General Poetry posted June 18, 2016

This work has reached the exceptional level
Blank Verse


by kiwisteveh

Remember Chicken Little, how she cried,
"The sky is falling! Run to tell the King!"
And then the fearful fowl such panic spread,
That sent the feathers flying, north and south.

For ev'ry friend she met took up the spiel -
A duck, a goose, a turkey; these and more,
All joined the throng; their clucking filled the wood
With noise, until a fox pricked up his ears.

Oh, yes, old Foxy-Loxy licked his lips,
And slyly smiled to join the cavalcade.
With poultry on the menu for a week,
Well might he think a golden age had come.

Let's leave the ending shrouded; who would hear
The tale of splattered blood and splintered bone?
The sky remains in place, the fox grows fat,
On Facebook, each new day, more acorns fall.


Blank Verse Poetry Contest contest entry


I guess this challenges the notion that Blank verse has to be stuffy and formal.

NOT the Disney version - sorry.

I found it interesting that the tale of Chicken Little aka Chicken-Licken aka Henny-Penny has its roots in Buddhist scripture from 25 centuries ago. Literature doesn't get much older than that!

Apparently Buddha told the tale of a hare that heard a fruit falling and deduced the world was coming to an end. His fear-mongering continued until halted by a lion. No word on whether Buddha referred to them as Harey-Parey and Liony-Hermione...
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