’t have proof, but I do.” Amanda puffed out her chest and grinned.  “You didn’t think I stopped keeping records after they tried to kill me, did you?”


“But we have all the records from the locker. Nothing there will help with this case. Some of it is probably past the statute of limitation.” 


“Ever heard of not putting all your eggs in one basket, detective? If I learned anything from Dan O’Shea, it was to cover my butt.”


“Are you saying you have more evidence against O’Shea?” This information was music to Ric’s ears. 


“I’m saying that I need to set the record straight on Spider. If you listen to me, I will give you everything you need on everyone in this place.”


“Okay, I’m listening.” Ric poured three glasses of water. He handed one to Amanda. “Tell me your story.”


Amanda closed her eyes, whispered, “Thank you, Lord,” and began...


“O’Shea was 'acting chief' and it was a tight race. He needed something big to push him over the top. Trenton McCallister’s death on Rocky Beach Road was the ticket.


“Brian McCallister, Trenton’s dad, owned the biggest shipping company on the Mississippi. He also was Chairman of the 'Fight Drugs' Committee and Columbia’s 'Clean Up Our Streets.'


“Trenton and his college friends lived in an affluent gated community. They partied with the idea the outside world would never suspect anything. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, Trenton left a lavish party after enjoying ecstasy-laced cheese plates, bubbling champagne, shots,  and snorting the white powder.


“Trenton’s toxicology report showed a blood alcohol level of .14 and a mixture of drugs. He suffered a seizure and lost control of his motorcycle, skidding off the cliff. It wasn’t Spider’s fault. 


“That night, a grief-stricken father lost his son, and when the news found out, the empire he’d built would crumble as well.


“O’Shea made it all disappear. The story in the morning paper said Spider ran Trenton off the road. Witnesses ID’d him. A grateful Brian McCallister supported O’Shea. He didn’t learn till much later how much it would cost him. Dan offered to save Nancy and Peter for Spider’s confession. Lovesick Spider accepted.


“I promised Spider I would get the proof he needed. I did, but that night an intruder left me for dead. By the time I recovered, Spider was serving time. Fear kept me quiet, but I learned I would always need a back door when it came to Dan O’Shea.” 


“You have all this proof?” Ric sounded skeptical.


“I’ve got it! And my hidden cameras have taped every movement around my home and the Culbertson house. And I mean everything.”


“You’ve got tapes? Where are they?” Now Ric was excited. 


“Not so fast. I want to know that Spider is going to be cleared.”


“If you can supply the proof,  I give you my word.”


Tango knocked on the door. “Can I see you a minute?”


“What’s up?" Ric and Hank stepped outside Amanda’s cubicle. 


“The team just wanted to give you an update. As far as we are concerned, Daisy is clear. It’s up to you to decide if you’re going to help her out with the Oakdale charges.”


“She was Nancy’s pawn. I can’t see any reason to press charges. I’ll talk to Oakdale.”


“The two teams with Paco and Shorty have determined Shorty is the loose cannon. He denied everything. On the other hand, Paco has been straight. The key witness is Tiny and the dog bite. Told Shorty to roll up his pant leg and he refused. He wants a lawyer.”


“Fine, if that’s the way he wants to play it. Get him a lawyer and offer Paco a decent deal; say, six months and community service. Amanda doesn’t want to press charges, but she might change her mind when she thinks about what Shorty did to Tiny.”


“What about Spider? Learn anything there?”


“Yeah, he says he can clear the kid in the hospital.”


“Tyson?” This was news to both Hank and Ric. 


“According to him, he was at the bar that night, knocking back a few drinks and scoring some weed. The kid looked like he’d been at the losing end of a fight, and Jesse used alcohol to soothe his pain. The kid couldn’t even stand up when the bar closed down. As Spider was leaving the parking lot, he saw Jesse stuffing the kid’s drunk ass into the back of a suburban.”


“With that and Amanda’s information, I think we’ll give him a walk too. But don’t cut Spider loose. He might provide information on O’Shea and Nancy if coaxed.”


“Sounds good to me.”


“Let’s tell Amanda; it’s a deal. Send someone to pick up the contents of the other locker, and then it’s showtime.” Hank was eager to ease her mind.


“Personally, I can’t wait to hear Nancy’s interrogation. Wonder how she’s going to try and weasel out of this one?” Tango had heard a lot about the woman, and he wanted her to get what she had coming to her.


“Is the cowboy ready?” Ric looked around the room. He hadn’t seen Garth all morning.


“He’s had a busy morning. Should be here in about an hour.” Tango was quick to inform Ric and Hank of his boss’s whereabouts.


“Perfect! When he gets here, make sure Nancy can see him. I want to see her sweat.” Ric had a very satisfied grin on his face. “Does she know he’s FBI?”


“No, Garth wants to drop that one himself.” Tango and everyone laughed. “I want a front-row seat.”



Please not that I wrote this today with a fever. My covid shot reared it's ugly head.

If you have any suggestions on a rewrite or changing/ adding description please feel free to tell me. My brain is like Amanda's...scrambled. Thank You!

Smiles... well, may just thanks will have to suffice today.

Dwight Culbertson - a violent drunk and father
Beth - the sixteen yr old daughter of Dwight Culbertson
Rachel - Beth's best friend and confidant
Nancy - Owner of Last Chance and Dwight's mistress
Daisy Mae Collins - bartender, a girl about town
Ethan - upstanding, good-hearted college basketball star
Tyson - Ethan's best friend and college basketball jock, who believes in self-survival
Roberta - (Bert) Caseworker
Dan O'Shea - Police Chief
Detective Ric Santiago
Hank Armato - retired detective and currently Private Investigator
Nathan Rotello - trucking company owner
Peter Rotello - Nate's son and Nancy's co-conspirator
Garth Woodman (Jeremy) - Undercover FBI Agent
Amanda - Culbertson neighbor
Spider - a love from the past and a friend for life
Paco and Shorty - two neighborhood punks
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