General Non-Fiction posted May 3, 2009 Chapters: -Prologue- 1... 

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Overview of, Performance Problems -Production

A chapter in the book Performance Problems -Production


by Mike K2

For the most part this book is about 98ROCK, a radio station that didn't exist until I became age 12. In March of 1977, is when they went on the air. From that point, the station and its effect on me fell into not only my psyche, but created a strong identification with my peers as 98ROCK became iconic in proportions.

With the exception of the first two chapters, this book is solely about 98ROCK and their story and personalities; as all should share in their success and learn a few lessons. 98ROCK from the start and in a sense, has the feeling of a dedicated family run business. Though it seems like the most common descriptor the various staff and from listeners is, "Dysfunctional." What makes this outstanding for me is that the station has been part of the Hearst corporation from the start.

To me William Randolph Hearst was a dynasty and always appeared to me, while being a business man, he was a man of character and holder of that dynasty. Currently Hearst has in it's holdings; 44 interactive media companies, 29 TV stations, 28 business media companies, 25 Magazines, 21 News Papers and 8 Entertainment/Syndicates. They also at one time owned many radio stations, but their present holdings only consist of two Baltimore stations; 1090Am (WBAL) and 98ROCK (WIYY).

98ROCK to me, just doesn't fit the bill for a station owned by a major media company and in the course of my inquiring, I found out why. I wanted to know how much the Hearst Corporate Headquarters was involved or interfered in the day to day operations. One employee stated to me, "Well as long as we are making money for them, they stay out of our business."

I thought to myself, "What trust!"

I asked her, "What are the benefits?" She discussed how that allows them to be the best people that they can and be responsive to the market; whose trust they have to earn and maintain. The staff at 98ROCK is fairly outspoken and talk candidly, they are also respectful over people and personalities that have left. Many people working there, stay there a long time, which often due to the economics and employment practices is fairly rare at many radio stations. Advertising capabilities play a major role in this.

Very often with large media companies, the headquarters not only has their hands in a local stations business; they are divided by competing people within the same company, with differing goals and ideas; trying to go for the latest money making fad; or simply chasing that buck the owner wants to make. Baltimore has and will have other rock stations, but they tend to be sold or change format often.

Though this book is hardly a treatise on 98ROCK, in being a new founded business model or groundbreaking idea, this will have in it many ideas on becoming successful, or old ones such as qualities they used that lead to those successes.. One remarkable thing that struck me is how much the various employees respect, enjoying talking about Hearst and how much they love working for them. It seems that most of the staff and personalities have been around for twenty five years or since they were first employed and many have actually started from the bottom and worked themselves up. They also give new people a chance to gain experience as they have an intern program, though at times, they are more like victims for our entertainment.

The listener base is just as devout and it is nice to go to various events and see the same faces. The AM station is more associated with Hearst and though it has a certain stodginess and air about it. It is no less successful and has both its long time employed family and listener base. Their format is talk, news and sports.

This book also has its good, a little bad and it's Mickey. [A radio personality.] Basically he fits no model and personally, became an inspiration as I started writing poetry to consider making my struggle open minded and enjoyable, not worrying about what people see. So to speak, letting that spirit shine through.

For instance, instead of publishing, to first go with sound recordings as more people listen to books on CDs in their travels. Do a variety of poetic techniques and not be afraid of using emotions in working poems and more importantly, just talking about them, getting opinions and struggling openly until one has enough khutspe to get it out there. He also made me consider using comedic performance within poetry and then comedy itself.

Mickey is an example of teaching me not to quit, as I could see myself in his shoes with learning to run the board and not let one's shortfalls in not letting the other aspects shine through. [He still has problems with the board.] Many staff have talked about holding him back and trying to get him to execute his ideas. I have the same problem with poetry, but being only one person, I have to be both the personality and staff.

Talking poetry with people its poetry societies; there is a certain way to go about business, to present yourself, produce your works and certain ways to go about being published. Mickey became an inspiration for me to have an FM element and to think outside of the box and look at a bigger picture of a final product. In a sense he also showed me how to use leadership and craft conversations as I become a more poetic character and do bits with my poetry.

What got my attention with 98ROCK is that for a period, they had more then their fair share of problems, a newsman that had cancer and was in the process of passing; a new personality coming on the air, two old one's leaving and an afternoon personality suffering a severe head injury. Also numerous staff changes and shuffles. The listeners suffered along with them as they had to the patience to allow the situations work themselves out.

In much of radio far away from the big city and where there are few listeners; their programming is a bit different and though they have their news programs, it is more an informational show on everybody that lives in the area. You hear about Elmer's personal struggle and that Aunt Mary's cow just gave birth. With listening to the 98ROCK program, you also get a little of this as some listeners stand out and the listeners enjoy tracking them as well. Each of the 98ROCK personalities have their frequent callers. I also enjoy that element of, "folksy about it." 98ROCK is about the music and the band personalities, but they show just how much room there is in being an inclusive and roomy entity. I like how the morning show, has such a variety of topics. Though I have never been one, I find it funny that poetry has been mentioned from time to time. Maybe I do have an effect. Later in the book, included will be my Beer and Bacon poems which they have all well earned.

The first two chapters are about my own attempt at producing a fully staged rock concert... With little help and no personal experience. That one event that I somehow managed to pull off, has figured powerfully as an experience and created an interest in me of, the behind the scenes life of entertainment productions. That is why I decided to title this book, "Performance Problems -Production." I don't think any production doesn't have its series of problems to deal with or get around. To me the fun is in both the effort and execution. Great shows don't happen overnight. In the first chapter, you will learn how an enterprising teenage with a problem to deal with, utilized the radio station and tripped up or tongue tied that various personalities.

I think poetry is the same.

I would like to thank Sarah Fleischer for personally helping my by providing me with information and dates.

Also many of the staff for talking with me at various events that I attended over the years.

Hearst Corporation holdings were derived from the Hearst website. Please keep in mind that there are many partnerships that Heast is involved with.

Both 98ROCK and WBAL Radio maintain very nice websites. Just type in their call letters and Baltimore to find them.
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