General Non-Fiction posted November 3, 2011 Chapters:  ...9 10 -11- 

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Submitted as an Letter to the Editor, Op-ed worthy

A chapter in the book Mike's Moments

Was Cain Able?

by Mike K2

In your Wednesday, November 2nd edition there was an article and editorial discussing alleged allegations of sexual harassment by unidentified women. You stated the need for this to come out and be made public.

I consider the reporting of the claims to be shoddy and incomplete journalism as the burden of proof isn't met. The allegations are just that without proof and the journalism is neither complete enough for a conclusion, and there is no knowledge of the claims in the first place. If I were an editor, I surely wouldn't have run with it.

Personally, I would have loved to know more, understand how  confidentiality settlements  has affected this, but I also know how easily something said can be misinterpreted as sexual harassment.

As a man, I have suffered the horrible experience of simply developing an interest in a woman and asking her out; having something that should be considered a flattering comment being changed to an unwelcome advance and at one point, threatening my own job. I try to give credit where credit is due, and also had a simple compliment mistakenly seen as such. Needless to say, I always back off, but for some women they seem to want blood.

In this nation there is the concept of not only proof of guilt, but being able to directly address the accuser. While Herman Cain's allegations didn't even make this level, I feel an undue injustice has occurred with the journalistic standard in regards to him.

A gain in popularity shouldn't be a crime and to be honest, I had questions with similar events with some established or editorially approved politicians and not only had the media decided to dismiss the claims or not cover them; the victim was harassed, investigated, vilified and even charged without the media questioning that.

There are other issues which seem to warrant the media's lack of coverage for some politicians and yet, for other's they receive intense scrutiny on every aspect of their life. As a reader and follower of the news, I have to request the coverage is either one way or another for all.

With writing there is an aspect of journalism and I feel the best comes from a complete picture. With some electoral candidates, the picture isn't even a consideration for reporting, where as other's the slightest appearance of indiscretion produces a flood of coverage.

I feel that Herman Cain is unjustly subjected to this, as many people that I support.

I comment on the Baltimore Sun's editorial that say that with Herman Cain, even more as they simply state in their editorial titled, "Legitimate questions for Cain." The feel that all of the questions should be answered and stated, "If Mr. Cain was falsely accused, the story will ultimately be of no consequence."

In theory that is true, but I have seen many allegations made that prove to be false, but it isn't found out until after the election and those allegations did influence people's vote. I also have seen a double standard applied where with one party, the editors would side with the candidate, but with another it is a totally different take. I have also found myself in similar circumstance outside of the sexual harassment realm and it is difficult to defend yourself against claims when the people who bring them to you already seem to have their minds made up, not to mention they are a third party.

I would like to really see better reporting upfront instead of what we are subjected to having to accept as news.

12/4/11 Cain was not Able and on 12/3 he decided to suspend his election bid in the wake of more witnesses coming forward, included a woman talking of an affair. Still in my mind, I felt that he should have continued to fight and make part of his platform, putting the media on trial. Outside of what the other women were saying, there wasn't what I would consider hard enough evidence to corroborate their statements, and the personal lives of many who made statements about Cain really don't lead an exemplary life themselves, even taken into accost these are the people letches look for.

My biggest feeling is how something like what Cain was exposed to is OK for one candidate and off limits for others, unless media and its people use this to influence the game and help those they like. With Cain out of the way, I would like to see this vetting applied to Obama who has personally put so much of his prior life in confidentiality.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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