Commentary and Philosophy Non-Fiction posted December 5, 2022

This work has reached the exceptional level
Not for me...


by kiwisteveh

The artwork above, drawn by Australian cartoonist Michael Leunig, popped up on my Facebook feed today. Tempting as his De-Trumping remedies may be, I have no desire to be de-Trumped. You see I have been disgusted, dismayed and discombobulated for the last seven years by the malice, malignity and misdeeds of the former President.

However, I have also been educated, quite possible emotionally evolved, but most of all entertained by the crazy soap opera that has been the campaign, the presidency and the aftermath of The Count of Mostly Crisco - just one of the many names by which I know him.

I have the huge advantage of being able to observe the trainwreck this demented soul has made of your political system from a safe distance. Although his High Crimes and Misdemeanors may well produce geopolitical consequences such as destabilising traditional alliances and inspiring invidious imitators, I am confident that I will be protected from the worst of the Mango Man's debilitating effects here in Island Fortress Aotearoa.

In fact, to be de-Trumped now would be as bad as missing the final season of Breaking Bad, a show of only slightly fewer deaths, disasters and dramatic deceptions than this Saga of Napoleon Bonespurs. What would I do with all my spare time if I simply stopped following the folly, the feculence and the fanatical fat-headedness that has shocked, shaken, staggered and stupefied me for the last seven years?

And of course the final season promises to not only bring more of the same, but also presages a more than satisfactory denouement to the long-running farce. Already the ex-Oaf of Office has called for the cancellation of the Constitution and urged his untethered disciples to unleash unbridled infractions of felonious ferocity at the first sign of any authority attempting to indict the Orange Jackass. But the legal walls are closing in from multiple directions. Like every single one of Shakespeare's tragedies, the audience can sense the looming come-uppance. Birnam Wood has come to Dunsinane and in Special Counsel Jack Smith MacTrumpkopf may well have met his own Macduff.

Yeah, I'm going to want to stay tuned in for these last few episodes!

Please don't be fooled by the tongue in cheek words above. Sometimes, if you didn't laugh, you'd have to cry. In my humble but well-informed opinion, Donald Trump and the brand of politics he has augmented to a bewildering new level. I am well aware that democracy is at stake and not just in one country. Where the U.S. goes others are already straining at the leash to follow. The ripple effects are even now frighteningly visible in the usually restrained political scene in my own country and certainly in other nations where the democratic system is less well ingrained.

I believe Trumpism, for want of a better term, sends our world lurching towards a geopolitical precipice not seen since the 1930s and we all know how that ended up. Take care, my friends.
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