Lori S: So excited to discover this lovely little community of fellow word-junkies! Writing, especially poetry, is more than a creative outlet; it?s a deeply therapeutic and meditative activity that (like actual therapy) allows me to work through things- sometimes good, sometimes meh, sometimes really painful things. I consider a lot of my writing abstract and I prefer to just let the words flow. I feel most at ease and in-the-zone when I?m writing in this sort of stream-of-conscience style. I wish I could hone that type of writing in a way that it related to a wider audience though. I think the most talented writers are those who transport us (by evoking feelings or mental imagery) to new places and/ or experiences that some how seem familiar or even our own. I think that while I revel in artistic license and my own little ramblings and mental meanderings, the times I feel most authentic and vulnerable in my writing, are the times I?m being intentional; almost painfully aware of what I?m writing. I don?t know if this will resonate with other writers out there but I hope it does. It?s like I feel most free creatively when I?m not trying to be heard or understood. However, it?s being in an UNnatural state that pushes me to be a better writer, or at least a more relatable one. The less fun it is; the more deliberate I am; the amount of agonizing over every word, the more people seem to appreciate the end result. I think what this boils down to is that I am good at making things LOOK and SOUND pretty, or intriguing, or meaningful but making an actual connection with someone through my work is the ultimate compliment and reward. And that is no so easy. That takes more than talent; it takes vulnerability, courage and practice. So my goal here on FS is this: to grow as a creative being by getting out of that comfort zone; seeking the advice and example of other creative beings; and finding out how to tap into my true authentic voice so that I might reach, not just impress, but really REACH others through my work. I want to become a better writer, obviously. But I also want to get better at sharing myself and connecting with people through that writing. Peace love and air hugs, L |
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