Horror and Thriller Flash Fiction posted October 26, 2020

This work has reached the exceptional level
When does the fun begin?

Halloween Party

by LJbutterfly

A dull cold moon, sparsely covered by floating gray clouds, barely illuminated the dark, winding road as I drove up the steep Pennsylvania mountain side on my way to a Halloween party. A co-worker had invited me and gave me directions. As instructed, I turned off the main highway onto a narrow passage and navigated the grueling twists and turns of the upward spiraling Pocono Mountain road.

Without warning, a Dodge Ram pickup truck pulled up behind me with blinding high beams blazing. The truck was so close that it tapped my rear bumper, sending me into panic mode. Was the driver trying to run me off the road, over the railing, and down a cliff? What was he doing, and why?

After several heart-pounding miles of this, I came upon a brightly lit clearing at a convenience store. I parked on the lot, went inside, and waited long enough for my nemesis to continue up the mountain and disappear.

Satisfied that I had waited a reasonable amount of time, I got back into my vehicle and resumed my journey. After a few miles, I saw blinking taillights up ahead of me. When I reached the lights, they were from the Dodge Ram. I drove around it.

The road came to a dead end. I got out of my car to look around, stepping on spikey brush, weeds, and dead vines surrounded by tall gangling trees. Within minutes, the truck pulled up beside my car.

With the motor idling, the driver got out wearing a black wide-brimmed hat, casting a creepy shadow over ghostly white paint that covered his face. He had a satanic painted red smile extending to his ears.

He was made-up to look like Jack Nicholson's Joker in the movie, Batman. He walked toward me, his howling laugh bouncing off the trees.

"This is the perfect night for a Halloween scare, isn't it?" he said.

I said nothing. Instead, I pulled a rhinestone mask from my pocket and put it on for effect. A half mask that shimmered around my eyes.

"Hey!" he said, continuing in my direction. "I think you're a real sport."

When he was close enough, I smiled and opened my mouth to extend my razor-sharp fangs. I grabbed him; my thick green claws extended. The terrified look on his face was priceless.

His blood was warm and sweet. Leaving him lying limp on the ground, I got into my car and drove down the mountain.

My co-worker will be next.

Halloween Flash Fiction contest entry

Pays one point and 2 member cents.

Artwork by Susan F. M. T. at FanArtReview.com

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