General Non-Fiction posted January 10, 2010 Chapters:  ...5 6 -7- 8... 

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Grappling with new rules!

A chapter in the book Performance Problems- My Life! LOL

Taking Life In Stride

by Mike K2

I couldn't wait to continue to walk Jean home, looking forward to the second time, but I quickly discovered that my world with her was going to be a world of rules. Even before school started, I glanced over and she walked by saying, "Stop looking at me like a vulture." Later it was, "Don't stand in line next to me unless the teacher puts us there." Yet, she walked up and stood next to me. "I don't want you to try to sit with me at lunch. I spend it with my girlfriends." At recess it was, "Don't try to play with me, unless my friends come up and want to play with you." It made me wonder if she really wanted me to walk her home.

At the end of the day, I walked down the steps and she wasn't there. I found out that she was fifteen feet down the street, pointing over at the other side. When I got parallel to her, she started walking. That was pretty much our routine, day after day... after day. Not my idea of showing love, but still, it was special.

Then one day it was all jeopardized. Jean looked at me and was very upset and started running with me following and yelling, "Jean, what's wrong? I'm sorry! Please tell me what I did so I don't do it again! Please... Jean!"

She stopped and broke into a bright smile and made that damned gesture of tugging on a dogs lease like I was her pet. I immediately became angry and with a loud report, "Jean, that's not true!" This is the first horrible time that I realized that I lost that fight. In saving face, I started dancing around like a marionette. Jean loved it and broke into a big smile and made gestures of a puppeteer. All we could do for our final fifty feet is look at each other and laugh.

Still, I was bothered that Jean had that much control over me, that's not the way love should play out and I began to wonder how Jean felt about me or if I had any influence with her. I remember my mom saying, "If the shoe's on the other foot..." Well the next day, I mimicked Jean's behavior on our last walk home and got upset and took off running.

Jean got just as upset and took off after me demanding to know what she did wrong. When I stopped and turned to her, she knew it was all over and started dancing around like a puppet. We both had a laugh over that, until I shook my head, "No" I pointed to her and then to myself to tell her that she is mine. Her mouth dropped, she turned red and the hands went on the hips.

She wouldn't let me look at her anymore that day, but my glances had her looking at me and chuckling and shaking her head. When it was time to turn off, I looked at Jean and said, "Jean? We're in trouble; aren't we?" Jean looked me and shook her head, making growling sound.

Mom started to inquire why I am late and I told her that I started walking home with Jean. It flipped me out when mom asked me, "Well, is it serious?"

I replied, "No, she won't let me carry her books home." I wasn't at all happy that my mother would find this funny. It only added to my humiliation.

Near Thanksgiving, I couldn't help but to evaluate how happy Jean made me. Every time I looked at her, I couldn't help but smile. Jean would blush, then become angry; she smiled when she didn't think I was looking. As we were about to turn off, I got her attention and said, "Jean, I love you!" She smiled, putting her head down and blushed!

That warmed my heart and made my head light, then she got this "Uh, oh" look which turned to an angry one as she put her book carrying hand or her hips and with her free hand started pumping her fist at me. I laughed and said, "Jean, I hate to tell you... That's what your brother is for." She didn't seem to like that comment.

It is amazing how happy everyone was with the last day of school before the Christmas Vacation. I wasn't, because I knew that I wouldn't be walking home from school for a while; a walk that I savored. I asked Jean if I could come over during the holiday and she said, "No." What caught my attention was; how sadly she said it.

"Well, then I want to wish you a Merry Christmas." She responded the same and I had to tell her the truth; "Jean, I didn't ask for anything for Christmas, you're the best present that anybody could have." Tears started to come down her face and being touched but that response, they flowed down my cheeks as well.

There were at times, brief exceptions to Jean's litany of rules. If one was worried about the other, we would always check up and make sure that the other was doing OK. If one was out from being sick, upon the return we made sure things were fine and mention that they were missed.

I never knew exactly how Jean felt about me, but I always couldn't wait until the end of the day for our walk home. Life is fine! This is what life is about!

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