Premier Shield

Protect Your Writing
Easily save your writing here on FanStory to your computer. This is an add-on to your Premier Membership that provides a lifetime+ of security and backups.

Save To Your Computer Save any post to your computer while keeping all the formatting. Whatever post you choose will be saved on your computer with the font choices and color choices along with any images that you have selected. You can even save an entire book! This button (that only you can see) will be added to your portfolio and writing.

Lifetime+ This feature does not expire. Get lifetime+ hosting for your writing. Your writing will always be available and backed up here at FanStory. If your upgraded account is unpaid, the ability to post will no longer be active, but your writing will be available to you. In addition, your registered copyright will remain intact.

Safety You invest a lot of time in your writing. You don't want to lose it because of a computer failure. We will backup your writing daily. This gives you the comfort that your writing is safe, secure, and saved.

Eternal Flame BONUS! We are including our Eternal Flame upgrade! If FanStory is contacted by a family member we will "light" the Eternal Flame for the account. This special status shows that the author is no longer with us but the writing will continue be available to be read. Example.

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Only $12.40 for 30 months


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The FanStory Store For Writers

Shop unique products for writers. One of a kind products with quotes from famous authors. Shop here.

Get a mug, sweatshirt or tee customized with your poem! Yes, your poem on a Mug | Sweatshirt | Tee

Your Poem On A Mug


Any poem on a mug! Choose your mug here.

Truth can't be seen
A Mod. quatern in pentameter
Chapter 13 A
Sami's mom has an accident.