Nice U.S. Political Poem

Poetry Contest

Okay, so here's a challenge for you!

Write a three stanza poem about Democrats, Republicans, and what you want for this country.

Here are the terms:

There should be one stanza about Democrats with ABSOLUTELY NO insults, passive aggressive statements, or sarcasm.

One stanza about Republicans with ABSOLUTELY NO insults, passive aggressive statements, or sarcasm.

Third stanza should be about what you want for the United States. You do not have to live here or be from here to participate in this contest.

All three stanza should be equal in length.

I want to see positivity. If it helps keep in mind the golden rule

"If you can't think of anything nice to say, then say nothing at all."

I will be monitoring this contest myself. What I say goes.

Please note: if anyone compares anyone to a nazi they will be automatically disqualified.

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