General Poetry posted August 15, 2008

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A sextine is a communicatable disease!

Ever Performing- Always Evolving

by Mike K2

Going through life a jester, being no actor;
an endless improvisation with no script.
Driven by winds on the street, my stage;
but silently in the realm of finding love.
Hiding my feelings, expecting revelation from above;
I got by as best I could, trying to seek comfort.

Slowly creeping in was that feeling of comfort;
like a evolving show, an improving actor.
I found the main spot on me, directed from above;
as if finding the akashic records, a heavenly script.
Filled by toe and overhead lights, being awashed in love;
I kept looking up, to see if the Producer saw me on the stage.

Then a travesty, being self directed on the stage;
losing everything, my confidence and my comfort.
From my life's production, lost was my love.
Disparagingly, I stumbled around like a forgotten actor;
trying to develop a method, rehearsing an incomplete script.
I started sensing, no longer needing not to look up above.

Seemingly, guidance and opportunity was felt from above.
I suddenly realized, our world, was the stage!
Now enjoying my life, the ultimate improvisation, hell with the script!
Every person was my adoring audience and my comfort!
I put everything into my performance, no longer just an actor;
My fans became my full house of never ending love!

I had found the means to convey my great love;
just as intended from the Man from up above.
With loving thought, I quietly slip out, a coy actor;
secretly observing and learning life's lessons, beyond the stage.
Realizing my place in the world, provided heavenly comfort;
enthusiastically performing them as poetry, my preferred script.

It's great to find my calling, often without a prepared script;
touching beautiful hearts deserving of my love.
In turn your compliments and praise become my comfort;
every bit as important as the opinion coming from above.
Each one of you is a member or my cast on my stage;
do not fear my lime light, take credit as every hand makes the actor.

Far more then any concepted script; esteemed you are held above.
As I see in you the love; that can not be contained on any stage.
Providing my life with such a comfort that makes me feel, a bit actor...

I used sextine as an alternative for sestine to make easier my punch line. A sestine is a type of poem best explained by reading Judian James poem, "Trill."

In it, she explains the terms and the form and does a fine job of creating a sestina herself. This is my first attempt and was a labor of love... and thanks.

For my words I chose: 1) actor, 2) script, 3) stage, 4) love 5) above and 6) comfort. Mainly because I find them all hear, especially jester at times. lol This has represented several loves in my life, those ending tragically at the other's hands or due to death. It also represents many other parts of one's life. I love the layers of meaning that were created in this one, as it also speaks of a process of maturity and with getting over the fear of putting one's self out in the world. It is also a great chance to pay homage to your, my reviewers. I do regret that I can not post this one high for all to see.

In Eastern Religious thought, this is similar to the tree of knowledge. I presented this as a literally tangible book as I wished that I could have found it for use in my higher education. lol However, considering its concept, I have learned that knowledge of something specific runs parallel and keeping that very ofter the governing law and many aspects are similar, it sets forth the notion that the principles are more easily understood and reapplied to suit ones need. Art, sound production, math and writing have their rules, but also share the element of creativity. One quickly learns the rule that they need to and apply in relation to creativity to achieve their goals. A lot of useless studying is avoided, yet the broader scope of things are taken into account. This concept is best read in Charles W Leabeater's, "The Inner Life." He is a theosophist. Theosophy basically combines religious, scientific and philosophical thought, to form its ideas. I approach them open minded, yet with a grain of salt as they are too detailed on their insistence of their theories.
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